The Nation of Israel Should Have Believed In and Served Jesus

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2179

People of filial piety will think of
their parents first when something good
happens in their lives. In the fallen world
people think of their spouse first when
they see something good. However,
unless you buy something precious for
your parents first, you cannot buy some-
thing for your spouse.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 966

When you go to the spirit world no
one will tell you to go to hell. You go on
your own. You go to the place that fits
your own level. Even within the Unifica-
tion Church, though the goal is to head
for the same realm, where you go will
depend on your spiritual state. Then, in
what ways are Blessed Families differ-
ent? The members of a Blessed Family
cannot be separated from each other no
matter how hard they try. When you pass
to the spirit world, if your wife failed to
fulfill her responsibility, you would take
joint responsibility and bring liberation
to her. Even if only the wife had done
wrong, they would both be accused;
even if the husband had done wrong,
both would be accused; even if the chil-
dren had done wrong, they would all be
accused. (242-108, 1993.1.1)

Let Us Follow the Way of Jesus

Sun Myung Moon
April 26, 1959

Matthew 7:1-20

Jesus was sent to set up a door to Heaven and make a road through which Heaven and all people could be linked. If the nation of Israel had believed in and served him, the way of peace would have been opened. If so, the Jewish church, established after four thousand years of toil, would have become a wide road through which God could come and go. Also, it would have become a door for all people seeking the heavenly kingdom.

Since the nation opposed Jesus, the road and door for the nation were blocked. Since the church opposed him, the road and door for the church were closed. Since Jesus was persecuted by the Jewish nation, the Jewish church, and even by his witnesses, disbelieved by his disciples, he could not help walking the most tragic path for a human being.

Therefore, although it seems that there are many doors to Heaven from the four thousand years, and there are even more if we consider the six thousand years as a whole, we should know that the door Jesus went through is the only one. On this earth, this door is not open. We should never forget this.

There are many Christians in these last days. There are many who are trying to augment their faith and to introduce and promote their denominations. We should know clearly that although the path they follow and the door they show looks like a passage to Heaven, it is not the path Jesus pioneered while on the earth. It is not the narrow gate.

Jesus fought with his life in the three-year course of practice, and departed. This was the path of the cross, the path of death, the path on which he prayed for the blessing of his enemies even as he bled. He went through this path, however, and resurrected. This was the path of Jesus.

The path of Jesus was that of being betrayed by the nation, by the church, and by the chosen people of God. It was a path of betrayal by his parents and brothers and sisters, his beloved disciples, and even the three main disciples.

Even though the multitude of humankind was to follow that path with him, after Jesus went through it, the path was barred, and the door was closed. The path the disciples went through remains open, however. This is Christianity.

Therefore, we should follow the path of the disciples. Where do we go through this path? We should go to the path of Jesus. We should have a clear purpose in following this path.

What is this purpose? It is to realize the will of the Father. We should also have clear content. This was the way of the will that Jesus followed. The content and purpose of the will were discovered and established by Jesus during his 33 years of hard work. Since the content and purpose were found through the sacrifice of his thirty years of life, no matter what trouble struck him, and although the wall of death overwhelmed him, Jesus’ content and purpose remained the undeniable will.

Since Jesus was like this, we should walk the road Jesus walked. Since Jesus followed a narrow and rugged road, we should follow him and walk that path today. This is the position in which we exist.

What kind of path did Jesus follow? Although he was faced with a hill of death and swept away by a lethal tide, he pushed everything away and went ahead, believing, “Since God is alive, He will grant me the power of resurrection.” Jesus had something so great he could push death aside and resurrect. God could grant the power of resurrection through this.


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