Jesus Seeks His Bride

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Cheon Seong Gyeong 291

Essentially, what have we been try-
ing to do during the Old Testament,
New Testament, and Completed Tes-
tament Ages? We have been trying to
bring God inside us. Who is the root?
God is. God is the root of humankind.
Originally, True Parents were not the
root. True Parents also came from God,
who is the root. Before Adam and Eve
fell, they were in the position of God’s
son and daughter. But after their Fall, all
things of creation came to be in a high-
er position than Adam and Eve. This
happened because Adam and Eve fell.
Through the Fall, they sunk lower than
all things. Since all things became higher
than people, they have given their lives
for humankind. They have shed blood in
our place and through this, have worked
to reverse the positions. This is why, in
the Old Testament Age, offerings were
sacrificed to pave the pathway for the
sons and daughters to travel on.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1048

Within the church, you should know
how to discern who is Abel and who is
Cain. If there are two people, one is sure-
ly Abel and the other Cain; if there are
three, one can be the Abel figure, one can
be Cain, and the other can be in either
Abel’s or Cain’s position. You should be
able to clearly discern between the most
central Abel and Cain. (3-206, 1957.11.1)

Humankind Wanders In Search of the Truth

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
December 21, 1958

Matthew 7:1-12

Now is the time to break down the parental love, conjugal love, and children’s love that is not centered on Heaven. Christianity is to break down this kind of false love and teach the parental love, children’s love, and conjugal love centered on Heaven. That is why Christianity uses the words “bride and bridegroom,” “father” and “children.”

Fallen human beings have lost love. For the sake of such fallen human beings, Jesus came as the champion of love to restore heavenly love on the earth again. However, Jesus left for the spirit world unable to accomplish that task. That is why, having set up a spiritual standard of love, humankind is walking the course of restoring physical love. You must know this.

There is a top and a bottom, front and rear, left and right. At the top are the parents, the children are at the bottom, in the front and rear are the husband and wife. Brothers and sisters are to the left and right. This is the principle of love. Do you understand?

Humanity has to proceed seeking this path. Among these relationships, the conjugal relationship at the front and rear is the most important. That is why Jesus stressed the notion of the bridegroom and bride.

What kind of heart does Jesus seek in his bride? He is trying to search for the bride who represents God, the bride who represents the children, and the bride who represents brothers and sisters. Do you understand?

God’s Will is to set up a standard on the earth by sending the bridegroom and bride. God’s intention is to establish the form of a four position foundation, centered on the bride, with God at the top, the children at the bottom, and brothers and sisters on the left and the right. The history of God seeking the bride, who is the object being representing such love, is the 2,000-year providential course.

What then must you do now? Males must respect females and females must respect males. Only when mutual respect exists can females relate to males, and males relate to females. The male is the offshoot of the father and the female is the offshoot of the mother. They are alter egos.

For that reason, relating to each other as man and woman in the course of restoration, the person who looks at the object externally will be shattered. The object is one of the dual characteristics of God. That being the case, men have to respect women and women have to respect men.

Human beings must walk the original course of mutual respect, seeking the reciprocating nature of each individual. Even when relating to one’s children, the sons as the offshoot of the father, the daughters as the offshoot of the mother, the parent must have a heart of respect toward that gender. One must become a parent who knows how to embrace and love his children, bearing in mind the ideology with which God created all of the creation, having expanded His ideal and creating humankind as the master of all creation. One must become a truthful parent who, upon seeing the children standing in the fallen world, is impassioned with the emotion with which God has grieved for 6,000 years, knowing how to shed tears, saying, “Yes, become a man in whom God takes delight, whom humanity anxiously awaits, and for whom all of creation has longed.”

Because he saw things like this, Jesus had the qualification to relate with all creation and with the universe. That is why Jesus searched for the bride with the emotion of seeking the replacement of God, the replacement of humanity, and the replacement of the descendants of many, many generations. You must know that this was the heart of Jesus, the bridegroom. When you meet such a bride, you will feel the emotion of having embraced heaven and earth in love. When meeting with the parent as well as meeting with the children, it will be the same. You must become such central people.

The day when we meet as brides and bridegrooms equipped with the substantial forms of united minds and bodies, ready to take the place of parents, children will have to come. Only when that day comes will the tragedy-stricken things of heaven and earth, that is, the created world, blocked in heaven and on earth, be able to move in harmony in the directions of front and rear, left and right, and top and bottom. You must know that this is the day to which all of humanity is looking forward.

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