Our Responsibility to Form Families to Create the Kingdom

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2104

In your family you are told, “Be a
child of filial piety!” What does this
mean? It means to practice true love.
Then, what does it mean to say, “Be an
heir” or “Be a patriot”? It is saying that
we should inherit the nation. What does
it mean to say, “Be a saint?” It means
that we should love the world; if we do,
we will inherit the world. We will be
the owner of the world. If we say, “Be a
holy son and daughter” and “Be God’s
son”… what does that mean? It is say-
ing that we should participate in God’s
love and receive the right to inherit the
entire universe. Based on the traditional
way to inherit all these things, God has
been preparing the foundation to devel-
op this logical stage in the fallen world
of humanity. From this we can draw the
conclusion that the purpose of religion
or the path of spiritual attainment is
possible. On what basis? On the basis of
love. (142-337, 1986.3.14)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1610

On the foundation of your own abso-
lute faith, love and obedience, you need
to become families that are absolute,
unique, eternal and unchanging, serv-
ing God, and from you should emerge an
eternal tribe, people, nation and world.
Thus we can establish His kingdom on
earth, and create an environment that
would connect directly to His kingdom
in heaven.
Everyone on earth – including grand-
children, children and parents – should
be in the same position as Adam, serv-
ing and addressing God as their Father.
Henceforth, you will all become ances-
tors. (295-255, 1998.9.8)

Let Us Regain the Victorious Nation
Rev. Sun Myung Moon
January 4, 1959

Genesis 1:27

Acts 1

Now we are living in the age when we must carry out this historical mission. Therefore, we must restore the lost order with our hands. In order for us to stand before God in this way, however, we need to go through the family. Jesus is now only in Paradise because he did not go through a family.

The Will of the 6,000-year providence is for the sake of going through the family. Since no one has ever passed through the gate of the family, however, God’s love has never been found in this world. Since Jesus could not go through the gate of the family, he left behind the task of his return. In the spiritual world, he stays in Paradise, an intermediate stage. Thus, we can go through the nation only after going through the family. It cannot be otherwise. The family belongs within the realm of the nation. The nation belongs within the realm of the country. Thus, we should know that we have an important responsibility to combine families and organize a nation, to organize nations and constitute a country, and to organize countries and form a world.

Therefore, if you are living for the sake of your family, your relationship with God will be severed. You should think that even though your life centers around your family, you live for the sake of the nation and world. Thus, when one lives representing the family, that family should live representing the nation. When one lives representing the nation, he should live representing the world. When one lives representing the world, he should live representing heaven and earth. We must create this new history. Thus, we have an important responsibility to organize the family, nation and world and to restore the new garden of victory.

This year you should move according to my plan. The brothers and sisters should restore the family by learning from parental love. Families should come together to save the nation. Learning from the Shim Jung of Jesus, we should love our brothers and sisters and become able to serve the Parents.

Without such a standard of heart, you can never become victorious sons and daughters. Without becoming victorious children, you will never be able to found a victorious family. Without a victorious family, the whole Will of the restoration of founding a new country will not be fulfilled. You should know this and keep today’s word in your hearts.

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