The Israelites Were Being Disgraced

Cheon Seong Gyeong 486

You should think that although there
are many men and women in the world,
there are only the two of you. You should
devote yourself completely to this one
woman, with the thought that she is
devoted to you. This is the Principle.
(Blessed Family – 887)

Richard:  This presents the core truth of the universe; God created mankind for love.

On the day you are really born as
God’s son…. Amongst the innumerable
stars, do you think there is a realm of
diamond stars or not? Think about it.
You want to have diamonds, don’t you?
You can’t say there isn’t a star made just
of gold. It is possible. How rich God, our
Father, is! Have you ever thought about
that? We can travel this infinite uni-
verse in a moment. Are you interested?
Are you truly interested? If so, what we
need to do is observe the normative laws
in accordance with God’s commands:
“Don’t do this!” or “Do that!” This is pos-
sible only when you observe what God
says to do or not to do. It is only logical
that this becomes impossible if you live
according to your selfish desires.
Can you abide by what God says to
do or not to do? Since human beings
have duality, they consist of mind and
body. Since the mind is the subject part-
ner, and the body the object partner,
mind and body must be united. Is that
right or wrong? (116-174, 1982.1.1)

Click below to listen to or download a recording of Rev. Sun Myung Moon’s speech “God’s Ideal Family Is the Model for World Peace”, the inaugural message of the Universal Peace Federation on September 23, 2005 at the Marriott Wardman Park hotel in Washington DC. Rev. Moon speaks extensively about the Peace Kingdom Corps.:

The Heart of Heaven in Relation to Elijah

Sun Myung Moon
March 15, 1959

1 Kings 19: 1-21

We cannot help thinking that there were aspects of sadness as well as hope for God, who set up Elijah to restore the Israelites, who had been captured alive by the enemy.

The chosen Israelites were being disgraced by worshipping Baal, a foreign god, and making Asherah poles. God called Elijah because He could not endure the sorrow of that. However, Elijah could not appear before the Father with a happy mind.

Elijah could not say, “Father! You are right. I will go the path You want me to go. I will assume the responsibility for which You have called me.” Elijah said, “I am nothing but a man of the people. Oh, Heaven, since there are many tribal chiefs who are greater than I, there is a king, there is royalty, and there are numerous Israelites, why have You sought after someone so insignificant as I?” Because of his great concern for Israel, Elijah could not help but unselfishly ask to be excused before Heaven, for he was a person of conscience.

Yet Heaven knew He could not set up any of those people. He knew that no one but Elijah would do. Therefore, he set up Elijah. God did not bear down upon him by commanding him to fulfill the mission right away. He had him put the environment in order and, by giving him prods in this way, encouraged him naturally to take the course.

Therefore, when Elijah appeared before King Ahab after receiving Heaven’s calling, he was not forced to make a decision all in a moment, saying, “Since it is the Father’s words, I will do it right away.” Instead, Heaven made him run up against an environment in which he could not help going forth. By letting him know that the misery of the people and his own misery were getting worse, God had him make a resolution, saying, “I will die for the people and on behalf of the tribe.” Only after all this did Heaven set him up as the person in charge of the fight.

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