Christians Need to Recognize the Work of Rev. Sun Myung Moon

Luke 1

One day Zechariah’s group of priests were on duty, and he was serving God as a priest. According to the custom of the priests, he had been chosen to go into the Lord’s temple that day and to burn incense,[c] 10 while the people stood outside praying.

Richard:  The calling that God has given you is crucial

Isaiah 29

From deep in the earth,
you will call out for help
    with only a faint whisper.

Then your cruel enemies
will suddenly be swept away
    like dust in a windstorm.
I, the Lord All-Powerful,
    will come to your rescue
with a thundering earthquake
    and a fiery whirlwind.

Richard:  Persevere to the end with faith.



July 28, 1991
Belvedere, Tarrytown, New York

Three consecutive forty-day seminars have been conducted for Muslim leaders-Syrians, Yemeni, and Egyptians. Mingling with other religions is usually a high offense, but they are allowed to come by their leaders. Could those Muslims listen to Christian leaders? Could Billy Graham or the President of the United States do that? Only Father can do that!

Last year, Father spoke in ten gymnasiums throughout South Korea, as well as in the major cities of the United States, to the Korean people. I proclaimed True Parentism. They just listened with no objections, particularly the Korean Christians. In one gymnasium tens of thousands did a True Parents’ mansei at the end.

How much transformation in men’s lives has been brought about on the face of the earth because of one man? Until now, humanity had no hope. Now, True Parents’ direction alone will provide them salvation.

Father brought more than 30,000 Korean leaders to the United States, across the Pacific, to attend a Divine Principle seminar and see Father’s accomplishments. But people say, “Reverend Moon is a great liar. How could anyone bring that many people across the Pacific? Not even a government could do that.”

Here is the United States many eople live on either the West Coats or the East Coast. But they can live and die without even having gone to visit the opposite coast. But I am bringing people from the other side of the world, from Korea, Japan, and the Soviet Union. People disbelieve Father because it is too incredible.

You are very powerful individuals, but you don’t know it. Why? Because you met Father. Otherwise, you might live and die in one place. By joining with Father you have been around all 50 states doing MFT or evangelization work, and furthermore, many of you went to Europe, Asia and Africa. If Father asks you to assemble in Korea in one month, it is nothing for you. You are well-trained to go anywhere in order to save the world and liberate God.

You have now heard all the prophesies which Father has fulfilled; therefore, you must become a true believer. Everything I have said has been achieved and is thus easily believed. So now I must give you new words.

Today’s topic is “The Royal Family of True Love.” I have spoken for two hours just about history. Everyone now pledges, “Yes, I am going to follow Father’s words and become a champion of this church.”

Today’s topic sounds easy, but none of you really think about how difficult it is to fulfill this title – become a royal family of true love.

What is the original site of the royal family? Is the royal family centered upon man or God? If the royal family is humanity, then what is God’s position? God is the royal family lord, owner, and subject. What is another title for God? King, kingship! Without a king there is no royalty.

Normally, is the king a man or a woman? Will American women say, “The king is a woman”? Does the king come first or the queen come first? (King!) Where there is a king, there should also be a queen. They are meant to be equal, but if the queen doesn’t follow and unite with the kingdom’s law and philosophy, she is certainly not entitled to queenship. The king and queen’s children constitute the royal family.

In the Unification Church we are always talking about the restoration of the elder son’s right-Cain and Abel. We are also pursuing the parent’s right and the king’s right. Do you know who should be the king of the Unification Church? God! But since God is invisible, He bequeathed the kingship to His son, Reverend Moon.

God is the King of Kings-the problem-making King of Kings. Why is Reverend Moon so controversial? Because I am the heir of the problem-making King. But I am making problems for Satan, pushing him out wherever I go. I have created so much noise that people hear about me and without even knowing me, want to spit at me. I am like a poisonous snake to them, but to God, I am a trouble-making king for Satan’s world.

I have been creating individual problems, family problems, tribal problems, national problems, world problems, spiritual and physical world problems, cosmic problems. Hell’s world has united to push me out: “Don’t speak out, or you will die.” But I didn’t care. I have been speaking out, year after year, until now I am over seventy years old, an old grandpa. God gave me the power to overcome Satan. No one can deny that any longer. Can you deny or accept that? (Accept it.)

Is Satan’s world a nice place or a bad place? It is the worst place, and that is where you come from. It is a wonderful privilege to become a trouble-maker for Satan’s world.

I infiltrated and overcame Satan’s world, with God as my Partner. Satan has been trying to hide certain information from me, but spirit world informs me right away. That is why Satan dislikes me so much. Satan’s side thought they had completely demolished us, but all of a sudden they realized I was not only alive, but getting stronger. They were shooting at my lower body, but my head was way above, protected. So my head got the victory; this is why Reverend Moon’s ideology finally received the name, Headwing-it means head won!

The whole world united to shoot at one target-Reverend Moon. But who protected me? (God.) They tried to break through the invisible shield of God and heavenly fate, but it was too strong.

Father has declared the victory. As early as l979, the academic community attempted to knock my ideology down, but I won the knock-out victory over them. The only people still opposing me are those who are not informed. Suppose all the established Christians listened to a Divine Principle seminar for one week. Would they be turned around, changing their concepts and attitudes? (Yes.)

Since the liberation of Korea in l945, established Christianity has been the major obstacle for the advancement of the Unification Movement. Since l945, how many people have died and gone to spirit without knowing the Divine Principle and True Father? One billion lives ended up in hell because established Christianity blocked them. These Christians think they can go to heaven through worshipping the Lord Jesus, but when they go to spirit world, one billion innocent victims are waiting for them: “Because you opposed Reverend Moon, I could not end up in heaven.”

Furthermore, Unification Church members also are going to be accused, because those in spirit world will say that you knew the True Parents, knew how to obtain salvation, but because of your lack of doing, you couldn’t restore even your own tribe. Because of you, the True Parents’ name has not reached every corner of the earth. Victims have been increasing every year. They will say, “You rascal-you too became an obstacle for us to go to heaven.” What do you think? Will your ancestors welcome you in the spirit world, or will they be cursing you in the spiritual world? (Cursing.)

You are not here because you are eligible to become a member of the Unification Church. You are the representative of your tribe and of your ancestors. If you fail, you are responsible for the failure of your entire family clan. God chose you for this mission. It is a public mission, not an individual mission. A public mission means restoring history, from the individual foundation to the cosmic foundation, including God. Look at the miserable situation of downtown New York City? Who should save it? Should God or Father do it? No. That is your mission, why you were called by God.

You must take the repentance way. These are not Father’s words, but God’s words. Future generations will accuse you, “Did you do your mission?” You must repent and do your public mission.

How can you liberate these levels? You must take up the cross, and go the agonizing indemnity way, as Jesus did. This Grandpa went this way, step by step, and the next generations must each pass though the same absolute course. From now on you must take the way of repentance.

When I think about the persecution I encountered, it was God’s way of protecting me: “Don’t go astray, take the correct path.” The correct way was liberating the individual level to the family, tribe, nation, world, and cosmic levels. Not the way of just individual salvation, as established Christians believe. What was my path centered upon? True Love. True Love is the center of that straight and narrow way, the only way to open the gates from the individual to the cosmic levels.

I expanded a rocky mountainous path into a superhighway. So, you must follow behind me, taking the true love way. Don’t wander around-take the short-cut of true love!

I encountered so many walls and barriers along the way, but they have been torn down. You never understood Father’s miserable situation during this course. Going to jail is no problem, compared to Satan’s secret obstacles, which only Father knows about. It was worse than a head-on collision. How many times I smiled, but I was desperately fighting to break up Satan’s world. Only I understood God and Satan’s secret war, so I took responsibility for this mission. I stood at the center of the battlefield with every imaginable satan shooting at me, trying to destroy God’s foundation. But I moved forward to liberate God throughout the free world. From now on, no more persecution appears on the horizon. I liberated everything.

When I came to America it was like a modern-day Rome. I proclaimed to Senators and Congressmen, “You are wrong!” I fought to become God’s victor, restoring past history and making a foundation to restore the Christian second generation in the United States.

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