God Must be able to Boast about You

Although Jesus had the qualifications to boast about his glory, he did not. On the contrary, he lived with the humility of a sinner. Jesus had the mind-set that even in the path of death, he would be proud in the presence of God. As we look at this life of Jesus, we must have the same kind of mentality and cross the pass.

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Cheon Seong Gyeong 439

We have a saying that refers to serv-
ing both parents and grandparents.
How many levels are there? There may
be five generations in a family, but nor-
mally there are four – your grandfather,
your father, your own couple and then
your sons and daughters. With this in
mind, the Unification Church Princi-
ple introduces the three stages of for-
mation, growth and completion. This
teaching deals with living in harmony
and declares, “All goes well if there is
harmony in the family.” Why is this? Is
it because it sounds nice? Is it because
someone wanted to be poetic? No. That
is not the case. Harmony in the family
means that four generations revolving
around the grandparents unite – top and
bottom, east and west, north and south,
front and back, and left and right – and
will live together in the joy of laughter.
(139-12, 1986.1.26)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1929

he Philippines, an island nation,
is America’s Eve nation. Among the
Eve nations, Japan is in the forefront.
She forms a trinity with Taiwan and
the Philippines. By having Taiwan and
the Philippines as global Eve nations,
we can move humankind, centering
on the island nations. I have made all
preparations to enable this to happen. I
have tied everything together through
the Federation of Island Nations, the
Federation of Peninsular Nations, and
the Federation of Continental Nations.
I am going to make a proposal to the
UN in September. (291-240, 1998.3.15)

Let Us Understand God, Who Wanted to be Proud

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
February 8, 1959

Genesis 1: 24-31

Although 2,000 years have passed since the coming of Jesus, have you ever met a person who is still burning with the desire to boast about Jesus? If you are not this kind of religious leader, you are a corrupted minister working for mere wages. You must be proud of Jesus. To set the condition of pride before Heaven, he gratefully overcame the path of the cross despite all the pain that he suffered: his torn body, the spear that pierced his side, the crown of thorns on his head, and the nails in his hands and feet.

Although Jesus had the qualifications to boast about his glory, he did not. On the contrary, he lived with the humility of a sinner. Jesus had the mind-set that even in the path of death, he would be proud in the presence of God. As we look at this life of Jesus, we must have the same kind of mentality and cross the pass.

When Mary Magdalene tried to hold the resurrected Jesus, he rejected her. The resurrected Jesus was not to be welcomed. Before the resurrection, while he was alive, his disciples should have comforted him and help him set the condition of pride to say “All is finished,” boasting to Heaven, earth and Satan. Because such tragic, historic Golgothas lie ahead, Christians have repeated the process of going up and down that hill until now. They have been repeating the process of climbing up and down the course.

No one has cried out to Heaven and earth that the Lord of Golgotha was his or her spouse. There were many people of faith who prayed, “Oh, Lord, please guide me to the bosom of the Father.” Until now, all have been ignorant of the internal situation of being proud of Jesus. They blindly follow Jesus, not understanding Jesus’ world of heart, his internal situation.

Jesus should have fulfilled God’s desire to be proud. Yet because that fruit has not been borne, Jesus has waited 2,000 years to raise a bridegroom and bear the fruit. You have to understand this and earn the qualifications to become the brides of Jesus. By doing so, you must become those about whom God, Jesus and yourselves want to boast. Only then can you attend the marriage of the lamb. You have to understand this clearly.

Parents naturally want to be proud of their children and of everything about them. Therefore, when you learn to be proud of everything around you, you can be elevated as the condition of pride before God and Jesus, who are the owners of everything.

Those of us who live in the last days must objectively criticize ourselves. Through whom do we show our pride? Through whom do God and Jesus want to show their pride? We want to be proud of ourselves based on Heaven, Jesus and all things. Accordingly, we should pray, “Father, the original person of which You wanted to be proud is here before You. I have become the representative of the Father’s heart. Please boast about me before Satan.”

If you acquire that proud heart, the authority of life, and the original nature to become someone trustworthy to God, you can boast about your relationship with God before all creation, all people, and even before the Holy Trinity. You must further become someone about whom even Satan can say, “That is right. They are the children of Heaven and earth of whom Heaven, earth, humanity and even we can be proud. Please raise them and be glorified for eternity.” God has longed for the appearance of these people for the long period of 6,000 years. He has persevered through the pass of death, the pass of grief, the pass of bitterness, and the pass of blood to usher in that one, proud day of hope.

You must connect with the original heart of which God wanted to be proud. You must reach the level where God can say about you, “Even if I were to lose this entire world, I would be satisfied as long as I could claim you.”

At the same time God’s deep-set grief is liquidated, His desire and ideal must also be fulfilled. Only then can we unite with the center of true love and build the eternal and inseparable parent-child relationship with Him. Heaven can be eternally proud of us and we can be eternally proud of God. All existing things in heaven and earth can then use us as the condition of pride. We have to stand in that position.

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