God’s Great Indignation

We successfully concluded the STAR Interfaith Leadership Training Conference!  Thank you for your prayers and participation.  Here is a picture:  https://flic.kr/p/ZyMsZi.

Enjoy this important VisionRoot Video Blog:  Crowns, Rods of Iron & the Persecution of Christians:  https://youtu.be/eLou3xVViQo

Galatians 5

22 God’s Spirit makes us loving, happy, peaceful, patient, kind, good, faithful, 23 gentle, and self-controlled. There is no law against behaving in any of these ways. 24 And because we belong to Christ Jesus, we have killed our selfish feelings and desires. 25 God’s Spirit has given us life, and so we should follow the Spirit. 26 But don’t be conceited or make others jealous by claiming to be better than they are.

Psalm 94

When I felt my feet slipping,
    you came with your love
    and kept me steady.
19 And when I was burdened
    with worries,
    you comforted me
    and made me feel secure.
20 But you are opposed
    to dishonest lawmakers
21     who gang up to murder
    innocent victims.

22 You, Lord God, are my fortress,
    that mighty rock[b]
    where I am safe.
23 You will pay back my enemies,
    and you will wipe them out
    for the evil they did.

Richard:  This could well apply to the Merck company and their production and promotion of harmful vaccines and other drugs, too.  Watch this interview with Dr. Chanda Adkins of West Virginians for Health Freedom:

Let Us Become the True Sons God Wants
Rev. Sun Myung Moon
April 20, 1958


When we pioneer the ideology that can bring joy to everyone in the sinful world in which we live, God performs His works. What must we, who were created by God, do to remain inside the heart of God? It is possible only when we unite our minds and bodies, can assert ourselves before God and emerge as the ones who have perfected the blessing given to Adam. In other words, we must be in harmony with God as a second Adam figure. If you cannot accomplish this, you cannot forge a relationship of heart with God.

In the last days, God is looking for the one person who possesses the laws of God, who has not been invaded by fall, and has no connection with the sinful history. What does this world ultimately desire? What do human beings long for? It is to become the true children of God. In other words, our wish is to become the true people who possess the love of Heaven. What we must do to become true human beings is the question upon which we must reflect.

There must have been a purpose for which human beings were born and a purpose for which they must live, a purpose they must fulfill. However, human beings do not know what they must do and for what they must live. Therefore, if there is a God, He will surely feel great indignation. God has never rested at any one period or moment and has been longing and searching for the one person who can represent Heaven and earth. Because people are ignorant of this, they have become negligent, though they should sense how great their sins are.

When we look at human beings, who are still relating shamelessly with Heaven, we must realize that because not one person has appeared who can become the seed on behalf of God, the providential history of God has been prolonged, even as God longed to bring the judgment all at once.

Sacrificing many people in the historical course, God has been using this as the condition to search for the one true person. Yet people have related with Heaven with shameless hearts. God could not love the people He created. Accordingly, as He was working through the providence of restoration, He tried to accomplish the will that He envisioned without fail. Because what should have multiplied from goodness multiplied from evil, God has been working to narrow this through the opposite course to make the one base of goodness and connect it to the point of fruition. What is the sorrow of God? God’s sorrow is not having the one true person who can represent and possess the ideology of creation with which God created all things of the universe, and also can appear before God with the governing authority of that ideology. Those who offer prayers on a divine level will hear the voice saying that the wish of God in the last days is to raise the lost hero of goodness.

In the course of history until now, there has not been perfect goodness. Although there were those who acted according to what they called goodness in a life of meditation or faith, they did not have any relationship with absolute goodness. Although the course of history until now might appear one of conflict between evils, there has been a different internal, invisible conflict going on. The life of meditation or faith today is not a way of life that can introduce people to the goodness that can guarantee eternal victory. It is the way of life of indemnity in which good is sacrificed in the face of evil.




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