Take Pride in the Person God Has Chosen

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2044

This is an important final hurdle. I
have prayed throughout my life that we
would win over the tong and ban cen-
tering on districts and township. Only
by doing so, can we take complete hold
of the satanic world. We are not try-
ing to take over something large, such
as the central government building in
Seoul or any other city. We are trying
to influence the tong and ban, centering
on the districts and then assimilate the
tong and ban centered on the townships.
Then everything else will be included.
From the VIPs down to the most simple
people, transcending class, everyone is
included through the local level activi-
ties. Therefore, the district and regional
church leaders should not focus on the
provinces but in the leaders of the tong
and ban. Centering on the district, the
stage for your activities is the tong and
ban. (167-10, 1987.6.14)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1410

If you already married couples can-
not outperform those who were blessed
while still single, you will not be able
to uphold the dignity of already mar-
ried Blessed Couples. Was there such a
thing as the Blessing of already married
couples in the Garden of Eden or within
God’s will? In order to save you, I have
opened the gates through which every-
thing ragged and false can be patched
up. This became possible through the
inclusion of already married couples in
the 36 Couples Blessing. That is the only
reason you can go on living within the
Will. (101-286, 1978.11.7)

Richard:  Married couples need to recieve the Blessing of marriage inaugurated by Rev Sun Myung Moon:  See http://visionroot.org/resources/marriage/.

Let Us Understand God, Who Wanted to be Proud

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
February 8, 1959

Genesis 1: 24-31

Heaven wanted the Israelites to follow Moses. God wanted them to follow him with the same intensity of desire with which He had established him, but that wish was shattered. Against God’s will, the Israelites became sacrifices to Satan.

The hope that God held in Moses during his forty years in the palace of Pharaoh, his forty years in the Midian wilderness, and the forty years of the wilderness course was completely shattered. As a result, God no longer had a people and a land of which He could be proud. Nevertheless, Moses wanted to be proud of these worthless people. The tragedy is that the Israelites were, in like manner, not proud of the greatness of Moses, whom God had raised.

What kind of nation and people can possess the heavenly authority to influence the world in the last days? You have to understand that it is the nation or people who take pride in the person God has chosen. Wouldn’t that be so?

Let us think about Jesus once more. Jesus was the ultimate fruit of all God’s work of 4,000 years. He was the incarnation of God’s heart and love. Moreover, his words, situation, hopes and heart represented everything of God. We have to realize that Jesus was chosen to represent and take pride in the hope of God.

After persevering for 4,000 years, God sent Jesus as His representative, the central figure of which He was proud. Yet when Jesus came to the earth, he never boasted about himself.

Jesus never had the chance to boast about himself in a manner that could bring joy to God. No one boasted about Jesus either, which would have pleased God. Because Jesus came in place of God, he had an intense desire to be proud of himself before the family, the religious sects, the people, and the world. Don’t you think that must have been true? Because he came as the proud fruit for which God had waited 4,000 years, he really wanted to be proud of that in the presence of his family, society, nation and the world.

Yet Jesus did not have the foundation upon which he could stand proud before the thousands of people. God raised Jesus, intending to boast about him before all created things in heaven and earth, as well as before Satan. Nonetheless, no one ever took pride in him, not his family, not his sect, not his people, nor the world.

We who are the descendants of the traitors to Heaven should feel utterly ashamed in the presence of Heaven. We human beings, who have committed the historic sin, are not in a position to boast about ourselves. You have to understand that it has been the source of God’s deepest sorrow that He could not find one person, one sect or one people of which to be proud.

When God chose Jesus as the representative of the 4,000-year history, Jesus shed tears and said, “It is my greatest honor.” Jesus became extremely grievous because he could not fulfill this will. Rather than finding an excuse for himself, he lamented and bowed his head before Heaven with the attitude, “I never thought that the wishes of my Father, who has toiled so hard for my sake, would meet such a tragic end.” You must understand that the time has come when we must show our pride in Jesus, who had this kind of heart.

Christians today must understand that it is their task to usher in the one proud day Jesus wanted to fulfill for the individuals, families, people and the world. They must attend Jesus. This is what Heaven desires. Now you must be awakened to the original heart of God, who wanted to boast about humanity after creating the Garden of Eden.

Jesus, who should have been glorified and felt proud that he was the son of God, had to shoulder the cross in misery. You must be full of the desire to liberate the bitter heart Jesus had toward the people, heaven and earth, and Satan as he walked toward Golgotha with the cross on his shoulders. You have to feel this in your heart. You have to have a desperate heart toward the will of Heaven.

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