Understand Jesus’ Grieving Heart

Join us for the STAR Interfaith Leadership Training Conference November 24 to 26 in Harpers Ferry, WV.
This conference details the physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual benefits of a lifestyle of sexual abstinence before marriage.  Your children under age 19 can attend with you for free!  What a great opportunity to discuss crucial issues with your children!
Informed choice between a lifestyle of sexual abstinence before marriage and one of non-abstinence is a crucial issue for societal stability and personal happiness.
This conference provides a practical and Biblical framework for understanding the benefits of practicing sexual abstinence before marriage and faithfulness within marriage.
Register or find out more:  http://www.urbanlifetraining.org/index.php/281-star-interfaith-leadership-training-conference

CSG 1634

The Divine Principle explanation
set forth by the Unification Church,
that God is the Subject who has harmo-
nized dual characteristics, runs along
the same lines as the undeniable truth
drawn from results of scientific analysis.
When subject and object partners are
completely united, God’s power will be
with them eternally. Power cannot exist
where there is no subject or object. Then
how does God exist? He can exist eter-
nally because within Him is the power
that comes from a perpetual giving and
receiving relationship between subject
and object partners. (39-166, 1971.1.10)

CSG 2083

What are we to do, living in a divided
nation, with North and South bordering
each other along the thirty-eighth paral-
lel? The question is how will we go about
resolving this issue? That is, we must
suffer more than both the North and
South Korean people. Through hard-
ships, our patriotism will be solidified
to encompass the nation and become
the shortcut to save Korea. This is the
solution. It is the same for the unifica-
tion of the world of evil and the world of
good. Loyal patriots who are more faith-
ful than the loyal patriots of the world
of evil must emerge. This broken history
can be restored with the appearance of a
person who can demonstrate a stronger
allegiance to the world than that held by
our loyal ancestors. That’s how I see it.
(61-125, 1972.8.13)

Let Us Become Someone Who Can Hold Jesus’ Body and Mourn

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
April 13, 1958

What kind of person was Jesus? When we behold him, his were the eyes that observed the sung sang of God, who had passed through 4,000 years of history since the creation. His eyes watched over the many spirits who were in hell because of the mistakes of humankind. His were the eyes that looked with a sense of responsibility to alleviate the bitter grief of the spirits in heaven. Moreover, when Jesus was looking at the land on behalf of God’s sorrow, when he saw how the chosen Israelites and all humanity opposed him, Jesus’ gaze represented the sorrow of God, who had been mourning for 4,000 years since the fall of Adam and Eve.

The chosen Israelites should have received the blessing of God; they should have taken the position of a family by living with Jesus for eternity. Why did they oppose him? You must become friends of Jesus, who could not hold the recalcitrant Israelites and speak to them. You must be friends of the Jesus who held onto the temple and mourned over their ignorance. Have your eyes become the eyes for which Jesus hopes? Jesus’ eyes looked in place of the sorrowful sung sang of God; they saw the situation in which he had to fulfill the restoration of Paradise and the earth. They surveyed the situation in which even hell was to receive benefit from him.

Are your ears pierced with sorrowful voices? The ears of Jesus heard the voice of God coming from Heaven. He heard the unfortunate, crying voices of countless spirits. You must understand that, when he heard those voices of sorrow and screams crying out for him, he could never be at peace. When he was looking at the earth, he heard the screaming voices of the people, who not only brought evil upon themselves and trampled upon goodness, but also betrayed Heaven. Therefore, you must realize that Jesus felt a sense of mission to allay the bitterness of Heaven and bring the opposing forces to repentance.

What did he speak with his mouth? Jesus spoke new words halfway between Paradise and the fall. In this way, he guided the spirits of Paradise into the Kingdom of Heaven and spoke in defense of the spirits in hell. He spoke to send the spirits in Paradise, the invisible world, into heaven. In other words, he spoke to resurrect. Moreover, he spoke in defense of the spirits in hell, even in defense of Satan. Therefore, the words he spoke were the words of condition that fulfilled the heart’s desires of the spirit world. They were the words that could liberate humanity on the earth, which was shackled to Satan’s realm of death.

These words of liberation should have been welcomed on the earth without hesitation. On the contrary, all they met was opposition. How could that be? This is the reason those on earth could not forge a relationship with Heaven.

What were Jesus’ hands and feet like? His hands were healing hands placed upon the sick. They were hands that gave life to the dead. They were hands that gave bread to the hungry. Moreover, his feet left footsteps full of prayer for the sake of his enemies, even as he was being harassed by the opposing Israelites and Satan from this village to that, from this valley to that. They were hands that wished blessing upon his enemies, hands and feet that were hung on the cross and pierced with nails.

What about Jesus’ body? His body could not enjoy one day of rest, no matter where he went. Since what he saw and heard before him was not at all in accordance with the heavenly principles, he was driven out wherever he went. You have to understand that because of this, Jesus could not find a place to rest his head. He could not enjoy a day of rest when his heart could be at peace. Jesus was not welcomed anywhere. Therefore, though he had many things to say, he did not say them all. He could not speak words about Heaven to people who could not even understand words concerning the earth. Meanwhile, Jesus was charged as the traitor of the people. Neither the people of faith nor the authorities of the time welcomed him.

However, Jesus carried out a strategy to become one with all the multitudes. God has been carrying out such two-pronged strategies. Therefore, although it might seem that He is retreating from the front-line, eventually He can bring such results that, in the end, even Satan works for His sake.

Consequently, in the history of the world, those who struck first were defeated more than eighty percent of the time. At the time of World Wars I and II, the side which struck first was defeated. When we realize this principle, we can immediately come up with the answer to the question of who, among the two camps today, is on the side of Satan. We can discern at once when we observe for whose sake they are carrying on their activities. Satan’s side does not live for the sake of the whole; it lives for the sake of itself. It tries to sacrifice the whole for its own sake.

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