A New Religious Ideology Must Appear

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2008

God’s country is where His direct descen-
dants receive Heaven’s command and,
in His place, govern under God’s king-
ship. There would be neither commu-
nism nor democracy. Once established,
that nation will remain forever. When
we think of such a nation, we should feel
mortified that we are unable to be a citi-
zen of such a country. We should lament
that we are unable to be such a person,
living in such a nation. We must grieve
over the fact that we do not have such an
unchanging sovereignty. (72-292, 1974.9.1)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1077

No matter how often you travel
around the world, you will not find love
like that of siblings, the love between
siblings born from the same parents.
Is there anyone closer to you than your
own siblings in society? Others may
become close, but they fall away. (228-199,

The Path of Faith Which Should be Examined Carefully

Sun Myung Moon
April 12, 1959

Matthew 11: 1-30

Hitherto, religions have been making proposals. Jesus said, “Let us save the multitude of humankind.” Religions have been making proposals to lead humankind to the realm of goodness and to introduce the one world of purpose.

If a new religious ideology appears now, it must save the many great saints who left the earth and even the spirits who betrayed the will and went to hell, as well as the people on earth. A new religion with a new ideology must save all the spirits in heaven, the sinners in hell, and Satan, who betrayed Heaven, not to mention the myriad of people on the earth.

Such a religion must appear. Such a religious ideology must appear, unifying all the religions, kindling fires in the hearts of religious people, inspiring peace and joy in those who do not feel peace and joy. It must help people make a determination and pledge to march toward the new world of the ideal. This new movement should appear on earth.

Have you thought about this? Have you tried to find it? Have you at least imagined it? The purpose of this ideology is to unify everything. It is to unify the earth, to unify the spiritual world if it exists, and to liberate hell, which is consumed with resentment. If it cannot be done directly, a religion should appear with the ideology. Only when a religion with such an ideology appears can the world for which we yearn, the world of goodness, make a relationship with the world of evil.

For what are you looking? You know that the present is the last days. The ideology bearing on the problem of life touches you through one extremely tiny word, one touch of the hand, one footstep, and one symbol. People have forgotten all this.

If you see the world from this standpoint, there is no enemy. When I collide with evil, it spurs me on my way, as does good. From this viewpoint, we should live in such a way that we search and examine things carefully.

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