The Land is Stained by the Blood of the Good

We successfully concluded the STAR Interfaith Leadership Training Conference!  Thank you for your prayers and participation.  Here is a picture:

CSG 77

However all-knowing and all-pow-
erful God may be, He absolutely obeys
true love. How does that sound: good
or bad? Would this true love be good
when heard from the east and bad when
heard from the west? It is good wheth-
er you hear it from the west, from the
south, or from the north, from above, or
from below. Day and night, throughout
the four seasons, and beyond the time
of our youth and old age, it will, for all
eternity, be pleasing to hear the sound of
true love. (211-75, 1990.12.29)

Proverbs 4

My child, listen closely
to my teachings
    and learn common sense.
My advice is useful,
    so don’t turn away.
When I was still very young
    and my mother’s favorite child,
    my father said to me:
“If you follow my teachings
    and keep them in mind,
    you will live.
Be wise and learn good sense;
    remember my teachings
    and do what I say.

Let Us Become the True Sons God Wants

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
April 20, 1958

Considering the question of to what extent the dominating powers of evil have reached, you have to realize that if the God of creation exists, the powers of evil have reached to just below the knees of that God. If there is a heavenly throne, Satan is trying to manifest his powers even behind that heavenly throne. Since the time in which the disaster of sin took place, God and human beings have been suffering from the agony evil causes. If there is some providential will of God toward human beings, in what direction is it moving? You have to understand that it is heading toward the one day when God can cast judgment upon evil, the one day when people themselves can judge evil.

Why are billions of people today suffering under the dominion of sin? The cause lies in the fact that Adam failed to inherit the eternal ideology of God inside the realm of God’s love and pass it down to all of his descendants as his great feat. You must never forget that, because of this, the world has become the opposite of the will of God. Until today, humanity has been living out a history of death.

The day the history of death began, this earth became a land of suffering, not a land of peace. From the day death expanded, everywhere on the earth, wherever human beings went, they experienced the historical course of conflict, never peace. You have to understand that on the individual level, there were individual conflicts; on the family level, there were family conflicts. These conflicts enlarged in scope to become conflicts on the level of the people and the world. There was no place in this world, during all of history, where there was no conflict.

Who were the people who were driven out, torn apart, and made sacrifices in this historical course of conflicts? They were not the people who pursued evil on earth; they were those who followed the truth.

You know this very well through the Principle. When we consider the historical course this earth we are living in has taken, we must experience indignation and enmity toward the evil that fills this earth, which is perpetrated through our bodies. When you step on the land, have you ever thought that the land is not stained by the blood of evil, it is stained by the blood of the good? Such occasions of thought are rare indeed.

You probably know very well that the sacrifices who should have been offered during the historical course of conflict centered on Heaven should, of course, have been the people who belonged to the side of evil. On the contrary, however, those who were sacrificed first were the downtrodden ones who were searching for goodness.

What happened to humankind as the result of the crime of the one person, Adam? Humankind could not prevent the flood judgment of Heaven that was cast down at the time of Noah some 1600 years later. Although God caused the flood judgment, because the root of sin was not cut off completely in the family of Noah, the sorrow of God could not be fully eradicated.

Consequently, after the judgment of Noah, God called upon Abraham and Jacob. He made them walk a course of pitiable sacrifice on the earth. Moses also passed through the course of a sacrificial life. Jesus, too, walked the course of a sacrificial life.

Therefore, those people who were trying to build the world of goodness based upon an admirable idea, be they individuals, families, a society or a nation, all had to walk the course of sacrifice first. Now the time has come when the conflict of Adam’s family, centering on Abel and Cain, must emerge on the world scale today. Therefore, in the conflict which is now unfolding between good and evil on the world level, the sacrificial offerings for the sake of goodness will be those who are seeking goodness.

You should meditate deep in your heart upon the fact that those who built the altar of tears for the sake of humankind, those who wanted to live according to the heart of Heaven, forgetting everything of this world, fought on even when they were mistreated. If you have never done so, there is no way you can become connected to the will of the goodness of God as He clung to the providential will.

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