Possess God’s Heart Towards Humanity

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CSG 335

Love can fill anywhere, and reach
everywhere. What do you think happens
when loving people embrace each other?
Do they just hold each other’s hands and
say, “I love you”? Perhaps they would
like to be hugged so strongly that their
eye balls pop out and water comes out
from their nose and mouth. When they
embrace, they don’t just stand still but
turn around. The universe will turn only
when they become one in love like this.
(81-18, 1975.11.23)

CSG 1473

The Unification Church is presenting
the world with absolute values, and at the
same time, True Parents. Where is the
final destination of the standard of abso-
lute values, the one desired by everyone?
It is to become sons and daughters of
True Parents. It is to become God’s chil-
dren, who can harbor eternal life and
love. There is no other way. At the time of
the Fall, Adam and Eve did not establish
their conjugal relationship with God’s
permission. They did so of their own
accord. The only relationship that began
with God’s consent was that between
father and son. Yet, that was shattered,
and therefore needs to be restored and
rectified. (68 -138, 1973.7.29)

The Heart of Jesus Who Must Restore All Tasks

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
March 23, 1958

Jesus knew that he had the mission to transcend himself and restore the family, society, nation, world, and even the infinite spirit world. Therefore, Jesus sought individuals in order to find a people. He sought a people for the sake of finding the world. Jesus has made effort for the 2,000 years since his death to find the world and transform the whole of heaven and earth into a place God governs. Accordingly, there was no way that he could reveal the deep content of the heart and will of God to the people who came before him and were supposed to fulfill this cosmic plan. You have to understand that Jesus was in this kind of miserable situation. This is why Jesus said, “I have yet many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. (John 16:12)

Jesus tried to fully accomplish the duties that loyalty toward Heaven called for because he was burning with a sense of cosmic mission. He wanted to represent the providence of God, which had to restore all things of the whole world. Yet the people were ignorant of this.

How about you today? Are there those among you who assert, “I have believed in Jesus for several decades. I am a minister. I am an elder. God will certainly recognize me”? If there are such people, you must bow your heads before God and shed tears. Who would have ever thought that the Israelites who had boasted of their status as the chosen people for 4,000 years would perish? Who would have ever thought that even the disciples, who had shared all joys and hardships with Jesus during the three years of his public life, would betray him? No one knew.

How did this history of contradiction come into being? It was because the concepts and hopes of Jesus were different from the concepts and hopes of the disciples. This is why the disciples betrayed Jesus.

Have you ever shed tears feeling the tormented heart of those who heard the struggling voices of all things at the time of Jesus and prayed, “Please liberate them”? Have you ever heard the shouting voices of the many millions of the spirits who are mourning in the spirit world? Jesus heard them. Jesus shed tears because he knew about the whip of judgment that in the last days would pour down fire and brimstone. Have you ever felt the situation of Jesus, who could not speak in his own defense, even as he was being dragged here and there under miserable circumstances?

In the last days of this period, when we must guide the fate of Christianity to a new direction, it is right for us to possess nothing. Ladies and gentlemen, the only problem the only thing that matters, is that even if your body is torn and trampled upon, you must be able to represent the situation and heart of God. If there is no one among you who can die to represent the heart of God, the whole universe will shed tears. If you have forged the inseparable relationship of tears that represents the heart of God and experienced that heart of tears, you will not hesitate to face even death. When Jesus came to the earth on behalf of this sorrowful heart and fell down, the whole of heaven and earth became darkened. This shows that heaven and earth could understand the heart of Jesus. However, human beings did not. Consequently, Jesus could not deflect the way of the cross.

Therefore, before you pray for your sons and daughters today, you must first pray for the sake of the historical ancestors who exerted themselves. You must have the heart that wishes for the humanity of the earth to lead a prosperous life before you lead a prosperous life. Before you dance, you must first turn your eyes toward all people who are inside the realm of sorrow and become concerned for them. Moreover, you must possess the heart that can represent the situation of Jesus, who could not express joy when he was happy. Today, in the last chapter of the history of humankind, there must appear one such person on the earth to avert the sorrow of God and Jesus and the agony of the universe.

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