Jesus’ Love for the Father

Cheon Seong Gyeong 443

In the family you should deeply expe-
rience love by going through the official
course of the training center which is
an encapsulation of the whole universe
and then expand this and love the world.
You have inherited this from your fam-
ily, your training ground, where you
were raised with your mother and
father. Therefore if you love your par-
ents more than your wife, love your sons
and daughters more than your wife, love
humanity more than your wife, and love
God more than your wife, everything
will be accomplished. This doesn’t mean
that you should abandon your wife. If
you love in this way, all the recipients of
that love will come to love your wife as
well. Is there a more glorious place than
this? If you want to love your wife, follow
this way. (143-285, 1986.3.20)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1797

Do you know why America is now
going to perish? I warned them before.
Do you know how numerous the cas-
es of incest are? Twenty percent in
this nation of scoundrels! Grandfa-
thers cohabit with their granddaugh-
ters and fathers sleep with their daugh-
ters even though they are married. All
the symptoms of apocalyptic destruc-
tion are here. An atomic bomb has been
dropped from heaven and we are in an
age where we might be directly bombed.
Yet the developed nations do not know
how fearful this is. This is where they
need me and the Unification Church.
Without the Unification Church, they
will never be able to bring this under
control. (201-165, 1990.3.30)

Richard:  Saving America is urgent.  Most do not realize what a predicament we are in.  Why not schedule the Urban Life Training STAR Leadership training at your location, and start a Chapter of Urban Life Training?

Let Us Halt in Our Steps and Behold the One Who Is Protecting Us

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
March 8, 1959

Psalm 121

We should be seeking the self, and religions have made considerable contributions throughout the periods of history. There is no true progress in the world of emotions. Why? It cannot make progress because it has replaced the world of the heart. There was no progress thousands of years ago nor will there be much many millions of years from now. There is no progress in the realm of emotions through which parents can love children, husbands and wives can love each other, and relatives and kinsmen can love each other. This is because one can represent the whole, perfection and happiness of the whole based on heart alone.

Where can one find the greatest happiness and peace in life? Since God is our Subject, it is the place where we can assert that we are His children, where we can call Him “our Father” and He can call us “His children.” When such a movement emerges on the earth based on love, the world will become a joyful place from that moment forth, and it will be the world of the greatest accomplishments sought by humanity.

This is why religious people have all pursued goodness and have tried to satisfy their desire for goodness. When Jesus came to the earth he called God “Father” and attested that he was one with Him. There is no one who has announced anything greater than this in the whole of human history. Jesus referred to humanity as his bride and friends. He called them his people and his disciples.

Jesus pointed out all the factors which can stimulate and move every human emotion and asserted his value as the Lord. No founder of religion in history has made such an announcement. When Jesus was looking at all things, he did so with a heart of love. When he was relating with historical figures, he did not relate with them horizontally but with a heart deeply concerned about history. Yet conflict arose. We must understand that such contradiction is caused by the fact that this world is fallen.

Jesus said, “Love me more than you love anyone else.” These words were a radical and revolutionary pronouncement to the world in which people had emotional bonds and social relationships. Why? When Jesus looked upon the people with the heart of love that flowed deep within him, when he saw them from this standpoint of being connected to heaven and earth as well as to the heart of every person and the heart of God the Creator, he realized that the love people had shared before then could not be recognized by Heaven as true. This is why he spoke those words.

Since Jesus made such radical pronouncements, everyone who came before him turned out to be his enemy. Thus, the path Jesus walked was a sorrowful one; yet, no one understood his sorrowful heart. No one understood the sorrow he felt when he was nailed to the cross and shed blood in the presence of his enemies at Calgary. Moreover, no one knew the joyful heart Jesus felt, one full of hopes and wishes. Nonetheless, Jesus thought about how God was feeling immeasurable sorrow as He looked upon the fallen people.

God’s hopes were unlimited after He created the universe. If God truly lamented over the fall of human beings and regretted ever having created them, His sorrow must be so deep that we can never in a million years imagine its intensity. On the other hand, we also have to understand that before God’s heart was stained with crushing sorrow, it was full of infinite joy, longing for human beings.

Therefore, Jesus decided that he was not going to be crushed by the weight of his deep sorrow, but would overcome it and seek limitless joy. How was Jesus able to hold onto this heart and fight? Even when Jesus was living an unspeakably miserable life and was kicked out of Joseph’s family, he comforted himself with the knowledge that his situation was not the most sorrowful one. Even when he was persecuted by his nation and condemned as a cult leader by his religion, he knew that greater sorrow than his existed. When he was betrayed by his beloved disciples, he knew it could be worse.

Because Jesus understood, even when he was dying on the cross, that there was a more sorrowful situation than the one he was suffering through, he was able to pray for his enemies. At that moment, Jesus realized that there was a heart which grieved even more than he did and which had suffered through greater sorrows in history.

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