Remain Filial to the Father

CSG 440

Section 1. The Family is the
Central Model for All Beings

When you stand in the world of
space, you need top and bottom, left and
right, and front and back. Only then is
the status of your position stable. Your
shape will vary depending on the posi-
tion in which you stand: top and bottom,
left and right, front and back. When
dealing with matters that concern the
relationships of top and bottom, left and
right, front and back, and also problems
in the family, nation and world, there is
only one solution. Just as there has to
be top and bottom, left and right, and
front and back with the individual at the
center, there also have to be parents and
children, husband and wife, and broth-
ers and sisters.

CSG 1898

I have had so many difficult chal-
lenges in my life. A person cannot buy
these kinds of experiences, even with
a tremendous amount of money. Since
the weather was so bad, there weren’t
any boats out. When I threw out the
fishing line into the water, a number of
fish bit the hook as soon as the line was
dropped. Wouldn’t you expect this to
happen? Usually, a number of them bite
onto the bait from many different boats,
but since our boat was the only one at sea
that morning, all these starved fish, who
are capable of searching for food up to
distances of about four kilometers, were
all rushing to bite onto my bait. So when
I threw the fish hooks into the water, they
all bit onto them right away. I did not
pay attention whether the typhoon was
blowing or not. I continued to pour out
my sweat. It took four hours to get there,
and four hours to fish. From there, we
dragged the fish, with the engine run-
ning, for twenty miles. (233-306, 1992.8.2)

Let Us Be Persons of Forbearance

Sun Myung Moon
May 18, 1958

Matthew 24: 1-14

Why did God have to put Jesus in such an environment where he had to endure with patience as he tried to establish a new providential ideology? That was because human history began with the fall. Jesus had no choice but to conclude fallen history. There is a remarkable difference between Jesus in the Bible, the written history, and Jesus at that time. If the religious people then had believed in Jesus as much as the Christians today believe in him, Jesus would not have died on the cross.

The people who felt remorse after having killed Jesus and sought him were fallen people. Those who rejected Jesus have gone to hell. Although their followers have stepped forth, boasting that they were the chosen ones who represented the truth, history has revealed that Jesus, who did not look like a truthful man, represented the truth and that those who rejected him were in a non-truthful position. The actions of Heaven have flowed down in the course of history in a seemingly contradictory fashion. Although the chosen people knew the ideological truth centered on Jesus, they were distanced from the substantial truth.

If some adverse fate comes to a nation today, if the people of that nation do not feel sorry about it but rather endure with patience, united, understanding the providence of the heavenly principles, that people will not perish. The Old Testament foundation, which God established through the Israelites for 4,000 years, should have become the sacrificial offering for the sake of carrying out the internal mission of Heaven. Instead, that foundation had become corrupted and had degenerated into formalism. Although there were many people who lamented deeply and felt sorry over this at the time, still there was no one who followed Jesus.

God forewarned us that the last days are coming. He warned us that humankind would not be able to avoid the day of judgment. When we analyze God’s providential history, why did we have to go through such a historical, providential course? It is because God goes forth enduring with patience in a position that is contrary to Satan’s. When the satanic world changes to Heaven’s side, a new history will be created by going through the process of enduring with patience in an absolute way. For that reason, the offspring of a loyal subject will not perish and the children of a faithful woman will not perish. A filial son and a dutiful daughter will not be destroyed.

Therefore, this people, the Koreans, must survive historically. Though this people has a long history of 4,000 years, this nation does not have unique national characteristics. When you think of the providence regarding this nation, what do you think this nation will have to do? What would it mean when it is said that this nation has an opportunity? Since this nation stands in a situation where it receives suffering from the same race and before the world, this may become the foundation of happiness for these people. This is the situation with which our people are faced.

Therefore, you must now become large-hearted. Many people from different countries came and sacrificed for the sake of Korea. What is more, this country is still receiving foreign assistance. Therefore, you must have a heart that can pray for blessing upon them, extending your hands over their heads. You must not be disappointed, complaining that all God’s internal conditions for the sake of this nation are not getting connected to the people. Rather, you should have the heart that prays for blessing upon them from any direction, regardless of whether it is front or back.

If you become such people, centering on a new ideology, a new providential history will be developed through this nation. The same principle applies not only to this people but also to Christian society. For that reason, we must become the people who are able to be harassed before the world or before the universe. In reality, these people will be harassed in the future before the presence of the 2.4 billion people of humanity.

When Jesus was being crucified, the thief on the right was sympathetic toward Heaven. The thief on the left took the position of distrusting Heaven. Similarly, the world today is divided into two big worlds. One is the right-wing world, which resembles the thief on the right. The other is the left-wing world, which resembles the thief on the left. That is why the left-wing world has become ignorant of God.

What must you attest to in such a world? True love. For that reason, just as we have witnessed relying on Jesus’ name until now, a country with a religious foundation that marches on seeking Heaven will have to appear in the future and attest to true love. Although Jesus’ own ideology has not come out yet, it should come out now. For that reason, something new will definitely have to come out in the last days.

What is it that all of humanity wants? It is not the truth Jesus emphasized. Rather, it was something that transcends truth. Therefore, in the last days that truth must come out without fail. That will be the age of worldwide ideology. Such a time will surely have to come. The men who stick fast to the Bible and defend it to the last, the people who insist only upon their own unique thought, will be struck.

For that reason, today you must become the people who pray, “Father, please allow us to be the group of people who are being harassed before the whole world. While we would like to be the group of people who die holding onto the Father, please allow us not to give up on the Father.”

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