Become a Sacrificial Offering

The place where one can shed tears, embracing brothers and sisters who curse you, is the place where you can connect to God’s heart.

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Leviticus 23

39 Remember to begin the Festival of Shelters on the fifteenth day of the seventh month after you have harvested your crops. Celebrate this festival for seven days in honor of me and don’t do any work on the first day or on the day following the festival. 40 Pick the best fruit from your trees[n] and cut leafy branches to use during the time of this joyous celebration in my honor. 41 I command you and all of your descendants to celebrate this festival during the seventh month of each year. 42 For seven days every Israelite must live in a shelter, 43 so future generations will know that I made their ancestors live in shelters when I brought them out of Egypt. I am the Lord your God.

Psalm 30

I was carefree and thought,
    “I’ll never be shaken!”
You, Lord, were my friend,
    and you made me strong
    as a mighty mountain.
But when you hid your face,
    I was crushed.

Humankind Wanders In Search of the Truth

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
December 21, 1958

Matthew 7:1-12

The character who goes down in history is not one who has stepped forth asserting himself. If one is to be recorded in the history of the people, he should be a person who has stepped forth holding onto the people, to society. To be a worldwide character, he must be one who stepped forth on behalf of the world. To be a heavenly character, he must be one who stepped forth on behalf of Heaven. Because you are the sinners of sinners who killed your own parents and cannot be forgiven, you must think it natural that even if someone calls you bad names and persecutes you, even if you become the target of pursuit and are hounded, you will have to say, “Thank you,” having felt God’s sorrow and historical mortification.

The place where one can shed tears, embracing brothers and sisters who curse you, is the place where you can connect to God’s heart. The path upon which one walks bearing the heart of Jesus, who worried about the ones who were striking him on the cross and prayed in tears for them, is the prototypical path a true man must walk. He must walk this path, penetrated by this heart to the very marrow of his bones.

You are sacrificial offerings. All Unification members must become sacrificial offerings. Heaven wants historical sacrificial offerings.

What kind of being is a sacrificial offering? It is someone who lifts his head for the first time after God and all humankind rejoices. If Christianity today lifts its head before God and all humankind rejoices, it will break down. If Christianity does not fulfill its mission to serve all humankind, if it does not function as a sacrificial offering for the sake of all humankind, then the time has come for reform.

Jesus, who is the King of Kings and the Crown Prince of Heaven, is unable to be glad and rejoice. He came as a sacrificial offering. Even if God and the faithful believers rejoice in him, Jesus, the sacrificial offering, cannot rejoice in himself. Only after God and all humankind rejoice in themselves can Jesus rejoice in himself for the first time. That is the day of the Second Coming. This is the path a sacrificial offering walks.

When you look at all the persecution that the people of Korea receive, how do you feel? We Koreans have walked a path of all kinds of suffering through 2,000 years of history. If we were sad, we did not know where to go to appeal. Even if there was mortification and injustice, we did not know how to complain of it. What should we do then, we Koreans? Although we are like orphans, we must be able to weep bitterly, holding hands among ourselves. By this alone will these people come to life.

Regardless of whether brothers and sisters have made mistakes or not, since they are brothers and sisters born with the blood and bones and flesh that Heaven granted, tolerant people who can weep to connect to the historical blood lineage and Shim Jung of a parent, going beyond their own situations, will have to emerge. Such young people are in great demand.

If there were such impassioned young people, where should they devote that passion? If they put their hearts into achieving success and satisfying their desires, their efforts will conclude in the limited individual realm. The original ideology of human beings wants to feel joy, holding onto God beyond infinity. Accordingly, one must devote his passion for the sake of this original human ideology.

If God’s dispensation was behind the historical course that this nation has come through, what kind of people would God demand at the end of that dispensation? They would be the people who know how to cry for the realization of the Will of God. They would be the people who are determined to be sacrificial offerings above all, crying, having been involved with a Will, a Shim Jung, and in action. Heaven will be seeking such people.

Facing the people 2,000 years ago, Jesus said, “He who loves father and mother more than me is not worthy of me; and he who loves son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.” (Matthew 10:37) On the surface, what kind of contradictory, nonsensical remark is this? Although it seems incomprehensible, Jesus knew that humanity, fallen after having lost love, would all perish if they centered on themselves at the conclusion of history. Jesus spoke to prevent that. If such a miracle had come about, that the words Jesus spoke then were put into practice by the people, the last 2,000 years would have been very different.


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