The Importance of Tribal Registration

Cheon Seong Gyeong 435

Why do we have brothers and sisters?
Why do we need brothers and sisters?
It is because with brothers and sisters,
boys can watch their younger sisters
and elder sisters, and from them learn
how their mothers grew up; and girls
can watch their naughty elder brothers
and younger brother, and from them
learn how their fathers grew up. This
is called the love of brothers and sis-
ters. So, you should love your siblings.
Also, you should learn to love your sib-
lings as you love your father and mother.
You cannot love them if you don’t learn
how. So, through watching your broth-
ers and sisters you learn how your par-
ents grew up and you come to love them
as your parents do. In this way, you will
be able to love your mother and father
even after you go to the next world. You
need your brothers and sisters in order
to be an owner of love without shame.
Then, would it be better for brothers and
sisters to love each other more than their
parents or less than their parents? It is
better that they love one another more.
Why is that so? Because watching and
loving your siblings is like watching and
loving your mother and father when they
were growing up. When you do this, it
fulfills the condition of loving your par-
ents from their birth to their death. So
these brothers and sisters are connected
to each other through such love. That’s
why I think this way.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1337

n 1961, the 33 Couples Blessing
Ceremony was held amid great confu-
sion and chaos. We finally had to have
someone stand guard at the door before
we could go through with the ceremo-
ny. Nevertheless, I did everything I had
to, regardless of how much noise the
protestors were making. The parents of
the 33 Couples came swarming about
the place, shouting all kinds of insults
at us and creating a continuous uproar.
Some went so far as to send dozens of
anonymous letters to the court of justice
demanding I be sent to jail; as a result, I
had to appear in court on several occa-
sions. There were twelve people in par-
ticular who worked frantically to destroy
the Unification Church, sprinkling coal
dust all over the place. The Unification
Church grew amid such turmoil. We
had to lay the groundwork for victory in
the same place that people were oppos-
ing us. We undertook the daunting task
of establishing the foundation for victo-
ry amid fierce opposition from all sides.
(23-317, 1969.6.8)

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
January 4, 1959

Genesis 1:27

Acts 1

We should know that the heavenly gate, constrained under the limitation of locality, has been gradually widened because the believers in Jesus have been increasing in number. This is God’s hope. Thus, in the last days, you should become glorious by winning over Satan for the sake of the Will of restoration and by representing heaven and earth. For this, all of creation now must go through the heavenly gate.

Today the question is to which tribe you belong. No matter how many denominations of Christianity there are now, they must belong to one of twelve tribes, representing the twelve disciples. Yet there has been no tribal formation through which God can control, move and command the earth. God worries about this earth even today.

The twelve tribes in Moses’ time represented the twelve brothers in Jacob’s age. The people from Abraham to Moses who were instituted as the chosen people were of the national type of restoration, representing the tribes of the providential age, centering on Jacob. Hence, the children who multiplied for the 400 years, centering on the twelve tribes, all had to belong to a tribe. The people within the realm of the Mosaic tribes had to be subsumed into the realm of the tribes of Jesus, centering on the twelve disciples, for they had the mission of worldwide restoration. The nation of Israel, which had been formed through Moses, had to be organized into Jesus’ tribes, centering on the twelve disciples. We know that such a restoration mission remains to be done.

If Jesus had not died and the Will had been realized, the spirits of the Old Testament could have become the second Israel. Those who believed in Jesus and received the true love of Heaven could have become the third Israel. Since this was not achieved, however, the Will concerning the second Israel remained unfulfilled. Moreover, because of this lack of fulfillment, the Will has been prolonged. Even now, 2,000 years later, Christians are carrying out the mission that originally belonged to the chosen people at the time of Jesus. We should understand that that Jesus could not organize the tribes, centering on the twelve disciples, through which he could take the command of Israel on the earth was the sorrow of God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit.

Today, then, we should realize the purpose of God and Jesus. What should be done first? We should organize a tribe God can set up on the earth representing the entire world. In a tribal formation, there are the twelve sons of Jacob, the twelve elders of Moses, and the twelve disciples of Jesus. The relationship between Jacob and his twelve sons was that of father and son. Thus, the relationship between Moses and the twelve elders should have been like that of father and son, yet it failed to become so. Jesus and his disciples should have had a father-son relationship; yet they failed to do so. We should know that this is the basis upon which a condition of sorrow remained in the course of the providence of restoration.

If the Israelites had served Moses as the father of their nation, if they had made a father-son relationship with him, recognizing him as the God-installed father of the nation who could lead them into heavenly victory and had they gone to Canaan in such a relationship, they never would have betrayed Moses. Yet, since Moses and the twelve tribes failed to make a father-son relationship, they could not feel any sadness, even when Moses felt sorrow. Since their relationship began to tear apart, God’s Will to restore through love was shattered, and the chosen 600,000 Israelites fell in the wilderness.

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