Stay Awake with Thirsting Hope

Cheon Seong Gyeong 899

The spirit world up until the present
day has carried out numerous spiritual
works in mainstream religious history.
These mainstream works had to con-
nect to a certain line of relationship with
the physical world. Spirit people cannot
come to earth and carry out their works
as they please. They are blocked from
doing that. Unless a bridge is built by
way of religion, only a few special peo-
ple can return to earth. Factions were
created within Judaism. When they
come down from the spirit world, the
mainstream cannot come in a straight
line. When different factions of Judaism
each make their own spiritual offerings,
the mainstream moves back and forth
Therefore, for those coming down
from the spirit world, only the ones who
are connected with the mainstream can
come down. Otherwise, they cannot
come and co-operate through the pro-
cess of returning resurrection.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1050

When mind and body form a right
angle, when love and all other aspects
grow without any damage, so that the
internal and external aspects of his
or her personality are perfected, then
the person can understand everything
without being taught. I am like that.
Did I become the founder of the Unifi-
cation Church because I studied some-
where? No, I already understood things.
I know how things are. I come to under-
stand things without being taught.
247, 1990.12.30)

When We Should Stay Awake with Heaven

Sun Myung Moon
April 19, 1959

Matthew 25:1-13

Based on the words, “Watch therefore, for you know neither the day nor the hour.” (Matthew 25:13), I would like to speak to you upon the topic, “When We Should Stay Awake with Heaven.” I would like you to hear this speech while offering yourselves to the Father, reflecting upon how awake your minds and bodies are and what Shim Jung and situations the Father must go through in trying to awaken you.

Considering the rise and fall of a family, society, nation or state, we see that when they were not awake, they collapsed. Thus, it is extremely valuable for human beings to be awake.

For what are we to stay awake? We should stay awake not for the present reality, but looking forward to the time that is to come. That is, we should have a heart of thirsting hope. When we become so, we can stand as a person of hope or a person of the country of hope. That is why patriots in history cried out for the people to stay awake and to look to the future even when the country was sinking into darkness and being swept into the realm of death.

How much has Heaven kept awake for us and toiled for us? We can know this only to the extent to which we have stayed awake and worked hard. It does not mean, however, that Heaven has stayed awake and worked only as much as we are aware. Since the creation of Adam and Eve, Heaven has never lost sight of the hope for the ideal of creation. There has been no day when He rested or dozed. We should know this.

Heaven was not satisfied simply with having created Adam and Eve and watching them grow. We should not forget that He wakefully watched over them, worrying about their future. We should not forget that Heaven wakefully watched the descendants from the time of Adam and Eve until now, from the position of the future.

What was the fall? It was to be ignorant of the Shim Jung, situation and hope of wakeful Heaven. The Shim Jung of Heaven who stayed awake! The Shim Jung of Heaven who stayed awake, seeking to make a relationship with them! The hope of Heaven, who sought to enjoy glory with them in the future! The fall was to lose that hope. That is why fallen people failed to see the day of hope God had desired. They failed to connect to the deep situation of God and lost His loving embrace, an embrace beyond human imagination.

God has been working providentially, worried about humankind who left His bosom, to regain them. This is the providence of salvation. Reflecting upon ourselves today, we have no relationship with the Shim Jung, situation or hope of Heaven. We should see that we have nothing with which to repay the Shim Jung, situation and hope of the Father.

Heaven, who had worried whether Adam and Eve might fall, worried about them again after the fall. He set out to save them from the embrace of Satan, the realm of death. We should be able to feel in our hearts that Heaven worried about their fall, worried about them after the fall, and has been trying to find them for six thousand years as if it were a day, not dozing off even for a single moment, to save them from death.

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