Providential History Is a Path of Tears

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2173

Fellow compatriots, all you who seek
the unification of the North and South! I
especially want to say the mission of you
women is to restore the young men and
women, and the mission of the students
is to be true children through true edu-
cation. That is what you must do.
And beyond that, mothers and chil-
dren have to unite to set the standard, so
that the husbands can be raised and edu-
cated to be the true sons of Heaven. Then
following True Parents, and attending
God, restore the ideal of the Kingdom
of Heaven on Earth.
In closing, let me say that it is my
fervent hope that these words today will
help you build a nationwide movement
to bring closer the day when North and
South meet in true love.
May God’s blessing be with both you
and your families. Thank you.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1241

What is the most important thing
when it comes to receiving blessings?
It is neither money, nor honor. It is
not having power. The most important
blessing is for your sons and daughters
to receive good fortune in life. You must
understand this. What did I say is the
best blessing out of all the blessings you
can receive? It is none other than giving
birth to sons and daughters who can be
loved by God. That is the best blessing.
Then, what would happen next? If your
son receives more love from God than
you do, then you will also benefit from it.
Isn’t that how everything works?

The Religious Person’s Attitude
Sun Myung Moon
March 29, 1959

Hebrews 11:1-32


Father! As the time grows near, the mind of hesitation in meeting the Lord of resurrection seeps out. Please let the appearance of Jesus Christ, bearing the sad relationship of death, be in our mind more as the time grows near.

We learned that he who died on an instrument of punishment bore a bitter heart. We learned that the summit of Golgotha where he walked is the hill of tears over relationships. We learned that the blood and tears he shed have remained alive in the history of relationships until today and are entering into the hearts of human beings who are being resurrected. Since all these things were due to the blood and tears shed in the midst of the will of the providence of history, we know that all things will move forward by those tears and blood until that relationship exists. Father, I pray from the bottom of my heart that you will allow us to be those who are deeply penetrated with such a Shim Jung today.

Lord, who left in this manner; Lord, who is the bridegroom: you promised you would come again through the history of relationship. We know you have an ardent Shim Jung to seek us and use us, devoting your mind and body. Please allow us to be eager to boast of the glorious appearance before all humankind, having prepared ourselves. In trying to go forward on the path, we realize it is an evil world. Since the path the Lord walked remains, we must walk the remaining hill for the nation, continuously forbearing with patience. We must also walk the remaining hill of the world. We have realized for the first time that now we cannot help sustaining the history of martyrdom where one goes over the hill of the cross by forbearing with patience.

Once we listened to the words, we felt awe-stricken. Once we were awakened, we felt ashamed. What further excuses can we make? What wish can we have in front of the Father? Please forgive us for not having anything of which to boast.

Please allow us now to go forward until the day we can hold onto the Father and wail, feeling the relationship with a new mind, waiting eagerly with a new mind, and forbearing with a new mind. Allow us to go beyond the relationship of rankling sorrow. Soliciting ardently that You allow us to be the sons and daughters who can overstep the influence of death and sing of the glory of resurrection by having endured and remained until the time when we can boast of the relationship of happiness, I pray all these words in the name of the Lord. Amen.

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