Jesus’ Ideology Has to be Manifested in the Physical World

CSG 1754

You did not know what makes a man
a man, and a woman a woman? The
answer is: the sexual organs. Is there
anyone here who dislikes them? If you
like them, how much do you like them?
Even if you hitherto disdained them, you
should henceforth esteem them. What
will the world be like in the future? If
it is a world that absolutely values the
sexual organs. Will that world be good
or bad? Will it prosper or perish? This
is not a joke. When God was creating
human beings, into which part did He
invest the greatest creative effort? Would
it be the eyes, the nose, the heart or the
brain? Do not all these organs eventual-
ly die? What is the purpose of the Fam-
ily Federation for World Peace? If there
were a world inhabited by people who
transcend all fields including morality
and religion, whose sexual organs are
harmonized into oneness so as to earn
God’s welcoming praise, what kind of
world would it be?
When men and women are born,
who do their sexual organs belong to?
The owner of the husband’s organ is
the wife, and vice versa. You have been
ignorant of the fact that the owners of
the sexual organs were interchanged.
This simple truth is undeniable and will
remain unchanging throughout history
forever to come. (279-244, 1996.9.15)

Richard:  The above truth is the ideology of heaven (abstinence before Blessed marriage; faithfulness in Blessed marriage centering on God, teach this truth to your children and society)

Isaiah 48

By the power of his Spirit
the Lord God has sent me
17     with this message:
People of Israel,
I am the holy Lord God,
    the one who rescues you.
For your own good,
I teach you,
and I lead you
    along the right path.
18 How I wish that you
    had obeyed my commands!
Your success and good fortune
would then have overflowed
    like a flooding river.
19 Your nation would be blessed
    with more people
than there are grains of sand
    along the seashore.
And I would never have let
    your country be destroyed.

Let Us Become Survivors

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
June 29, 1958

As He is eternal, God created all things with an eternal ideology. Because individuals, races, all humankind and all things failed to become beings of eternity, God has been seeking them with grief until today. In other words, though God lost the ideal garden of creation because of the human fall, He did not abandon hope for the created world. He fought relentlessly with Satan throughout a long history to fulfill the vast ideology of creation. He has been persevering until today.

God has this great hope. His agony lies in that He must start with the smallest thing. This great hope was to be fulfilled in the individual, but because the individual fell, hope for the whole was lost. Consequently, before the hope of all humankind and all things could be accomplished, God’s hope had to be fulfilled in a single individual. This was God’s situation. No one knew about this. To fulfill this hope centering on an individual, God set up Cain and Abel. When that providence failed and 1,600 years passed, He set up Noah’s family. Yet Noah’s family also failed through the mistake of Ham. Therefore, the providence was prolonged after Abraham and Moses until the time of Jesus.

Before Jesus came, the many prophets were to fulfill God’s ideology within the individual. Yet they could not, and this hope was transferred to Jesus, the only begotten son. Jesus came as an individual, but he was not just a common individual. He was the fruit of God’s 4,000 years of constant perseverance, His longed for ideology, and His Shim Jung. He came carrying with him all the hopes of the prophets who had died during the 4,000 years of human history. As the fruit of 4,000 years of goodness, Jesus came on a level surpassing the individual, racial, national and world levels. He came on the cosmic level. He came with an ideology that was to eradicate the resentment of Heaven.

Accordingly, the people of Jesus time were not supposed to allow Jesus, who came with God’s awesome ideology, to have an ideology that remained only with himself. Instead, they were supposed to implant this ideology within the whole Israelite nation and from there reach each person of humanity. Yet because they did not know and accept the ideology, that great ideology of God stopped with Jesus. Moreover, because Jesus died, that vast ideology could not survive as an ideology of the physical world and remained only as the ideology of the spirit world. Consequently, the people of the physical world had to wait for the ideology that could survive eternally in the physical realm. Jesus was forced to come again to re-establish this ideology in the physical realm.

Where and when will the individual, the family and the people who possess this ideology, those people for whom the physical world has been longing and who will survive eternally, appear? We must know the place and time.

When Jesus passed away, he left behind his word and his hope, but he did not leave behind his ideology. Thus, this ideology has to appear.

In the last days, what kind of person can possess Jesus’ ideology? That person should first acquire Jesus’ hope and will. Beyond that, he should possess a mind that can retain that ideology and a grieving heart of knowing the course of human history. Accordingly, he should be able to experience God’s ideology for the creation. When Jesus preached the gospels in the physical world, he sincerely challenged people with the directive to love him more than anyone else in the world. (Matthew 10:37)

Was there anyone who understood the profound meaning of Jesus’ words and practiced them? No, there was no one. Even among the disciples who followed and lived with him, there were none who practiced Jesus’ words completely. Jesus also told people to love their brothers. After his resurrection, he appeared to Peter and asked three times, “Do you love me more than these?” When Peter answered in the affirmative, Jesus said, “Feed my lambs,” (John 21:15-17). Moreover, Jesus told his disciples that they must prepare and wait for him, for he would come again. If you select important words of Jesus from among the words he spoke, these can serve as a summary of them.

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