You Have to Pass through the true sons and daughters, True Mother and True Father

Deuteronomy 15

After the Lord your God gives land to each of you, there may be poor Israelites in the town where you live. If there are, then don’t be mean and selfish with your money. Instead, be kind and lend them what they need. Be careful! Don’t say to yourself, “Soon it will be the seventh year, and then I won’t be able to get my money back.” It would be horrible for you to think that way and to be so selfish that you refuse to help the poor. They are your relatives, and if you don’t help them, they may ask the Lord to decide whether you have done wrong. And he will say that you are guilty. 10 You should be happy to give the poor what they need, because then the Lord will make you successful in everything you do.

11 There will always be some Israelites who are poor and needy. That’s why I am commanding you to be generous with them

Jeremiah 51

51 I, the Lord, am sending
    a wind[a] to destroy
the people of Babylonia[b]
    and Babylon, its capital.
Foreign soldiers will come
    from every direction,
and when the disaster is over,
Babylonia will be empty
    and worthless.
I will tell these soldiers,
    “Attack quickly,
before the Babylonians
can string their bows
    or put on their armor.[c]
Kill their best soldiers
    and destroy their army!”
Their troops will fall wounded
    in the streets of Babylon.

Everyone in Israel and Judah
    is guilty.
But I, the Lord All-Powerful,
their holy God,
    have not abandoned them.

Get out of Babylon!
    Run for your lives!
If you stay, you will be killed
when I take revenge on the city
    and punish it for its sins.

Cheon Seong Gyeong  1436-1437

You need to remember that the favor
bestowed by the True Parents is a great
blessing that cannot be expressed in
words alone. It cannot be exchanged for
anything in the whole universe. Your
clans are not an issue, nor are your
wealth and possessions. God does not
want to receive such profane things from
you. He will despise them. You have to
pass through the true sons and daugh-
ters, through True Mother, and through
True Father. It will take three genera-
tions. Whatever you have is returned to
God through the archangel, the son of
the archangel, True Mother, and True
Father. Once they are returned to God,
they return to their original states. After
you have become a part of God’s family,
what you gave will be returned to you.
These are not my words. This is a prin-
ciple of the providence of restoration.
(264-320, 1994.11.20)
2.2. Tribal messiahship
2.2.1. Mission of tribal messiahs
Now your roots need to be corrected.
What happened to your roots? Through
the Fall, the first father and mother went
along the wrong path. That is why, cen-
tering on the True Parents, we have to
pass through the positions of true sons
and daughters, eldest son and the origi-
nal parent. Your roots need to be turned
upside down. They cannot connect as
they are. Only when they are turned
around 180 degrees and connected, can
you begin anew. What this means is that
you still have a destiny to fulfill, which is
to return to your hometowns to change
your ancestry. (178-99, 1988.6.1)

What must the tribal messiahs do?
They need to restore all that Adam failed
to achieve. True Parents came to earth
and restored the unfulfilled mission of
Jesus and the failure of Adam. Adam
stands on the level of the family, but the
roots of God’s family could not be con-
nected to Adam and Eve. So this must be
turned around and, from the position of
tribal messiah, you need to restore your
own parents and tribes. In doing so, at
least four generations are involved, your
grandfather and grandmother, mother
and father, yourselves, and your sons
and daughters. By connecting these
four generations, you then put down the
ancestral roots where there have been no
roots before, centering on your parents.
(210-273, 1990.12.25)
The tribal messiahs are advancing
to the position of parents. From this
position, they can bring together their
sons and daughters. This is predestined.
There is no way for you to avoid doing
this. If you fail to do so, you cannot be
registered and you will not be able to
enter the kingdom when you pass on to
the next world. There will be no place
for you to stand. Therefore, you should
be thankful for having a place secured
for you.
This is the greatest gift that I can
bestow on you. I am asking you to do
this great work, which True Father him-
self was unable to accomplish with his
clan, and which can relieve the histor-
ical and interminable grief of God on
my behalf. In this way, not only will the
parents of True Father be liberated, but
your parents will also receive great ben-
efit from it. Your mothers and fathers
will be transformed into the mothers
and fathers who have not fallen. (220-39,
In order to restore your tribes, you
need to fulfill the mission of tribal mes-
siahs. Such a command is unprecedent-
ed in history. The position of the trib-
al messiah is the same as the position
of the second true parents, and there-
fore a much better situation than that
of Jesus. The bestowal of such a position
holds great significance and cannot be
exchanged for anything in this world.
Why should you fulfill your responsi-
bility as tribal messiahs? The first rea-
son is that you need to save your par-
ents. Your parents stand in the position
of the first Adam, and you stand in
the position of the second Adam. You
must fulfill the mission of Adam by
restoring and recreating your parents.
The second reason is that you require
a hometown. By fulfilling your mis-
sion as tribal messiahs, you will come
to have your own hometown. In the
end, the reason you need to fulfill your
responsibility as tribal messiahs is to
perfect Adam’s family. In concrete
terms, you need to educate your tribes.
(Tribal Messiah – 178)
All of you gathered here today must
fulfill the mission similar to that of the
messiah in your tribes, whichever clan
you belong to, be it Kim, Park, or oth-
erwise. Each of you must think, “I am
the Messiah!” representing each of your
clans in establishing the Kingdom of
God. You have to regard yourself as the
savior. You must consider that you are
the savior of the Kim clan if you are a
Kim. In order to do so, you need to fulfill
the duties of a chief priest on behalf of
the whole Kim clan. (155-265, 1965.10.31)
Without registering, you cannot
become a citizen of the Kingdom of
Heaven. If that were the case, you would
be just floating in the air, and Satan
would be free to attack you as he pleases
from all sides-front, back, left, right, up,
and down. All of you are now standing
in the position of being able to liberate
your own parents through the mission
of tribal messiahship on behalf of True
Parents. (236-322, 1992.11.9)

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