Jesus Believed that God Should Be Without Sadness

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Cheon Seong Gyeong 1972

The earth that we live on is divid-
ed into land and sea. Geographical-
ly speaking, peninsulas are situated
between these two, in a midway posi-
tion connecting the continents with the
sea. Since early times, peninsulas have
always been significant in the formation
of civilizations. Greece and Rome, where
ancient civilizations flourished, were
also located on peninsulas. The civiliza-
tions of Spain and Portugal developed
on the Iberian Peninsula. However,
today these civilizations must expand
to the world and bring forth a new civi-
lization in the east and west. The Kore-
an peninsula in Asia is the place for this
civilization to emerge. (115-171, 1981.11.10)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1123

“Portion of responsibility” is a term
that is not used much in ordinary soci-
ety. However, especially in the Unifica-
tion Church, it is a term that is more
important than any other. Within our
church, if you do not know these two
terms – “portion of responsibility” and
“restoration through indemnity” – you
will not be able to understand the con-
tent of our historical course or resolve
the mistakes and unknown facts of his-
tory. That is how important these words
are. (169-45, 1987.10.25)

The Person Who Will Serve the Grieving Father

Sun Myung Moon
May 24, 1959

Matthew 23: 1-39

We believe that God is love. Many teachings show that God is love. How much of a life of faith have you lived filled with a heart of love? Have you carried the heart of God and gazed upon history filled with sorrow and worried about the sorrowful will of God and tried to fathom His sorrow-filled heart? Have you realized that greater sadness and pain than joy exist in the heart of Heavenly Father, who wants to invite humankind through His loving heart and who desires to embrace us? We have to experience such a heart.

The loyal heart of Jesus toward Heavenly Father is thus expressed: “Father! Looking at You is truly heartbreaking. The pain is beyond words when I see You and think of Your will and humanity, who will be eternally sad.” Jesus believed that God should be without sadness and pain. He said, “When there is joy, have that as Yours, but please leave sadness and pain to me.” We have to realize that Jesus’ desire to return everything joyous to Heavenly Father is the content of the Gospels.

We have been struggling to receive the blessing of Heaven. Who will pave the way to introduce us to the blessing of Heaven and find this Heavenly blessing for us? Who will pave the path? Who will bear the responsibility of paving this path and foundation? This road cannot be paved by happiness.

The history of Christianity is a history of sadness and pain. Christianity is a religion of sadness and pain. Any religion that emphasizes “the way” moves forward in a similar fashion, not only Christianity.

Have you experienced the moment when you toiled over the historic sorrow and sadness of humankind? Have you experienced the moment when you toiled over the historic pain of humankind? You should experience it, even with death if you have not yet experienced it. That place of sadness is hell.

That is why the believers of this world had to overcome the sadness and pain of hell in this world. Only then can you taste the happiness of heaven before death. This is the heavenly principle. What kind of individual can save a race? The individual has to feel the sadness and pain of that race deep in his bones. What kind of individual can save the world? It is not the advanced nation of today’s America. Do not have expectations of America. America can be a servant to the world, but America cannot dominate it. It might be a different story if they were a people who knew the sorrow of the world. It might be different if they understand the pain of this world. Not knowing the sadness and pain of this world, they cannot dominate it.

We know that the loyal subject of a nation is a pioneer who desires to bear all the nation’s sadness and pain. Who then are the people who can establish the new ideology for the coming new age and restore this world? They are ones who would cry with the sorrow of the world and agonize over its pain. The joy of the world can start from these people. This is an iron rule.

The people of Korea are a miserable race. They have gone through a long course of history, but they have nothing to say to other races, and they do not have any content or national characteristic. They have nothing of which to be proud; but these people will be able to educate the world and receive the love of God if they can bear the heart God desires for the 21st century’s new age of culture. They can do so if they become the people who struggle with the sorrow and pain of humanity, and what is more, struggle with the sadness and pain of Heavenly Father.

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