Presidents Should Register Their Nations

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2 Chronicles 17

12 As Jehoshaphat became more powerful, he built fortresses and cities 13 where he stored supplies. He also kept in Jerusalem some experienced soldiers 14 from the Judah and Benjamin tribes. These soldiers were grouped according to their clans.

Jeremiah 12

7I loved my people and chose them
    as my very own.
But now I will reject them
and hand them over
    to their enemies.
My people have turned against me
and roar at me like lions.
    That’s why I hate them.

Cheon Seong Gyeong  1450-1451

3.2. Four-Position Foundation
You cannot be registered unless you
have the foundation of a family. The True
Parents are the family of the world rep-
resenting the foundation of the Blessing
based on the family, and so you must
bear in mind that there is no other way
to be registered other than by forming
an objective realm with them. In other
words, you need to register the birth of
your family. In this place, where a peace-
ful environment and the unified realm
of the will of God begin, the fact that you
are registered by family indicates that
the nation itself can be restored instant-
ly. (269-55, 1995.4.7)
Because of the Fall of the family of
Adam and Eve, everything was regis-
tered in the name of Satan. At this time,
centering on your family, your nations
and everything in the world need to be
returned to God and registered in His
name. This is the way of the Principle.
The Fall occurred centering on the fam-
ily. Therefore, it needs to be indemni-
fied. Since this principle is now in effect,
if there were any presidents in the world,
their nations should be brought before
God to be registered. On the day of reg-
istration, the entire nation would be
saved. (184-96, 1988.12.20)
You need to be registered based on
the family. You have not registered yet,
have you? A truly fearful time will soon
be upon us. I am not going to go into any
details about it. If a family violates the
heavenly law, it should be cut off. That is
in accordance with the rules of the Prin-
ciple. (28-333, 1970.2.11)
You should love the True Parents
as you love God, and you need to love
your brothers and sisters as you do God
and the True Parents. The person who
loves all humankind as he does his fam-
ily and brothers and sisters is qualified
to become a citizen of the Kingdom of
Heaven. In other words, he is eligible for
registration. (190-122, 1989.6.18)
The incoming tide flows in very
quickly in the beginning. You do not
realize how fast it is. However, once
the water is in and reaches the high
mark, the incoming and outgoing tides
exchange places in less than a minute.
In this time of grace, it takes less than
one minute for everyone to stand on the
same level. That is why the enthusiastic
youths of the Unification Church can be
blessed together with people from the
satanic world, and the world population
of five billion can be united overnight.
In this way, tens of thousands of fami-
lies would be connected horizontally
through the Blessing. Then God’s nation
will be established. In establishing that
nation, these families will emerge as the
ancestors. (253-299, 1994.1.30)
From this time on, when you receive
the Blessing, you need to take respon-
sibility for your tribe. Even if they are
pushed into receiving the Blessing by
force, they will still receive a pass to enter
the Kingdom of Heaven. (283-295, 1997.4.13)
3.3. True Parents’ instructions to
Registered Families
a. Steadfast defense of the pure lineage
b. Settlement of unchanging heart
c. Education of children in practicing
true love
d. Breaking down of national boundar-
ies and cross-cultural marriage
e. Restoration of the homeland and estab-
lishment of the Kingdom of Heaven
f. Memorization of Hoon Dok Gyeong
and Divine Principle
g. Fulfillment of the Family Pledge
h. Settlement of Noon
(333-233, 2000.9.26)
3.4. Mobilization of blessed wives
and the restoration of the homeland
The time in which the family needs
to take responsibility is now upon us.
Only after this takes place can registra-
tion begin. Therefore, those who did not
send out their wives will be caught. Once
they are caught, there will be no way to
help them, even if they come crying to
me. Not even I can do anything about it.
(37-264, 1970.12.27)
Now the time has come for all those
in your clans to be registered. If you do
not take part in the mobilization, you
cannot be registered. Since this is the
case, should your Blessed Families par-
ticipate in the mobilization, or not? How
about previously married Blessed Cou-
ples? What about the previously married
Blessed Couples? They are free to take
part if they want to, but it is not manda-
tory. If other people outside the Blessed
Families want to be mobilized, they can
join, but if not, so be it. However, every-
one will want to take part. Such a time
has now arrived. (164-292, 1987.5.17)
The Lord at his Second Advent comes
as the father. Nevertheless, all blessings
of the Kingdom of God come down
through the mother. The eldest son
inherits and represents the tradition of
the mother followed by the traditions
of the parents, and the second-born son
inherits all these and even the tradition
of the first son.
Therefore, the mother should be
absolutely obedient to the commands
of the father; the eldest son should be
absolutely obedient to the mother; and
the younger siblings should be absolute-
ly obedient to the eldest son. That is the
way it should be. Therefore, it is the over-
all view of the Principle that any fam-
ily failing to reach such a standard as
just described cannot become a family
which can attend God. (283-56, 1997.4.8)

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