The Left and Right Will Unite with Godwing Ideology

1 Thessalonians 2

15 Those Jews killed the Lord Jesus and the prophets, and they even chased us away. God doesn’t like what they do and neither does anyone else. 16 They keep us from speaking his message to the Gentiles and from leading them to be saved. The Jews have always gone too far with their sins. Now God has finally become angry and will punish them.

Richard:  When you are preaching God’s Word and doing His work, you are sure to be opposed and persecuted.

Ezekiel 2

Don’t be afraid of them or of anything they say. You may think you’re in the middle of a thorn patch or a bunch of scorpions. But be brave and preach my message to them, whether they choose to listen or not. Ezekiel, don’t rebel against me, as they have done. Instead, listen to everything I tell you.



July 28, 1991
Belvedere, Tarrytown, New York

In the last several years the situation of the world has changed most dramatically. As you know, communism has tumbled down and I had to prepare internal and providential changes in order to generate these external changes. I have been very busy to keep up with the schedule of the Providential will and program and therefore have not been with you too many times. Do you understand and welcome me?

As you well know, the Unification Church has been in the position to receive the most persecution. From that position we are rising to the position of being most welcomed by the society and the nation. I’m sure you feel that change to the bone, don’t you? We have witnessed the collapse of the left wing or communism, and watched the crumbling of the Berlin Wall. The right wing, or democracy, which is represented by the United States and the free world, should be prospering while the left wing is going down. However, that is not happening. The free world is also going down, following the path of the demise of communism. This is the real problem today.

Of the two thieves on either side of Jesus at the crucifixion, one opposed him and one offered his support, introducing the terms left wing and right wing. During the time of the Second Advent, the left wing and right wing terminology will disappear. The Messiah shall stand victoriously in the center, forming the headwing, or Godwing. The left and right will unite with the central Godwing ideology. This is the conclusion and culmination of religious history.

The world is in absolute confusion today. The democratic world is in trouble and has no solutions. The left wing is in disarray. Can the leaders of the free and communist worlds find a solution for lasting peace? No! Reverend Sun Myung Moon’s actions will become the focal point for promoting peace.

The Unification Movement is a multi-colored movement with people from all backgrounds. Many governments have persecuted this movement and tried to wipe it off the face of the earth. But we have continued to prosper. Therefore, they now know they must either join or decline.

The popular opinion was, “Those Moonies are weird people. There is something wrong with them.” But now world scholars and philosophers are studying Father’s teaching, the Divine Principle, and have completely surrendered to it. People thought communism would conquer the world. Instead, communism collapsed. Who went to the Soviet Union first? Reverend Moon and the Unification people. We are teaching the Divine Principle to the communists.

The surprising thing is this: Reverend Moon’s strength has been studied, not only by scholars, but by government agencies such as the CIA, the FBI and the KGB. They have come to the conclusion that the Unification Movement it not a cult; on the contrary, it has a value system that needs to be adopted throughout the world in the twenty-first century. The ideologies of East and West have failed and the leaders have thrown their hands up. They must turn to me to study my teaching and value system, which is centered upon God and exists absolutely for the future happiness of all mankind. This is their conclusion, not my conclusion.

Shall we talk about a bad topic or a good topic today? In order for me to speak about a good topic, I need good people to listen. Are you good or bad people? Have your actions been really good in the sight of God or are you only answering positively? Then you are actually bad people. We are at the final crossroads of good and evil, so we must evaluate ourselves.

Even today, you can make a new beginning. You may think, “I have not been so good, but here in the presence of Father, Mother, the True Family, the spirit world, and the beauty of nature, I will make a pledge to move toward the good side. From today on, I’m going to be an absolutely dedicated Unificationist.”

Our title today is: “The Royal Family of True Love.” Am I speaking about a conceptual idea that will happen a thousand years from now, or am I speaking about reality? (Reality!) There are many of you who have not really believed in your heart the things Father has said. There are few Unificationists who have believed in Father one hundred percent. Is there anybody who can say, “Father I have been with you one thousand percent; I never doubted any of your words”?

The fact is, whether you believed it or not, Father’s words have been fulfilled to the last iota. Was God’s will automatically fulfilled? Not at all, because there is always a factor of human responsibility. That is precisely what the Divine Principle is all about.

There are many Unification Church members in Korea, Japan and elsewhere in the world, but none of them had anything to do with the fulfillment of Father’s prophecy. Only one person, Father himself, has fulfilled his five percent of human responsibility, leading to the fulfillment of the Providential will. Therefore, who will pioneer the new future history? Father himself.

On August 31, l989, in Kodiak, Alaska, Father declared the Pal Jong Shik, meaning Eight Stages Settlement Ceremony. Do you know its contents? You’ve been saying, “I’m a member of the Unification Church,” but you do not know Father nor the Unification Church so well. In that ceremony, Father proclaimed that the world would quickly and drastically change.

Then, on September 1, Father declared the age of True Parentism. If True Parentism had appeared at the outset of human history, there would have been no Satan and no evil; God’s will would have been long established here on the earth. Satan’s world has been flourishing, but when Father declared True Parentism, Satan had to retreat.

What happened after that? That same year, the Berlin Wall, the symbol of East-West separation, came tumbling down. Only five months later, Father went to Moscow and met with President Gorbachev in the Kremlin on April 11, 1990. Through this, True Parents set the condition for the second generation of the communist world to follow a new ideology and value system. So far, 3000 Soviet college students from the best universities have come to Father’s seminars to learn the Divine Principle and have become incredibly inspired.

President Gorbachev not only amended the constitution to end the communist dictatorship, but has virtually declared the end of communism. The Soviets are trying to imitate the Western economic system. But where can they gain a value system for their future? Only from Reverend Moon’s Godism ideology. It is the hope of the Soviet Union. History has been made by men, often without God. This time history shall be made with a God centered-ideology!

What if the Soviet Union’s dramatic acceptance of Father could happen in all the fifty states of America? What if each governor told Father, “Please come and set up the Unification Church in our state because only your ideology can save our people”? It would be a miracle. But it is already happening in the Soviet Union.

Recently members of the KGB confessed to Father saying, “We have been gathering information about you and your movement for ten years.” They thought Reverend Moon was their archenemy but with recent changes they came to the conclusion that Reverend Moon is the greatest ally of the Soviet Union and the Divine Principle has the answers for the problems of the Soviet people.

While the Soviet Union is making this kind of foundation, what is the free world doing, especially America? This is a problem. Do you want to be defeated by the Soviet Union? (No!) No matter how they acted in the past, the Soviet Union has now changed their direction 180 degrees. This is reality.

In the Bible there is a saying that the last shall become the first and the first, the last. Father first came to the United States and put most of his energy into this country. In terms of God’s Providence the Soviet Union is the last country. They are just now accepting the Divine Principle, but the last are becoming first. This is a realization of that prophecy.

Furthermore, established Christianity was the first, worshipping Jesus Christ and God. However, because they did not accept this last days truth coming from God, they will become the last, and atheists who accepted True Parentism and the Messiah will become the first. Those atheists will accuse Christians, asking, “You’re supposed to be Christ’s disciples, but what have you done? We have been atheists but we accepted the truth. We know True Parents now, we know true love now, so we are ahead of you.” This kind of transition has been occurring at this time.


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