Liberate God through True Love

6 “I am the way, the truth, and the life!” Jesus answered. “Without me, no one can go to the Father. 7 If you had known me, you would have known the Father. But from now on, you do know him, and you have seen him.”

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We should know where the seeds
of happiness are. We must find them
because we lost them through the Fall.
This is why we find the true God cen-
tered on the Unification Church.
So far, God has been the God of resto-
ration, not the original God. He is filled
with sorrow and is to be pitied. He is not
the God of joy, but of despair. In order
to return to the original state, therefore,
we must liberate the God of restoration –
not with money, not with power, not with
any person, but with true love. (174-248,

Richard:  Ture love stems from true lineage in the family.  All couples should marry under God’s Blessing:

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From now on, you must live with
True Parents. True Parents are in the
position of the grandparents. They are
also in the position of your mother and
father, living with you, and you are in
the position of the first child. This is a
new and different age. We should real-
ize that, in this way, three generations
will be living together. You must live
with the feeling in your heart that God is
with you, and that True Parents, as your
own parents, are with you. We have now
entered an age in which we cannot think
that God is not there, that He is dead.
(131-97, 1984.4.16)

Richard: “True Parents” refer to Rev. Sun Myung Moon and his bride, Hyun Shil Kang.  See to understand more about the role of True Parents.

God and Humanity Should Live Together
Rev. Sun Myung Moon
January 11, 1959

John 14: 6-12

“I am the way, the truth, and the life!” Jesus answered. “Without me, no one can go to the Father. If you had known me, you would have known the Father. But from now on, you do know him, and you have seen him.”

Philip said, “Lord, show us the Father. That is all we need.”

Jesus replied:

Philip, I have been with you for a long time. Don’t you know who I am? If you have seen me, you have seen the Father. How can you ask me to show you the Father? 10 Don’t you believe that I am one with the Father and that the Father is one with me? What I say isn’t said on my own. The Father who lives in me does these things.

11 Have faith in me when I say that the Father is one with me and that I am one with the Father. Or else have faith in me simply because of the things I do. 12 I tell you for certain that if you have faith in me, you will do the same things that I am doing. You will do even greater things, now that I am going back to the Father.


We cannot help thanking You, Father, for having brought us before the Will and taught us the duties of children and our original value. Please do not let our hearts be our own. Connect them to Yours and make them hearts that can represent Yours. At this time, grant us the ability to feel everything in Your place and to experience the heavenly nature, beyond human nature. Beloved Father, we sincerely desire this.

Father! Having been separated from You, we must meet You again. Make our paths desperate ones. Let us forget all we have and struggle to find the lost Father. We know that we must have an earnest Shim Jung, earnest loyalty, and perform the actions that arise from such. Please forgive us our shortcomings. Father, please forgive us that, although we should offer utmost loyalty to You, we have not been single-minded enough.

Father, today is the second holy day of the new year. Allow us to start with a new determination. We have realized that our hearts must become one before You. Father, we must be grasped by You. Please come and soothe our hearts and embrace our bodies. Father, we sincerely desire this.

Since we know we must be offered as a living sacrifice before You, from this time on, please allow us to be offered as such. Today is a holy day. Please bless all the people on the earth, the thirty million people of this nation and the numerous churches. Please specially embrace the lonely brothers and sisters across the country who must be making tearful pleas with heavenly sorrow on this day. They are in lonely places because of the heavenly Will. Since they know the heavenly Shim Jung and situation, they are fighting for the sake of that. Hence, please embrace them with the same grace at this time. We sincerely desire it.

Father, since Your sons and daughters who have been fighting across the country are gathered this Sunday to make a new determination and resolution, to take up arms anew, please allow them to experience the traces of Your glory in this workshop with their bodies and minds. We sincerely pray that You will bless us to possess the heavenly staff to bear witness to the value that has manifested compassion before the whole of creation.

We are trying to gather our hearts and bow to You at this time. Although we are unworthy, please come here, receive it, and embrace us. We sincerely pray that You will admonish us with the hidden grace of life. Since we have the responsibility to save the people moaning under the forces of darkness, Father, please guide us to embrace them day and night and to struggle against the forces of darkness. We sincerely ask You to allow us to realize the responsibility to offer life and become sacrifices for their sake and to inherit that mission with our pledge to You. We entrust everything to You. Please lead us as You wish. We pray in the name of the Lord. Amen.


Father, have pity on the people of the earth. We know that the day is approaching when the Will is to be completed. We know that day is the day of Your liberation, the day of Jesus’ hope and the day humankind so desperately awaits.

We know that the time has come when we must serve the Father with our hearts on the glorious day, the time when we must not become part of the sinful history, lest we receive the fearful day of judgment. Please recreate our hearts and give us characters pleasing to You. We sincerely desire that You recreate our bodies and give them a form with which You can work. Allow us to become Your true sons and daughters, who can sing of Your original hope with minds and bodies You can possess.

We sincerely wish that the day of Your hope, the day of Your glory, and the day of Your joy will come soon upon the earth. That will be the day when we become one in glory, when Your joy becomes our joy, and our joy becomes Your joy, as well as the joy of all the saints in heaven and the joy of all things.

If someone’s heart is immature, allow him to grow according to Your original heart. If someone does not have the original human form that resembles Your inner character, please subjugate his body and remove all the elements of evil.

We deeply long to be heavenly children who can move when You move, their minds and bodies harmonizing with Your Shim Jung. Father, if our mind is unable to resonate and move with Your original mind, please change it. If our body has not resembled the original form and is unable to resonate and move with Your Shim Jung, please subjugate this body and make it one that can appear as beauty itself, with the original form.

We sincerely pray that You not let even one of Your sons and daughters gathered here today fall into Satan’s bosom. Please embrace them with love and consecrate them. We sincerely pray that You will shape us so that You can dwell in this temple, You can move our bodies, directly and freely dominating us.

Father, today is a holy day. Please have pity on the miserable thirty million people of this nation. Many of Your sons and daughters are wandering in search of the way. Please embrace them. We earnestly desire this. Please quickly grasp and consecrate Your sons and daughters who have been seized by the forces of darkness and who are struggling, unable to find the path of life. Please make them Your children who can align themselves with the ideal. Bless them and guide them in the direction of making offerings upon the altar of the last days.

Please accept and guide us as we offer our minds and bodies. Eliminate all elements through which Satan can enter. Make this a gathering where You can directly dominate and give commands, a gathering which can manifest the harmony and glory of goodness. Please allow us to pour out all we have in our hearts at this time, to go back to the children’s heart and make a thorough response to Your commands. Beloved Father, we sincerely desire this.

Father, please do not withdraw Your loving hand wherever lonely hearts pray. Dominate and embrace our entire minds and bodies at this time. Please make this gathering a sacrifice in which we return glory to You in Your holy of holies. We pray all this in the name of the Lord. Amen.


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