Father, Please Look at Me and Hold Back Your Anger

Cheon Seong Gyeong 899

The spirit world up until the present
day has carried out numerous spiritual
works in mainstream religious history.
These mainstream works had to con-
nect to a certain line of relationship with
the physical world. Spirit people cannot
come to earth and carry out their works
as they please. They are blocked from
doing that. Unless a bridge is built by
way of religion, only a few special peo-
ple can return to earth. Factions were
created within Judaism. When they
come down from the spirit world, the
mainstream cannot come in a straight
line. When different factions of Judaism
each make their own spiritual offerings,
the mainstream moves back and forth
Therefore, for those coming down
from the spirit world, only the ones who
are connected with the mainstream can
come down. Otherwise, they cannot
come and co-operate through the pro-
cess of returning resurrection.
Eventually, people on earth will also
go to the spirit world. Once in the spir-
it world, if they want to come down to
the next generation, they have to fol-
low the same principle. Yet, only a few
special ones will be able to do so. (102-29,

Cheon Seong Gyeong 400

What is the Kingdom of Heaven? It
is the place where you can love the peo-
ple of the world as you love your fam-
ily, and such people are the people of the
heavenly kingdom. What do the four
generations of your grandfather and
grandmother, your mother and father,
your wife, brothers and sisters, and your
children make up? They make up a fam-
ily, which is like a textbook to help you
experience the true love of the universe
as a person of the heavenly kingdom.
You should know that the family, which
is the textbook, is the foundation upon
which you receive this teaching.

The Path of Faith Which Should be Examined Carefully

Sun Myung Moon
April 12, 1959

Matthew 11: 1-30


We can dare to surmise the hearts of the disciples of Jesus as Peter, James and John said to him, “Teacher, we like being here. So we will build three tents: one for you, one for Moses, and one for Elijah.” Meanwhile, the heart of Jesus was immersed in sorrow as he waged a showdown battle on the Mount of Transfiguration.

They were ignorant, unable to feel the traces of or see the reality of the world of ideology. Who would not say such a thing where circumstances are unfolding that can more than dominate and encompass the whole universe? Although Peter, James and John knew in their hearts that this was a scene for which they had yearned and wanted to live in, they did not know that it was to be realized after going through a process of reality.

Likewise, Christians around the world yearn for the Kingdom of Heaven in their hearts, but they are oblivious to the fact that a course of battle lies before it can exist. We have the responsibility to awaken these Christians. In this time, history, faith, the human heart, tradition, ideology, and even the heart of love, without which people have sworn to die, are all undergoing changes. Nevertheless, we long for an unchanging ideology, an unchanging image and essence. We yearn for that garden, that world, that sovereignty and leader, that voice, that life, and those circumstances.

Father, please open Your hurting heart. Now, having realized that I am so anxious and narrow today, I yearn to be the self that can go beyond my present one. I hurry on to find the self of tomorrow. Although there may be persecution for the members of the Unification Church, please allow them to use this as a stimulus to push them closer to Your Shim Jung, rather than as an evil impediment to their progress. Please help them understand that persecution is Your work of connecting the Shim Jung.

Please guide us to receive Your acknowledgment of us as Your sons by bowing down to You and returning a song of victory to You from the position where heavenly law and the historical course harmonize. You need the sons and daughters who can bring forth such a Shim Jung that we can share joy with You, and even Satan cannot help smiling with shame before our joy. Please allow us to become Christians in search of this self. Father, we earnestly hope and desire that You allow us to be Unification Church members who come forward as the front-line unit to expedite the coming of such people.

What we have desired has been too small. We thought that what we held dear and valued was the end, but now we have seen that there is infinite love and limitless grace beyond this.

At this time, please let the heart arise in each of the brothers and sisters that deplores the self for having blocked the way of grace before You. Please allow us to be people who, inspired by Shim Jung and burning with a sense of responsibility, can come joyfully when You call us and go joyfully when You release us. Please allow us to be brave souls of heaven and masters of the heavenly world who can feel as much gratitude for the command as for the voice of invitation and who can march against the enemy camp. We eagerly hope and desire that You will guide us so that we will never lose and retreat, even if we are shot through with arrows and fall. Please help us understand that just as there are moments when we converse with You in happiness, there are also moments when we fall, shedding blood and tears and crying for Your sorrow.

Taking responsibility for the joy, sorrow, fighting and mistreatment, and denying the historical matter before the final judgment, let us say, “Father, please raise Your hand and bless us. Father, please look at me and hold back Your anger. Father, please look at me and endure the suffering and mistreatment. Father, please look at me and end Your toil.” Father, we are ashamed and embarrassed, because for six thousand years You have been waiting for such sons and daughters to appear and You have been searching carefully. We have been oblivious to the searching and careful footsteps with which You have been looking for us.

Today we have heard and this time we have understood. We know that You have told us to come to You with care. Father, You came to us with care. We have realized that we betrayed Your hands several times when You were trying to hold us; we forgot Your dignity. Please guide us to stand before You now, to live in connection with You, and follow the path that we should walk carefully for Your sake. After completing this course, we should teach others the direction they can follow carefully. We have such an order from Heaven. Do not let us retreat, shedding tears of grief.

We know that Your heart, which tried to love and bless traitors, holds anger. Father, we sincerely hope and desire that You will guide us. Knowing that there is no one to console the sorrow of the one who will appear in the final day, offering a higher prayer to You than Elijah, we have the earnest heart to go beyond the condition of sadness and support the one.

We miss the time when You used to say to us, “I am here. Come the way I walk,” whenever we fell down, exhausted in wandering. You knew that You could not trust and work together with human beings, and You had to worry that discussing things with them would cause delay upon delay.

We know that there is no need for many people at this time. This is a time to go over, a time to clear up everything, a time to conclude everything. It is time to appear as we are. We have seen that this is a path that is impossible to follow for one who complains or who makes excuses. It is a path from which he who sets himself up will retreat. We have seen that since this is the road of the cross which Jesus walked in blood, an extension of Golgotha, we should follow it without complaint, without boasting, while being trampled upon, although we know anger. We are outraged as we think about the heavenly saints who had to walk such a path in the six-thousand-year course of the providence.

We should repent, however, as we realize that Your heart is even more angered. We know that it is the deepest sorrow and an ineffably regrettable situation. Now that our entire hope is Yours, we as a whole are Yours. You are the center of our Shim Jung and love. We know that the one who cannot feel this is miserable. As for Jesus, it was because he held onto You that he did not fear death even while bleeding on the cross. We yearn for his dashing and composed character that wished a blessing on the enemy. We yearn for that walk. Where is the victorious prince who can laugh at the everyday changes in history, daily life, and himself? Father, we yearn for this again and again.

We yearn for the time, world and garden in which the hero of history, the age, and the future can appear as one substantial being and convey Your Shim Jung to humanity. A people and a church should appear who can call You “Father.”

Please allow us to forget everything and prepare ourselves to find it and to fulfill our responsibility with sincere effort. Please allow us to be the children who can run to You to stand before You, disregarding all the sacrifices. Father, we eagerly hope and desire this.

Father, what shall we do with the nation of thirty million? What will You do with the 2.7 billion people scattered on the earth? We cannot help worrying about the fate of the nation and feel bitter when seeing that the end of humankind is surrounded by dark clouds.

I have spoken because I know Your sad historical heart, which is impossible not to feel. I must arouse this heart in others by conveying it to them. Please permit me. Loving Father, I eagerly hope and desire that as I convey this sorrowful heart to help the people avoid being disloyal, You will permit me and accept this prayer.

We know that the sorrow of Jesus who died on the cross was historical sorrow. We yearn for him, he who shed blood and tears on Calvary. Now humankind is zealously waiting for someone to appear who can laugh at history and scorn the world as his representative and Your substantial manifestation. We know that You also are waiting for him. We eagerly hope and desire that You will make us the sons and daughters who wander about in search of him, today and again tomorrow, yearning for this being.

Please do not let us stop short on our way and shed tears. Rather, make us the kind of people who desire to go again even after completing the walk, who struggle to possess joy after exhausting the road to be traveled. We have learned that only in this way can we become cornerstones for the wondrous and grand will of the providence. Please move us to this will today and again tomorrow.

Since our destiny is such that today’s world and our descendants should be mobilized for the will, please issue commands and lead us. We will go. Father! We sincerely request that You know our hearts that desire to report to You and fulfill our prayers. Please protect us on the remaining path of tribulation. We pray in the name of the Lord. Amen.

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