Entertain the Hope that Conquers Death

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1868

I built a boat in Korea named Boat of
Heavenly Victory. What victory? Heav-
enly victory, of course, is where Heaven
has won victory because God’s will has
been fulfilled. I had already begun ful-
filling God’s will from long ago. I made
the Boat of Heavenly Victory and talk-
ed about occupying the oceans of the
world. One member, Eu Hyo-young,
was constantly saying, “Boat, boat!” So I
made him one, but he did not like going
on boats – maybe because he was old.
He said, “Father, I cannot go out to sea
when the waves surge like that.” How
can a fisherman think like that? He must
go out to the sea until his death. (294-175,
2.3.2. Ilheung marine
Aren’t you church leaders? In the
future, no exceptions will be made,
even for company workers. Unification
church families share the same fate.
Unification Church means a church
where everything is united. That is why
if you have a company, it should be called
Company Unification Church. Unifi-
cation Industries would mean a Unifi-
cation Industries Church. Yesterday I
came back from Jejudo where I had vis-
ited the company there called Ilheung
Marine Industries. I told the president
of that company, “You must now create
an Ilheung Marine Church. As a church,
you should prepare to serve and attend
the women divers in Jejudo more than
you would your own mother or bride.”
(178-131, 1988.6.1)

Richard:  This captures Rev. Moon’s vision for home church (the second paragraph).  “Church” is not a building.  Church is where you serve your community and work to build the Kingdom centered on Godly families.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 988

You should know that God exists
near you and is concerned about each
of you more than anyone else. People
think that the love of their own fam-
ily is the greatest in this world. How-
ever, you should know that God’s love
is greater and deeper than that love; it is
deeper and greater than any human love
in this world. You should be embraced
in God’s love and be able to call Him,
“Father.” You should become such true
sons and daughters who deeply expe-
rience God’s internal heart in a posi-
tion that says, “I know the Father’s sor-
row.” If you can become such sons and
daughters, and possess the Kingdom of
Heaven in which you attend God, no
one would be able to take that kingdom
away from you. (2-234, 1957.6.2)

The Path of Life We Must Go, Entertaining Hope

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
March 22, 1959

Romans 8: 18-21

We must understand that this statement is a request for us not to make earth-bound hope our own, but to adopt eternal hope. Jesus walked that path in person himself. We must know that he set up hope on this hopeless earth, opened up the path of life on this lifeless earth, and cultivated the path of resurrection on this unredeemable earth.

Until when must you go forth with that hope? It is until you step forward in front of the Father’s throne and receive the Father’s true love, after going beyond the path of death and the hill of resurrection. The question is whether you can march on holding onto that hope until that time. It is easy to make a resolution while embracing a hope and looking at it, but it is difficult to fight holding onto that hope. It is easy to embrace a hope of some kind, but it is difficult to live to the end keeping that hope, and to stand and die for the path of that hope so that all humankind lives with that hope. Yet Jesus walked such a path in high spirits.

Today we look forward to the last day of resurrection, the day of hope. The time of the hope that all of us are looking forward to is the time in which all humankind can take delight. Yet that time does not come easily. That hope can be owned only by those who have won over death. Only those who have fought along with God against Satan will take possession of that hope. Only those who have received persecution, together with God, for the sake of Heaven will secure that hope. As we think that such a time is approaching, we must have an ardent mind to overcome this living environment and overcome even the fear of death. Unless such an ardent mind emanates from you, you cannot draw the day of that hope into the realm of your life and go on living.

Therefore, he who is said to be living a truthful life will think about the answer to the question, “How will I be when I die?” It is not good to ask ourselves that only at the moment of death, after having lived for seventy to eighty years. When he reached the place of death, Jesus said, “It is finished. My Father, please take my soul.” Indeed, he was a person of victory in the path of life.

Someday in the future you will come to meet with death and will reflect on the past with death in front of you. You must give thought to what kind of words you want to leave behind when you meet that day. You will not find any friends on this path. Your beloved parents will not be there, nor your beloved brothers and sisters, nor will there be marriage partners and beloved children on this path. This is a path you have to go alone. This is a path at which you do not have another try. You cannot pass it and come back. You can never return once you pass through it. That being the case, when you come to walk this path, what kind of mind will you have? If you do not have the hope with which you can overcome the hill of death, the moment you come across it will be the end of you.

What kind of people were those numerous people who upheld God’s will? They were not people who retreated before the path of death. They were the people who laughed at death with scorn and gallantly withstood it. We know very well that throughout history, such people have established the heavenly path.

Each of you must keep a hope in your bosom with which you can withstand death even when you are faced with it. You must also be able to run with joy toward the hope that you will stand proudly in front of Heaven when you travel this path and arrive at the original homeland, that is, the world for which you have longed in your mind. You must realize that only if you ardently hope for the realization of God’s ideal world will you then win over death.

Everything in the world will pass away, your beloved parents, your beloved spouse and everything you love. We will come to face death in the end. Yet you must know that only the person with a victorious hope, who lets even death pass away, can stand in front of Heaven.

Humans beings on this earth today do not want to walk the path of suffering and sorrow. If there is a moment of happiness, people are loath to see it pass. They would view a happy moment with nostalgia. That is human nature.

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