Cry Out Fervently Like Jesus

Cheon Seong Gyeong 187

The Unification Church speaks about
True Parents. These are amazing words.
Who are the True Parents? Since false
parents appeared, True Parents must
appear. What do True Parents have to
do? They must rectify the tainted lineage
that forms the root of the satanic world,
turn the resulting deviated life around,
and correctly reopen the path of love that
has gone the wrong way. (169-37, 1987.10.4)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1475

The Lord of Creation has placed every
part of His form in the face of human
beings. Hence, God’s characteristics
can all be found in the human face. The
eyes symbolize God. Thus, when a being
comes into existence, the first feature to
develop is the eyes. Since the center of
the universe is God, the eyes symbol-
ize Him. Therefore, you can tell just by
looking into the eyes of someone, indeed
anyone, whether that person is consci-
entious or not. (39-247, 1971.1.15)

Let Us Love Heaven and Become Patriots

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
March 1, 1959

Matthew 5: 33-48

When we summarize these things, we can understand that it is required by the Principle that, after democracy has settled and new doctrines have arisen, religions must be united. What must we do to remain on the side of democracy?

To remain in the free world, Jesus must be with us. If a nation lives for the entire world and all humanity together with Jesus, abandoning everything for the sake of Heaven, then it will remain intact. Jesus called out to God even at the moment everything he had was taken away from him. Jesus was intoxicated in the love of Heaven, to which he clung, and he offered all that he had. If we follow this Jesus, we will remain alive. When a people possesses this ideology, all other people will be defeated at their hands.

What determination should we, the pitiful people of the Korean Peninsula, make? Upon what should we reflect? We must pray with burning zeal, “We who live in this divided nation have given up all that we possess. Without any hesitation, we have left behind our parents, brothers and sisters, families, tribes and all our material things. Heaven, we wish that You allow the place on which we stand to become Gethsemane, where Jesus cried out. We wish this land to be the garden of Gethsemane on the world level. We hope that it can become Golgotha on the world level.” If many young men and women are found in this nation who offer this kind of prayer, this nation will never perish.

Those who pray, “Even if history, this age, our ideology, and our tribes are to be abandoned, we will not forsake that which Heaven loves,” will come to dominate the world. These are the true people of Heaven.

It has been said that Jesus will return in the same way he left, yet where can we find his footsteps? Where can we find the sorrowful heart he felt in the garden of Gethsemane? Where can we find the sorrowful heart Jesus felt when he was carrying the cross to Golgotha, shedding tears, sweat and blood? Jesus is not the problem; we must find the heart of Jesus.

Those who forgive through the heart, unite through the heart, harmonize through the heart, and live in the genuine love of humanity will live inside the garden of hope. Only when people become the masters who can look at the world through their hearts will all things of this universe find peace. Only then can we call God “our Father” and hold onto Him, overcoming any number of hills of grief built up throughout the 6,000 years. These are the actual fruits of Jesus, who cried out in the garden of Gethsemane, who was crucified on the hill of Golgotha.

Only when such people emerge can all of humanity serve God and unite with each other in harmony in the garden of goodness as members of the same family. That is not the world of those who want to receive. It is a place where those who want to give reside. Satan is the one who has fought hard to seize and receive throughout the course of history. The Kingdom of Heaven on earth, which we pursue, is the world of those who promote goodness and unity not for their own sake, but for other people.

God infused the concept of the chosen people into the Israelites, yet the true chosen people are those who can practice the concept of the chosen people in their lives. Therefore, the person whom God has been seeking is one who understands God’s sorrow over having lost the chosen people. He is one who fully manifests the idea of the chosen people, whose purpose is to build the Kingdom of Heaven. The place of unity of all people is the place where the ideal of the chosen people is fully manifested in harmony. Therefore, those who live inside this realm will never perish. What is more, when we base our actions on this ideal, everything we do will work out smoothly. The world of those who live with such a heart to live for others and give to others is the world of God’s will. It is the world where God’s will is fulfilled. It is the garden of hope for which God suffered all tribulations and hardships.

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