Be Careful in Your Daily and Yearly Life

Watch the latest Richard Urban show:  The Returning Lord Should Not Judge Humankind With His Rod Of Iron

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1828

Something deep takes the central
point. Something high also takes the
center. Deep places are not visible. Can
you see the bottom of the ocean? The
deepest places are at the bottom of the
ocean, right? Even if all of creation tried
to ignore Mount Everest, they can’t help
seeing it from morning to night. They
watch it and wonder if it is going to rain
or not, or if the weather will be fine or
not. If it is cloudy or dark at the peaks,
they try to predict if this year will be a
fruitful harvest or not. However, deep
places are not visible. You cannot see
things that are deep. The reason is that
they are covered in water! It is not bad to
be deep. It is surrounded with mystery.
Women are also mysterious. That is why
men take interest in them. Men search
for women, thinking that they are mys-
terious. (205-136, 1990.8.12)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1002

You were unable to become a filial
child to all the things of creation that
you should love; you were unable to
become a filial child to your parents who
gave birth to you; and you were unable
to become a filial child to God and the
spirit world. Yet, in exchange for attend-
ing the True Parents, you were bestowed
with the qualification of a filial child.
For this reason, you must tenaciously
follow me. (105-112, 1979.9.30)

The Path of Faith Which Should be Examined Carefully

Sun Myung Moon
April 12, 1959

Matthew 11: 1-30

Do you have a self? Can you claim that with confidence? If you have a self, what has the self gone through? Can it go through the individual and environment? Can it go through the society, country and world? Furthermore, can the self go through the way of Heaven, if there is such a way? Unless you can respond with confidence, you should deny yourselves absolutely.

Since this is the situation of humankind, you should wander in search of the direction of the heavenly way, how its settling point will manifest itself. The heart to do this should be more intense in you than anything else you claim or have confidence or in which you take pride. The more one boasts of oneself and moves in a self-centered direction without realizing this, the more he will appear to be a traitor of history in the last days.

We are unworthy. We are driven around and swept up by our situations. Can we then confidently ask the heavenly way to support us? No. We cannot have such confidence. Our ancestors also tried to find Heaven with steps that lacked confidence. We know that for this reason, whenever they followed God’s orders, they were careful in each step, in every day’s life, and in every night’s sleep. If one cannot live like this, it is possible that in the final moment he will end up steering away from the heavenly will although he has served it, and will end up turning the will over to the satanic world.

Since the family, nation, state and world have no confidence, none can claim to be unchanging before the heavenly way. Since we are in such a situation, we should be careful in our daily life, in our yearly life, and throughout our whole lives. We should walk, realizing that the movement toward goodness consists of taking such careful steps.

History is progressing from the individual to the clan to the tribe, the nation, the state, and the world. The numerous clans in the past had their ideals and opinions. When the age changed from that of the clan to that of the nation, however, all the philosophies of the clan age were subsumed by those of the national age; the philosophies of the national age were subsumed by those of the age of the state; those of the state age were subsumed by those of the worldwide age. Those of the worldwide age will be subsumed by those of the heavenly way. We should know that history has been moving toward the single point of unity in this way.

As we cannot deny this fact, the problem is in what position I am living, moving and standing today. If the place where you stand now is the point of the final settlement, the problem is simple. If a task of history remains that calls for another transformation, however, you will only stay in the middle without arriving at the final destination of the historical, providential ideal of faith.

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