Who Will Carry Jesus’ Shimjung of Golgotha?


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Cheon Seon Gyeong 291

You don’t know how rigid religious
dogmatists can be. Syria belongs to the
Islamic cultural sphere. I brought an elite
group of leaders from Syria to East Gar-
den and we shared the Divine Principle
with them. Our Unification Church is
not a branch of Christianity but its main
trunk. Because Jesus brought salvation
by being sacrificed in the role of the son,
Jesus himself must have parents, and
because Jesus did not have a son of his
own, his authority as a parent must be
restored. For this reason the term “True
Parents” is so wonderful.

Cheon Seon Gyeong 1498

The family is the horizontal founda-
tion in the form of a miniature world.
From the family stems the nation and
the world. What is the family? The fam-
ily is the horizontal miniature of the
world and is the objective standard to
the absolute center. Then what are indi-
viduals? They are the stepping-stones on
which the absolute center can reside. (26-
258, 1969.11.9)

Who Will Become the Friend of Golgotha?

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
October 19, 1958

Luke 12: 26-43

In today’s world, however, there is communism, which does not believe in God. They claim that God does not exist, asking where He is. The right-hand thief appeared and befriended Jesus at the time of his death when Jesus was being smitten. Communism today commits massacres to fulfill its ambition. You should know that this massacre serves as a conditional sacrifice for being on the side of the democratic camp. Now that all humankind is driven to the course of the worldwide Golgotha, what should Christians who should go over this path do? They should first volunteer in front of the world to take the path. There have been those who were oppressed on the front-line of Christianity: Paul, who was persecuted by the apostles; the thief, harassed by the people; and the Protestants, denounced by the Papacy. Today we should always look around to see whether a people will appear who are being persecuted as a worldwide reformist movement. This is proven by history.

Now our Unification members should be oppressed by all the twentieth century ideologies and philosophies as a new reformist religion. We should be persecuted in this world of democracy and religious sectarianism. If there also is a country with the worldwide ideal, it should bleed before the world like the thief. Thus, Korea shed blood when the right and left clashed, with the fate of the world at stake through the June 25 War [the Korean War]. Considering this, it cannot be said that the Golgotha course of today’s democracy is dissimilar to the situation of the thief.

If the Korean people have sorrow, what should they hold onto? It is not time to fight with the ideology of the Lord. Carrying Jesus’ Shim Jung of Golgotha and the Shim Jung of being betrayed by the people, history and the world, we should be willing to take his part lest he suffers again. It seems that if this nation has a Shim Jung like the right-hand thief’s, who wanted to praise the glory of Jesus, this nation will meet Jesus who resurrected from death at Golgotha and enter the glorious age of resurrection.

So, Unification members, do not be distressed. You receive blessing. As you receive more persecution, you will understand Jesus’ Shim Jung. As you meet Jesus, you will understand his Shim Jung at the time when he eagerly prayed at Gethsemane, faced with Golgotha and death. As Jesus, at the extreme of persecution, united with Heaven and brought the grace of resurrection, a new history can start at the place of your persecution.

As we possess the worldwide ideal, only when we persevere through the persecutions of the world, the country, the church, the society, the family and the individual can we become the original heavenly sons and daughters who will pass beyond the cosmic trail of Golgotha in the age of universal resurrection. We will receive the power of resurrection as a bride before the coming Lord. You have been wandering to find a true friend, a true family and a true teacher. You have been looking for the true ideology, the country and the world, but in vain. You should know that, from the standpoint of Jesus, you have lost the position to achieve the purpose. Thus, if I want to find a true friend, I should be a true friend during my friend’s Golgotha. If I want to find a true family, I should take responsibility for the family’s Golgotha. Furthermore, in the national and worldwide course of Golgotha, you should take responsibility for the path of Golgotha with a Shim Jung like Jesus’. You should clearly know that to be a friend of Heaven in the worldwide course of Golgotha, you should be able to handle the eternal questions of life if everyone entrusts you with them. You should be able to handle the problems of the world.

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