The Door of the Kingdom Should be Opened on Earth

Joshua 7

While Israel was still camped near Jericho, Joshua sent some spies with these instructions: “Go to the town of Ai[d] and find out whatever you can about the region around the town.”

The spies left and went to Ai, which is east of Bethel and near Beth-Aven. They went back to Joshua and reported, “You don’t need to send the whole army to attack Ai—two or three thousand troops will be enough. Why bother the whole army for a town that small?”

Isaiah 64:2

Rip the heavens apart!
Come down, Lord;
    make the mountains tremble.
Be a spark that starts a fire
    causing water to boil.[a]
Then your enemies will know
    who you are;
all nations will tremble
    because you are nearby.

Your fearsome deeds
    have completely amazed us;
even the mountains shake
    when you come down.

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
January 4, 1959

Genesis 1:27

Acts 1

Today we should receive God’s love, but we do not need God’s love as it was received in the ages of hope and faith. We should go past the age of grudges and receive God’s direct blessing, with which He says, “I love you alone.” Only when you resolve the sorrows of heaven and earth through the conditions of love can you make a husband-wife relationship with Jesus and receive God’s love. This is the general content of the providence of restoration.

If you become an individual able to receive God’s love, you represent the Old, New and Completed Testament Ages. Thus, you must accomplish one will, uniting with the spirits in Paradise, the Christians now on earth, and the saints of the new age who will emerge at the time of the Second Coming.

You know well that, in the last days, the people of the past who lived in the realms of faith oriented to hope and faith, the countless spirits of the Old and New Testament Ages, cannot stand before God and receive God’s love without going through the Completed Testament people. Hence, we must win over everything in heaven and earth and become a substantial fruit of history.

Looking at the entire providence of Heaven, the spirits now in Paradise are the Israel of hope. The Christians now on earth are the Israel of faith. In the future, a new world of Israel must come. This is the Israel of love. Thus, you should be an Israel who can receive God’s love. You should become an Israel who has proof of love. Only then can you complete the condition of having passed the ages of hope and faith and stand before God without shame. You must realize this. With this in mind, we call the saints before Jesus the first Israel, the saints after Jesus who believe in him the second Israel, and those who will serve the Second Coming and live in the realm of God’s direct love are the third Israel.

For this reason, the people who stand in the position of the third Israel are ones who appear in history for the first time. They are the first people since the creation of the world who can represent God’s Shim Jung and relate to God directly, upholding the word “love.” If such people do not appear, God’s providence of hope and faith will all be shattered. Hence, we must be able to feel how important is our mission.

There are representatives of the second Israel living here on earth. In the spiritual world, there are representatives of the first Israel. The third Israel, whom God can command, has not yet been formed. Furthermore, the formation of the tribe, church and family has not been accomplished.

In relation to what God wants to do on the earth, from the times of Jacob, Moses and Jesus, He has been establishing such heavenly numbers as twelve brothers, twelve elders, and twelve disciples. By establishing all the Principle numbers of Heaven, God unifies all the people in heaven and earth, through connecting them to one order. This is the purpose of God’s providence. The door of the heavenly kingdom will then open, but the door of the heavenly kingdom should not be opened only in heaven. It has to be opened and widened on the earth as well.

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