Find the One Person; Christ

Cheon Seong Gyeong 285

If you are liberated from Satan that
which has been shackled through its
connection to the false parents also
becomes liberated. Therefore, you will
return to the free heart of the Parents.
When returning, you cannot carry on
with the habits of the satanic world’s
lifestyle. You must thoroughly burn
them away. (202-273, 1990.5.25)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1972

When we observe the birthplace of
civilizations from a geographical point
of view, we see that they developed based
on the conditions of climate, during the
course of world history. Then what kind
of place is most ideal? We can conclude
that the ideal location is one that has four
seasons and connects the sea to the land.
In terms of climate, it should be a region
with four seasons. It should be a penin-
sula, as well as a region where the four
seasons are distinct. What is a peninsu-
lar region? The land symbolizes heaven,
and the water symbolizes the sea. The
peninsula connects these two. That is
the reality of the world. That is how it
works with all the principles of heaven
and earth. In that sense, the Italian pen-
insula, as a peninsular region, contrib-
uted to world culture. This was the first
great staging-post for past civilizations.
You should be aware that this penin-
sular civilization centered on Rome, a
region with an integrated civilization,
had emerged with the authority of the
past ages in history. It had also passed
through the Egyptian civilization and
Greek civilization to become a compre-
hensive area. (107-300, 1980.6.8)

The Freedom, Liberation and Unification God Seeks to Attain

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
October 12, 1958

John 8:31-47

Such a standard should not be established simply as an ideal, but with the substantial unity of mind and body. Whether you will be preserved in the future will be determined by whether you can possess that ideal. Only with this am I entitled to serve God with my life, as God comes to us investing all He has with His life. Only then can God institute a free way of life after restoring me and establish the ideal of freedom, liberation and unification. If you have such a qualification, as long as God exists eternally, we have nothing to do with the power of death.

Now looking at your own self, are there a free Shim Jung, free life and free ideal in your heart which can rejoice centering on true life?

This is the question. When you have such a Shim Jung, life and ideal, you will be qualified to freely digest and pass through any path of death and suffering and restore the elements of life. In this way, you can live forever in God’s world of freedom, liberation and unification.

However, there are trials and sufferings in the quest for freedom. What can block the ardent Shim Jung of love from God and the spurting Shim Jung of freedom? No one. It cannot be shattered even when everything else is. No matter how strong the realm of death may be, it cannot suppress the Shim Jung that rises. When a living connection of eternal unity between God and you is formed in your life, God’s eternal freedom, liberation and unification are established in your heart. Without such a standard in your heart, though the freedom, liberation and unification which are aspired to as ideals may be realized, they will have nothing to do with you.

What is the reason God worked so hard for 6,000 years? It was to find one individual who could carry, feel and establish with God the freedom, liberation, and unification desired by God’s Shim Jung. You should know that just as God is eternal, only when an eternal and unchanging standard is determined can such a world of the ideal come to you. Without such a standard of heart, no matter how well the external world is formed, no matter how it may appear externally that the world of freedom, liberation and unification is realized, it will not be the world of complete freedom, liberation and unification.

Today the power of life, the ideal and love are leaping in our hearts. Unless the firm standard of this leaping force and the standard of the efforts of God, who suffered for 6,000 years, are established in yourself, you will be swept away when the power of darkness and death comes to envelop your life. This power has fought against God for 6,000 years. When you possess the power of your life, ideal and love at the stage of relating to God’s love, the freedom based on this foundation is complete freedom. The liberation based on this principle is complete liberation. The unification based on this principle is complete unification.

Without such a standard, when the world is swayed by chaos and fear, you will not be able to prevent it. What can move it is the power of life, the ideal and love. You should clearly know that without the standard of going over this, no matter how hard God has worked in the history of the providence, the freedom, liberation and unification that God has sought to attain through the history of the providence cannot be found.

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