Embrace God’s Love, Life and Ideal Centered on the Second Coming

Cheon Seong Gyeong 583

All things of this world will pass
away. Our families, nations, and even
the world itself will pass away. Ideologies
and philosophies will pass away. What
will remain? It is the hope with which
we can fight and win over death. With-
out such a hope, we might as well call
ourselves failures in life.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1175

Immediately after World War II, the
world could have restored the birthright
of right of the eldest son. If Christian-
ity had united with the founder of the
Unification Church, this past forty-year
course would not have occurred. Com-
munism would have already disap-
peared. If they had only listened to me,
Korea would not have been divided. If
the spiritual groups centered on Christi-
anity had all listened to what I said….
However, all the groups which had
been prepared to restore the Garden of
Eden were led to a fate like that of John
the Baptist, through their secular way of
thinking. After the liberation of Korea
the Unification Church faced opposi-
tion. To take charge of this situation, we
have been restoring, through indemnity
over a period of 40 years, the 2,000-year
history of Christianity and the 4,000
years of history since Jacob that were
repeated. (138-214, 1986.1.21)

Let Us Possess the Everlasting Love of the Father

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
October 5, 1958

Matthew 22: 34-40

The world of Shim Jung transcends time. Thus far, no one has been able to revolutionize the parents’ loving heart for their children. Its essence has remained unchanged throughout the vicissitudes of the ages. This happens in the world of love. When a beloved child is leaving the parents, no one, not even a powerful authority, can block the movement of the world of love. The movement of the world of love can transcend the hurdles of a giant mountain and the entire cosmos. Thus, to have an experience of Shim Jung, we should connect with the standard of the heart. Only in the world of Shim Jung can we establish the condition by which we can receive Jesus, who came to save us 2,000 years ago. Thus, in calling upon God, we should go beyond the situation and see the Shim Jung behind it. A parent’s love for a child transcends life. Love itself is the complete answer and complete motivation.

The day when we receive the Messiah as the subject of life, the ideal, love and the center of humanity is the day when God, the universe and humankind will all rejoice. It is the day when humankind finds the lost God, God finds the lost human and the earth. On the day of the Messiah, three conditions will be simultaneously restored. The real world will be created in which everything moves and halts through one heart. It is the day of hope for God, humankind and all things. What, then, is the standard of hope? It is the love that represents all.

Now the time is approaching in which I, standing at the end of the 6,000 years, must establish myself and possess God’s love, life and ideal. When is God’s age of life, beyond the age of the life of Jesus and the Holy Spirit? When is God’s age of the ideal, beyond the age of the ideal of Jesus and the Holy Spirit? When is God’s age of love, beyond the age of the love of Jesus and the Holy Spirit? This is the question. Thus Paul says, “For I am sure that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.” (Romans 8:38-39) Jesus, too, came for the love of God.

Believers today think that love in Jesus is the ultimate, but it is not. God’s love is linked based on the love of Jesus. One can know the love of True Parents only when one comes through that process of love. You should know this clearly. The fallen parents on earth, namely, our physical parents, are not True Parents. We all have parents of the fallen lineage. No matter how polished one’s appearance is, he belongs to the tribe of the fallen lineage. Therefore, people do not know that the original love of True Parents before the fall is the last fruit of love God has prepared for fallen humankind. Jesus departed without introducing this love. After feeling this love, one needs a certain principle. The principle is that children come after the parents. They grow up, become husband and wife, and become parents in turn.

What is the ideal of Christianity today? What is the ideal of husband and wife? It is to find and establish the love of True Parents. Only when we grow up in a blood relationship with the love of True Parents can we become true husband and wife and have true children.

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