Find Your New Second Self

Cheon Seong Gyeong 407

Can you see your mind? The spirit
world is a world where your mind takes
form, and it is a world that transcends
time and space. There you can eat meals
whenever you want. You do not have to
worry about your meals. You do not have
to worry about water. Nor do you have to
worry about drinking. There is no need
to worry about clothes. The spirit world
is a place where you rise above the need
for clothing, food and shelter. Would
you need cars there? Do you think there
are automobile factories there? Do you
think there are food, clothing or textile
factories there? There are none of these.
It is a place where you can move hun-
dreds of millions of kilometers in an
instant. But by what force? By the force
of love. If you say you want to see your
loved one, he will appear before you.
(210-225, 1990.12.23)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1794

Men and women are horizontal. They
are level. The union of man and wom-
an is to be engrafted, based on vertical,
lifelong and eternal love. As men rep-
resenting east and women representing
west have lost the central line, they will
seek to graft into this, so they must abso-
lutely get married. Aren’t there many in
America who oppose marriage? There
are many who, like homosexuals or les-
bians, dislike having children. Those
without children have lost out when they
pass on to the spirit world. This is the
formula of the universe. (163-88, 1987.4.19)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1289

The place where two lives come
together as one, centered on love, and
the place where the blood of man and
woman become one, is the sexual organ.
You must know that this place is more
precious than sons and daughters, hus-
band and even God. It is a place that is
more precious than your children, hus-
band, and even parents. If sexual organs
did not exist, parents would be value-
less, husband and wife would be value-
less, and sons and daughters would be
valueless. Since this place is so very pre-
cious, it is kept under lock and key, away
from other eyes, during your lifetime,
as the treasure of treasures. The key that
can unlock the sexual organ of a man is
owned by the woman, and the key for
the woman is owned by the man; there
is only one key for every person. There
should only be one key per person. Do
you want to possess ten or twenty keys,
as in the case of free sex? Do you want to
become a ruined house that has its gates
open for everyone and does not have an
owner? Do you want to become a place
that anyone can pass through and come
and go at will? (280-199, 1997.1.1)

Let Us Open Our Eyes Once More and Behold the Sky

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
February 15, 1959

Matthew 26: 36-46

Attending the True Parents of humanity, you must alleviate all grievous situations, sorrows and grudges. Your heart must completely become one with the heart of the True Parents. You must thus become the incarnation of joy, every part of which is overflowing. In this way, the True Parents must be able to say to you, “You are my beloved. You are my joy. You are my goodness and happiness.”

When we reflect upon ourselves and our many sorrows, we have been so miserable that we can hardly say we have been living like people. Now we should no longer be lost in agonizing thoughts. We should become new, second selves who can dance in joy, bliss and glory. If such an event does not take place on the earth, God will truly be a miserable God.

Our fate compels us to deny ourselves and be recognized anew. However, the earth on which we live and our earthly lives have not borne heavenly fruits. Hence, even if the world, your friends, your parents, your spouses, your children and everything on the earth were to leave, your earnest heart which looks to Heaven must tell you not to leave.

Are you going to remain unchanged as God is unchanging? Are you going to cling tenaciously to the heavenly bond and bonds of blessing with the determination that you will bear the fruits on the earth, even at the cost of your lives? Do you have the desire to attain the love of God, even if your hearts are torn apart and you are made sacrifices of Satan in the process? Have you struggled vehemently with the hope and desire that the heart to drive away fallen conditions will remain within you? Have you become someone whom God has sought? Have you become someone who can be presented before Heaven? Have you become someone who can be proud before heaven and earth? You must be able to say, “Heaven, please come down. Humanity, please look at me. All things, please dance in rejoicing.”

Using yourselves as the condition, you must alleviate the bitterness of heaven, earth and all things, and remove all sorrow rooted deep in the cosmos. You should then sing on behalf of Heaven, earth and the universe. Moreover, you must be able to ask God, “Please allow only a sincere and loyal heart to remain within us,” so that you may command Satan. You must be able to say, “Only someone who possesses such a heart should be allowed to be the Lord of history. Only that person should influence the history of humanity. Only that heart should be the signpost of hope for our descendants.” You have to understand that you have the mission to pass down such a heart.

Jesus has fought for the sake of this ideal, and our ancestors also fought for it. God has been awakening the people who live inside the realm of darkness for the sake of this ideal.

Who will penetrate the walls of historical misfortunes and, with the heart of Heaven, awaken the hearts of the people who are fast asleep? Who will awaken their own sleeping self and introduce the exploding heart of God’s love? It is none other than you, who appear so unworthy. Therefore, even if you are chased out, driven away and cruelly persecuted, you must always remember that you are the spearhead who must make the connection with this mission.

We have been called before heaven, earth and all things with this responsibility. Hence, we must accomplish our mission and responsibility to alleviate the bitter sorrow of heaven and earth. As the new hope of heaven and earth, you must make it possible for God to forget all grief and look at you with a joyful heart. You must become someone whom humanity can behold with delight; someone whom all things can behold with joy. You must achieve harmony.

This is the garden of the ideal, the original Kingdom of Heaven. The place where people join in harmony and unite around the one ideal is the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. God has been seeking us and awakening us countless times to introduce this. However, we have forgotten it, so we must remember this sorrow and ardently strive to find our new second selves in order to take responsibility for this.


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