Heaven Longs for a Person Who Practices Truth in Life

The latest Richard Urban Show:
The Confused Gospel of Pastor Hyung Jin Moon; Why He Does Not Preach on the Words of Rev. Moon:  https://youtu.be/AJTmNFLhKHs

Cheon Seong Gyeong 876

Will there be struggles in heaven?
What would we do in that eternal world
without struggles? That world does not
end after a year but goes on for eternity.
Wouldn’t it be dull then? What would
you do there? Would you live alone, or
would you have relationships with all
existing beings in the spirit world? With
what will you establish those relation-
ships? With true love. In that case, what
is the essence of that world? When you
eat, you should do so feeling love; you
should wear clothes feeling love; you
should live feeling love; and you should
travel around embodying God’s love.
That love should be God’s essential love.
Without doing so there will be no har-
mony. A person with a character resem-
bling God’s essential love will occupy a
high place in the spirit world. All exist-
ing beings in that world will live in har-
mony based on such a character. It is a
world where such people can live in har-
mony. (201-97, 1990.3.11)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 777

Even I, the teacher of the Unifica-
tion Church, will die, but against what
background will that come to pass? I
will embrace the people and country of
Korea, and die for the sake of this world.
If the Korean people unite and lay down
their lives for the sake of the world, that
will open the path of being able to live
together with this world. That is why I
seek that path. (34-192, 1970.9.6)

The Religious Person’s Attitude
Sun Myung Moon
March 29, 1959

Hebrews 11:1-32

What should the attitude of a person of faith be? He must have a heart that feels impatient. Because you have the connection, you must know that you cannot help being impatient. What is Heaven waiting impatiently for? Heaven longs not for a person of faith but for a person who practices the truth in life. I long to be a person who practices the truth in life rather than a person of faith. Heaven longs not for the kingdom of hope but for individuals who can live in that kingdom.

Today, we hold up a word called faith and wait eagerly. However, we must lead a life of faith beyond that. In other words, we must become members who live with Heaven, people who live with Heaven, and the church that lives with Heaven. We must lead a life of faith in which we can enjoy ourselves and sing and be able to return the glory. Heaven waits eagerly for this.

What was it that God impatiently anticipated from our numerous ancestors in the course of history, after establishing a word called “faith” in front of them? You must know that He longed not for the individuals of faith themselves, who were fighting in their respective places, but for people who could live with Him, having remained until the last days. God waited impatiently for one who could fade away for the sake of faith, who could resurrect after dying for the sake of faith, and who could escape the realm of death and sing of the joy of resurrection in the realm of life, calling God “Father” in the everlasting world. God waits eagerly for such an individual. Thinking of this, you must become the people who know how to long for the self within you for whom He eagerly waits. You must strive to seek out such a self and meet him.

Although you are standing here today, you know very well that you are not those for whom Heaven waits impatiently. You are not all for whom Heaven searches. For that reason, if you have a mind that thinks of and cares for Heaven and have a connection with Heaven, an ardent mind that waits eagerly for the original you, that mind should be established as your standard.

When we seek out such a self, we will be able to live attending the Father who has been seeking such a self, bragging about “me” as such and singing of my value. You must become the people who long to be such selves. If you lose this Shim Jung, you will not be able to go the path of faith.

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