The Kingdom of Heaven is a World of Sexual Purity

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2220

Everyone must realize that free sex
is Satan’s domain of love filled with
ensnaring evil spirits to bring about the
downfall of humankind and expand
hell on earth. From the viewpoint of
the God of absolute love, the grand-
mother and grandfather are one; they
cannot be separated. They must abso-
lutely become one centering on God,
and centering on love. What is love? It
is fitting convex and concave together
absolutely; mother and father, husband
and wife, son and daughter – all must
unite in this way absolutely. This is what
God wants. (280-135, 1996.11.24)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 682

The mission of the Messiah is to
restore tribes centered on his family. By
fulfilling our mission as tribal messiahs
we are formulating our views of heaven
and hell. You have to clearly distinguish
“There is heaven, here is hell.” Do not go
toward hell and make others not go that
way. If your tribe knows the way, many
tribes around you, even villages will
come to follow you. (217-84, 1991.4.16)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1303

Abraham established Israel through
the offering of sacrifices, but the Unifi-
cation Church is creating Israel through
the Blessing. Therefore, entering the
third Israel is possible only through the
Blessing. (158-258, 1967.12.29)

Richard:  These scriptures lay out the core of the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth.  The core is the family realtionship of husband and wife through at least three generations centered on sexual purity before marriage and faithfullness in marriage.  We need to connect to the lineage of Christ when he returns .  He has already returned and established his lineage.  Those couples Blessed in marriage by Rev. Sun Myung Moon are to propagate that lineage by becoming “Tribal Messiahs”; i.e. connecting their family and neighbors to God’s lineage through the marriage Blessing and teaching a culture of sexual purity before marriage.


The Grieving Father, Son and Daughter as They Try to Establish the Kingdom of Heaven

Sun Myung Moon
May 17, 1959

John 14:1-24

Although there may be numerous Christian believers, where is the one who can go beyond such limitations of heart and be proud of his or her course of action? Where is such a child of Heaven? This is where the problem lies. Today you should desire and establish a bright history of faith. You should be able to take any reality and, transcending the age and history, take it in, dominate it, and apply it as yours throughout eternity in complete freedom. God should be able to say that the path for the grounds of faith for humankind was laid by you.

When you can be immersed in the will of God, valuing it over and even forgetting the worldly notions of faith, action and practice, then God can finally call you, “My son” or “My daughter.” Therefore, it is the sorrow of Heaven and the sorrow of humankind that no true sons or daughters could be found. That He could not relate to humankind as His sons and daughters is the sorrow of Heaven.

Even though the word “God” can be used in an absolute sense, there is no sense of emotion in introducing God like this. Where is the God we can connect to with both words and emotion? In walking the path of faith, you should tackle these problems with a desperate heart, then you should pass beyond the notion of faith and practice. Immersed in Heavenly Father as the cells of your body and your heart automatically unite, you should be able to call upon Him. Heaven is definitely searching for such an individual, whose call to Him arises from an inherent natural physiology.

Humanity today has reason to cry. Humanity has never fulfilled its responsibility. We should lament over our ancestors, who brought six thousand years of sorrow to Heaven as traitors and betrayers. Furthermore, we should lament over our selves today.

From the perspective of faith, is it proper or is it pitiful in God’s eyes that we have lived without even thinking about what sort of realm of limitation we have struggled to come out of? His heart would be full of sorrow at the history of the past six thousand years. You have to acknowledge that Heaven is lamenting over you.

What flowed in the hearts of individuals who lost faith, lost love, and lost the life of attendance due to the fall? It was the emotion of sorrow. It was an inexplicable emotion of sorrow. Therefore, when an unexpected emotion of sorrow arises in your life of faith and you feel sorrow in the atmosphere without a clear reason or cause, realize that it is the presence of Heavenly Father. If one can hold onto that moment of sorrow and connect with tears, that person can be born again.

Although humankind had to make that kind of connection, Heavenly Father had to send Jesus as the horizontal champion since fallen humankind could not relate directly to Him. Fallen humankind needed Jesus as the substantial God. That is why Jesus had to come to this world.

If the Israelites, driven and chased out for four thousand years in their sad course of history, had held onto Jesus and cried with the one who bore God’s sorrowful heart, their name would be celebrated throughout the world. If that had happened, they would not have become an isolated race that has lost the race, the sovereignty, and the nation.

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