Embrace the Bigger Heart of Heaven

CSG 2068

Whether it is in the Citizens Feder-
ation, the VOC organization or in the
Unification Church, the place where all
of you must work is not in the offices.
Go do the tong ban breakthrough activ-
ities first and fight if you have to. You
should compete to see who will go into
their neighborhood and influence it the
most, who will go into their commu-
nity and get the most people to become
activists to liberate North Korea, and
who will inspire the most families to fol-
low the direction of their regional lead-
ers under the authority of the commit-
tee chairmen. If I had not told you this
publicly, then everything would have
fallen apart. You professors did not even
think of this. Do you know how much
I have thought about these things? So
my conclusion is that all the professors
here should become the leaders of tong
and ban (local communities and home
neighborhoods), regardless of whether
they are located in provinces or coun-
ties or towns. I mean that all professors
should pack their bags and go to their

CSG 1707

1.3. The sexual organs: the
beginning and the end in solving
fundamental problems
Women, you must not defile your
sexual organs. Who did I say owns that
which belongs to woman? Don’t laugh! I
am revealing a fundamental principle of
the universe. Think about whether this
is true or not. Can you imagine how I
worked my fingers to the bone to find
this out? The words in themselves sound
simple, but do you realize how awesome
their meaning is? This will divide heav-
en and earth and the world into two
groups of people – evil and good. (177-219,

Let Us Be Persons of Forbearance

Sun Myung Moon
May 18, 1958

Matthew 24: 1-14

Now let’s not speak ill of others, saying that we family members have become the target that is being harassed. The people who have slandered others by mentioning their demerits and attempted to obtain their own profits thereby have perished. For that reason, today you should not lament over not having truth in your mind and body. You should not sigh for grief, saying that you do not know anything or have anything. You should not heave a sigh, saying that you do not have authority and influence. You should be able to pray, “Father, even if we are dispossessed of everything, please allow us to become Heaven’s elite pioneers who can defend the path of Jesus to the end. Please allow us to be the instruments of victory at the last.”

Jesus lost even his parents. He lost his relatives. He lost his own denomination and all the people whom he was to govern. Though he lost everything, he did not sigh for grief. Embracing the bigger heart of Heaven, emulating God’s patience, he endured even in the face of death. Although the souls of the martyrs have gone to the spirit world, the martyrs who died only wanting to be saved themselves did not reach a good place. However, the person who said a sinner like himself deserved to die a million times over ended up being in a high place in Heaven.

For that reason, when the world comes to be blessed, the person who persevered only for the sake of the world, will fall off upon reaching the world of the cosmos, beyond the world. Accordingly, today we have the responsibility to shake the world centered on this small land of Korea, after developing a new start with a new mind. This is neither a futile argument nor a foolish imagining.

Jesus could have harbored vexation against Satan and vexation against the distrusting people. However, because he knew they were the people God loved, he did not. When you face such a situation, when a resentful feeling rises in you, stepping beyond that, you must become the people who pray for the others. By doing so, you must become the family members who again set up the religious order that our ancestors who fell down tried to set up. You must move these people. Furthermore, you must reform worldwide Christianity. This is our exact mission.

Young people today, what will be your place when you die, after setting up conditions before Heaven? For whom have you lived until now? Ideologically, in your consciences and in your life, whom have you relied on? If you have lived until now only for the good of yourself, you should reflect on your past and bestir yourselves.

People who are centered on an eternal ideology will not perish as long as that ideology does not disappear. Jacob endured contemptuous treatment and neglect from Laban for 21 years, holding onto the one will of God. Embracing the one will of God, not forgetting the will of the Father’s blessing, Jacob lived the 21 years as if it were one day. Abraham did the same. Moses endured with patience, worrying about the chosen people for forty years in Pharaoh’s palace and another forty years in the Midian wilderness. So did Jesus, you must know this.

What then is going to happen if, faced with the last days, we unfold a crusade today to save pitiful humankind, which has been embraced in the satanic world and is the condition of God’s sorrow? If there is a person who gets sacrificed to save humankind in this endeavor, God will build his tomb and reveal his footprints after his death. You who are confronted with a dead end road must remember the Bible verse, “Whoever seeks to gain his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life will preserve it.” (Luke 17:33) The people who betrayed Jesus after setting up satanic conditions all perished. The same happened to our nation under Japanese reign. The people who sold out their religion by worshipping at a Shinto shrine to avoid being in a disadvantageous position have all perished. The religious order, the nation and the world that are without tears will all perish. For that reason, you must know that this nation is endowed with God’s hidden will of the providence to be moved more quickly by God’s providence than any other nation.

Therefore, if you understand Jesus’ situation now and represent God’s position, when the age of God’s ideology arrives, you will be able to become the sons and daughters with Heaven-granted life who inherit the second Christian gospel. You must remember this.

You have the responsibility for the nation and for the many religious orders. When you eat meals, wear clothes and go to bed, have you ever worried limitlessly for the sake of this nation or for Heaven and earth? If there are sons and daughters who worry for the sake of this world and for the sake of Heaven and earth, such people will become the central figures of the new age. You must understand this for certain.

When we consider the course of providential history carefully, we cannot stop the flow of tears. However, you must not stop there. Learning from that, not becoming losers in today’s environment, enduring with patience, you must become people who can be raised as Heaven’s sons and daughters in whom Heaven can take delight.

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