John the Baptist Did Not Follow Jesus

Watch the latest Richard Urban Show:  Do You Believe Only In Jesus or in What Father Is Saying In This New Age?:

Daniel 7

In the first year of King Belshazzar[a] of Babylonia, I had some dreams and visions while I was asleep one night, and I wrote them down.

Richard:  God can speak to us through our dreams.

1 Kings 17

22 The Lord answered Elijah’s prayer, and the boy started breathing again. 23 Elijah picked him up and carried him downstairs. He gave the boy to his mother and said, “Look, your son is alive.”

Richard:  God can work miracles.

The Path of Faith Which Should be Examined Carefully

Sun Myung Moon
April 12, 1959

Matthew 11: 1-30


We have learned from the word how painful a sorrow is that has left a nail hole in the heart. As we read the word, we feel ashamed and yearn for the anxious image of Jesus. Allow us to be able to sympathize with the sad life of Jesus, who did not even have one friend who could cry with him. We know that no one has experienced the heart of Jesus as he looked upon the humanistic disciples and the tragic reality of the human world.

Father, what was the hope of John the Baptist as he practiced asceticism in the wilderness, surviving on grasshoppers and wild honey? His entire hope and the center of his heart were to receive the coming Messiah. After witnessing to the Messiah, he received the heavenly mandate to become one with him. John the Baptist should have said, “He is in my heart and I am in him; his heart is my heart, and his life is my life.” In other words, they should have become one, with Jesus wholly reflected in the heart of John the Baptist.

John did not succeed in this, however. From the misery of prison, John the Baptist sent his disciples to the Messiah and asked, “Are you he who is to come, or shall we look for another?” (Matthew 11:3) even after having witnessed to him as the son of Heaven with his hands uplifted before the multitude. This was a historical tragedy and a sorrowful scene God could not forget.

The course of John the Baptist remains in the flow of history. As we struggle to find a new ideal and prepare ourselves for the new history, enable us to put ourselves in the position of John the Baptist. We have learned that throughout history, people chosen by Heaven rejected the heavenly will. Today we eagerly hope and desire that You will not let us repeat the historical errors or lose the will for which You prepared them in the wilderness.

Today Your beloved sons and daughters have gathered here. Please open their hearts now, and let them realize that they have nothing to show in sight of You. Father, we eagerly hope and desire that You allow our minds and bodies to be prepared so that we can hear Your words of admonition, inherit the sorrowful heart of Jesus, and receive the new unknown hero of the ideal with a heavenly heart.

Father, we eagerly hope and desire that, at this time, we will become powerfully seized by a woeful heart, worrying who will be the hero to protect this age and which nation will remain, yearning for both. As we live our lives, responding to and going along with the words and voices we hear, now is the time for us to re-examine our path and come to a new awakening.

Help us to escape from worrying about ourselves, deciding between life and death in chaos and confusion. We know that this is an untrustworthy society and world and that now is the time when we should awaken, hold onto Heaven by recognizing ourselves, and transform our hearts to be immersed in the trustworthy world of the ideal.

Please let us pursue a new self. Bearing in mind that we are in such a situation, let us overcome the hills of sorrow and receive the images of joy.

Let us long for and harmonize with that world. Give us the strength and courage with which we can fight, feeling woe for the present grief-stricken society with its lack of freedom. If there is an eternal and absolute Heaven, we eagerly request that You will give us the ability to push away all evil.

When Moses was driving the sheep in the wilderness of Midian, although his hands held a mere stick, he was carrying the new determination, hope and ideal which were to decide the fate of the Israelites. This was the single-mindedness of Moses, who lived in the wilderness for forty years with such a hope and ideal.

As we are in the place where we can hear the word and meet the one for whom we have hoped, we know that our appearance before him should be new. We know Your word, “I am in you, and you in me.” Knowing this, we eagerly hope and desire that at this time we can say, “We entrust everything to You. Please recreate us, and use us as a sacrifice according to Your pleasure.”

Father, I do not want to say anything. I have to open my mouth, however, because You have allowed this time for speech. Father, we eagerly hope and desire that at this time we will be surrounded only with the loving heart that longs to see Your image and desperately desires to be near You and live with You so that the glory of re-creation can be revealed.

Please lead us all so that we can start with the one and end with the one, and prevent Satan from infiltrating at this time. We pray all this in the name of the Lord. Amen.

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