Possess the Heart of Jesus

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CSG 2164

From this viewpoint, what kind of
stance do you all need to take in meet-
ing this new age? Your conviction for the
dawning of the homeland must be burn-
ing in your chest more passionately than
any other thing. In other words, you have
to feel pride in becoming a flag bearer
who builds the homeland that God has
longed for six thousand years. You have
to take pride in bearing the responsibili-
ty for this incredible pioneering mission
as a member of the crack troops stand-
ing on the front line. Many people in the
past hoped for this mission, but even so,
it was not available to them. You have
to have a very solemn sense of responsi-
bility for having taken on this one-time-
only privileged mission.
So every aspect of your lifestyle, eat-
ing and sleeping, coming and going, has
to be for the establishment of the home-
land. How much do you think God has
been longing for you to step forward
and cheerfully, coolly declare you will
carry out this mission as an emissary
dispatched especially by God Himself?
Up until now, God has been mercilessly
pushed aside, heartlessly chased away.
He needs to establish the will of Heav-
en, the will He has never been able to
unfold, a will that presents its entire con-
tents on the basis of a complete national
foundation, the Will that can establish
the homeland. He has never been able to
fulfill this will even once.

CSG 1187

Alaska, where the ceremony of The
Ceremony of the Settlement of the Eight
Stages was held, is becoming famous. The
last time I came here I said I would build
a church at the North Pole. If the Sovi-
et Communist Party opposes it, I will
take the responsibility. I will build the
Unification Church at the North Pole.
You have to spend your life in order to
build the foundation of blessing for all
people of the world, but before you die,
come to our Church at the North Pole
and offer your devotion for forty days
and then you can die. Think about this.
An ideal city will be created in a world
of icebergs. Then, even though it will be
thousands of miles away, everything can
be supplied by the air. You should try
living like this. It would be a wonderful
thing. With the power of science today,
that would be nothing. We can use pre-
fabricated systems. So we will build an
airfield and try to live there, so what
problem could arise? We are creating
a base in the tourist area of Kodiak…
think about it. It will become a gate-
way unprecedented in history. (193-217,

To Whom Do You Belong?

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
March 16, 1958

What must you do to endure through a long period of time? It is not enough with some truth or some doctrine. You must look upon the people representing the heart of Heaven. You must possess the heart of Jesus, who prayed for the sake of the people and the church and for the sake of reversing the decline of the nation of Israel. Having done that, hand-in-hand like the early church, you have to forget your situation and dignity and go forward on behalf of Heaven. When you do that, the people will come alive.

Although Jesus wanted to curse the opposing Israelites, because he sensed the heart of God, who had been persevering for 4,000 years in His providence, he was able to wish them blessings instead. In other words, he was able instead to shed tears and pray for the sake of his enemies in the garden of Gethsemane and on the hill of Calvary, the hill of the cross.

How could Paul who had Roman citizenship and abided by all the customs and laws of that nation abandon his reputation, the Judaism in which he believed and all of his knowledge, and stand in the position of being driven out? This was because Paul understood Jesus’ great heart of love. Therefore, though he did not have any place upon which to rely, no place to rest his body and, even when he was being swept around by a strong storm, he forgot his own comfort and spread the words of Jesus.

The apostle Paul did not fulfill his portion of responsibility by virtue of his character. You have to understand that he had the one standard which others did not possess, the one standard which could link him with the heart of Jesus Christ who appeared in place of God’s love. Therefore, he could become the apostle Paul. No matter how much knowledge and money one has, these cannot achieve it. Therefore, you also must live centered on the heavenly laws. Your minds and bodies must move toward that direction.

We cannot escape our relationships with the three great parents of Heaven, the earth and people. How are we going to pay back the debt for their grace? Until now, humanity, people and citizens who were in debt, all perished. Because the providence to seek and establish this ideology remains, material fortune on the world level is coming toward humankind today. The time is near when all things will strike humankind. The reason is that humans have forgotten their position and committed sins before all things, before the world, and humanity in the last days. Therefore, the will of restoration through indemnity remains.

Consequently, people must emerge who can step over and rise above material suffering. Apostles must emerge who can connect with the love of God, as in the early days of the church.

The advanced nation of America is operating according to democratic ideas; but if it advocates the supremacy of materialism, then it will be struck by materials. The time has come when we must think about a way to use these materials for the entire human race. Nations like America must assist other nations. However, if they help others for the sake of attaining some selfish benefit, then the heavenly principles will not tolerate it.

To realize this ideology, humanity has passed through a democratic economic society and is progressing toward an economic society of the original material culture. Accordingly, people must set the substantial standard that can advocate the original value of materials and represent the original ideology so that they can attain the form where materials, humankind and Heaven can join as one.

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