Wage an Intense Battle Against Satan

Happy Independence Day!

Romans 1

16 I am proud of the good news! It is God’s powerful way of saving all people who have faith, whether they are Jews or Gentiles. 17 The good news tells how God accepts everyone who has faith, but only those who have faith.[d] It is just as the Scriptures say, “The people God accepts because of their faith will live.”[e]

Micah 4

He will settle arguments
between distant
    and powerful nations.
They will pound their swords
and their spears
    into rakes and shovels;
they will never again make war
    or attack one another.
Everyone will find rest
beneath their own fig trees
    or grape vines,
and they will live in peace.
This is a solemn promise
    of the Lord All-Powerful.

Oh, Where Shall I Go?

Sun Myung Moon
January 18, 1959

Matthew 7

The purpose of a good and unfallen individual who can receive God’s love is to be sealed by God and then to seal his brothers and sisters. Furthermore, he should be able to seal the tribe and nation. Considering this, you should understand how great was the heavenly woe. You have never heard about such sorrow of Heaven in any dream, from any friend, from any teacher or from any religious individual. This is truly serious.

Where will your footsteps lead tomorrow? Are you in the realm of God’s love now? Are you in the realm of True Parents’ love? Are you in the realm of true brothers’ love? Are you in the realm of the true tribe’s love? Are you in the realm of the true nation’s love? Are you in the realm of love where, when you unite heaven and earth and bow down to God, He embraces you? There is not even a single person like this, even Jesus has not been able to do this. This is why he is in Paradise in a state of waiting.

What must Jesus do when he returns in the last days? He should restore these matters. Jesus has already stood upon the Word. Yet Jesus, who was resurrected after the cross, had to turn Mary Magdalene away as she tried to hold him. He was not in a position to say, “Bride, let us go to the Father together.” He has been working hard for 2,000 years, looking forward to the day when the ideal of the bride could be realized. Originally, Jesus was to go before the Father with a rejoicing bride, be blessed and become True Parents. He was to embrace true children and a true tribe, and build a true nation. God wanted to bless Jesus to become the true ancestor of heaven and earth.

Jesus left without receiving the blessing from the position of the true ancestor of humankind. You know this well. This is the sorrow of God and Jesus. Now this tear-provoking, woeful shock of Shim Jung should be aroused in your hearts: “I have betrayed the heavenly Word, the heavenly substance, God, and my heavenly brothers, tribe, nation and people. Furthermore, I have abused the heavenly sovereignty. How can Heaven forgive me?” Heaven desires for many young men and women to appear who realize that they are unforgivable sinners and who struggle anxiously.

Having realized this, our Shim Jung cannot help burning. Affections will come through, and hearts will move. The desire to express anger against history and the age will well up in our hearts. As the anger becomes stronger, you will wonder how it can be resolved. Since this historical sorrow was caused by Satan, we must wage an intense battle against Satan. You should know that we can restore the parents, brothers, tribe, nation and heavenly sovereignty only when there are many young people with such determination.


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