Only When our Conscience Precedes any Logic or Regulation can the World of Heavenly Relationship be Completed

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1970

What kind of people are the Koreans?
They are a people who should inherit the
global history of the cultural spheres
that can restore and indemnify the civi-
lization based on the Italian peninsula.
Korea is such a region. The reunification
of North and South Korea signifies the
unification of the democratic world and
communist world. Furthermore, the
independence of Korea is a restoration
of the failure of the people of Israel. That
is why Israel and Korea both regained
their nations together in 1948. (139-109,

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1256

In chapter eight of the book of
Romans, it is recorded, “But we our-
selves, who have the first fruits of the
Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly
for adoption as sons, the redemption of
our bodies!” It also states, “For you did
not receive the spirit of bondage again
to fear, but you received the Spirit of
adoption by whom we cry out, ‘Abba,
Father.’” Therefore, the best we can hope
for is adoption.
The Christians of today are adopt-
ed sons and daughters. Adopted chil-
dren come from a different bloodline.
In John 8:44, Jesus said, “You belong to
your father, the devil, and you want to
carry out your father’s desire!” Since he
referred to the devil as the father, doesn’t
that make it clear that the bloodline
belongs to him, and that he, the devil, is
humankind’s ancestor? What is circum-
cision for? It symbolizes the separation
of good and evil. That is how it works.
What is the fruit of the knowledge of
good and evil? (154-337, 1964.10.5)

Richard:  We change our lineage through the Blessing of Marriage:

The Grieving Father, Son and Daughter as They Try to Establish the Kingdom of Heaven

Sun Myung Moon
May 17, 1959

John 14:1-24

For humankind to enter the Kingdom of Heaven after passing through all the courses of faith and judgment and emerge as children of the Father, there should be no need for the saying “Have faith” to people who are in the original Adam and Eve’s position. All their actions, emotions and gestures should automatically correspond in unison with the notion of love and faith that transcends sorrow, without having to remind them in words.

Only when our heart transcends any article of law or commandment that causes us to act, and only when our conscience precedes any logic or regulation can the world of heavenly relationship be completed. We have to become noble individuals who cannot help acting, cannot help loving, and cannot help living for others in accordance with the heart of Heaven. This would be the greatest standard of faith for Christians. This has to be realized today.

You will experience the heart of Jesus as he had to block Mary Magdalene from holding onto his resurrected self. You have to go forth now through the way of practice, bearing the heart of love, and overcome trials with the attitude of welcoming even death. The heavenly life begins the moment you return glory to Heaven and are grateful for the blessing of resurrection, in spite of tribulations and difficulties. You then enter the realm of glory through a life of attendance with a loving heart. Continue reading “Only When our Conscience Precedes any Logic or Regulation can the World of Heavenly Relationship be Completed”

A Person of Authority Is to Live for the Sake of the Whole

1 Kings 16

14 Everything else Elah did while he was king is written in The History of the Kings of Israel.

Richard:  It is advisable to keep a daily diary.  Later, as a saint of God, you can write you autobiography.

Amos 6

But the Lord God All-Powerful
will send a nation
to attack
    you people of Israel.
They will capture Lebo-Hamath
    in the north,
Arabah Creek[g] in the south,
    and everything in between.

The Grieving Father, Son and Daughter as They Try to Establish the Kingdom of Heaven

Sun Myung Moon
May 17, 1959

John 14:1-24

Love is not loving oneself; it is a heart dying to love the world and Heavenly Father, transcending race. It is a heart that wants to sacrifice and shout. It is a desire to transcend the world and connect with Heaven, and to do so as long as one has energy, strength and life.

Jesus led thirty years of his life in constant giving and attending to practice such love, in spite of hardships every day. Jesus sometimes chastised and condemned the Pharisees as “grave-like” people. That was because they did not understand the heart of wanting to give and serve endlessly.

We cannot find someone today who can truly live for others. The people of Korea have not become a race that can live for others. They do not have an ideology to exist for others. We have to realize that this race is in conflict with the will of the heavenly providence that exists for others, for the past race, for the present race, and for the future race.

You are the same. Your heart should automatically live for the sake of the past, the present, and the future. It is the path of the fall when one lives selfishly or tries to be successful for one’s own sake. That is the road of the fall. When an individual is placed in a position of authority, one is not to be elevated but to live for the sake of the whole. Continue reading “A Person of Authority Is to Live for the Sake of the Whole”

Jesus Came to Reveal the Essence of Love

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2220

In going the way of filial piety for the
sake of God, even if you have to die away
from home, you should protect whatev-
er environment you are in such a way
that will earn you the appreciation of its
inhabitants. Only by bequeathing such
a legacy can you go to heaven. If you do
not, you will not. (280-41, 1996.10.13)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1187

Alaska, where the ceremony of The
Ceremony of the Settlement of the Eight
Stages was held, is becoming famous. The
last time I came here I said I would build
a church at the North Pole. If the Sovi-
et Communist Party opposes it, I will
take the responsibility. I will build the
Unification Church at the North Pole.
You have to spend your life in order to
build the foundation of blessing for all
people of the world, but before you die,
come to our Church at the North Pole
and offer your devotion for forty days
and then you can die. Think about this.
An ideal city will be created in a world
of icebergs. Then, even though it will be
thousands of miles away, everything can
be supplied by the air. You should try
living like this. It would be a wonderful
thing. With the power of science today,
that would be nothing. We can use pre-
fabricated systems. So we will build an
airfield and try to live there, so what
problem could arise? We are creating
Book 8 • Sin and Restoration Through Indemnity 1188
a base in the tourist area of Kodiak…
think about it. It will become a gate-
way unprecedented in history. (193-217,

The Grieving Father, Son and Daughter as They Try to Establish the Kingdom of Heaven

Sun Myung Moon
May 17, 1959

John 14:1-24

All the believers gathered in this place should understand the heart of God. As He fought throughout the providence, God even has had a lingering attachment toward Satan and is constantly thinking of ways to forgive him. We have to realize that God is such a being.

Knowing that God has such a heart and looking back over your past lives that were deformed by the sins of betraying God, as well as your inadequacies, you should possess not only a heart of love, but a heart of unconditional attendance and service. From that moment, you will become people God loves. When even the parents of the fallen world can forget their children’s shortcoming, shouldn’t we who are to embody the heavenly heart try more than they?

Now you should empathize with the heart and experience of Heavenly Father so that you may eternally respect and attend Him. You should then possess the heart to say, “I am grateful,” even if your whole self is taken and everything of yours is taken away. You must clearly understand that such a moment is the starting point when you can be connected with the world of God’s love. Continue reading “Jesus Came to Reveal the Essence of Love”

Have the Heart of Wanting to Hold on to and Save those in Need

Esther 1

1-2 King Xerxes[a] of Persia lived in his capital city of Susa[b] and ruled one hundred twenty-seven provinces from India to Ethiopia.[c] During the third year of his rule, Xerxes gave a big dinner for all his officials and officers. The governors and leaders of the provinces were also invited, and even the commanders of the Persian and Median armies came. For one hundred eighty days he showed off his wealth and spent a lot of money to impress his guests with the greatness of his kingdom.

Richard:  We should let everyone know about the Kingdom that has already arrived.  (Need more education on this topic?  Try subscribing to the Urban Family Life Training Web Portal:

1 Kings 19

18 But seven thousand Israelites have refused to worship Baal, and they will live.

19 Elijah left and found Elisha plowing a field with a pair of oxen. There were eleven other men in front of him, and each one was also plowing with a pair of oxen. Elijah went over and put his own coat on Elisha.[f]

20 Elisha stopped plowing and ran after him. “Let me kiss my parents good-by, then I’ll go with you,” he said.

“You can go,” Elijah said. “But remember what I’ve done for you.”

21 Elisha left and took his oxen with him. He killed them and boiled them over a fire he had made with the wood from his plow. He gave the meat to the people who were with him, and they ate it. Then he left with Elijah and became his assistant.

Richard:  Always follow your conscience, centered on God’s Word:


The Grieving Father, Son and Daughter as They Try to Establish the Kingdom of Heaven

Sun Myung Moon
May 17, 1959

John 14:1-24

What is the meaning of the saying, “Love me more than anything else”? It means “I will have faith in you and love you.” God is treating us just that way. Because God has loved us so, He was unsparing of His time.

When the leaders of the churches today cannot cry tears and hold onto the lives of their distressed sheep with genuine hearts, they are violating heavenly law. If they cannot become such shepherds, they are as if they were dead.

The acts of God are unique in that His heart precedes His words. Satan is defeated by the words unconsciously uttered as His heart overwhelms him. Evil succumbs in such a way. No matter how good the spoken words are, evil does not surrender if they are not founded on heart. Restoration starts when a person becomes indignant over having his life stand at the crossroads of life and death and is overcome by the heart of wanting to hold onto and save those in need, throwing himself in for that cause in spite of all pain, not worrying over his situation. Continue reading “Have the Heart of Wanting to Hold on to and Save those in Need”

You Should Acquire a New Ideology, a New Resolution and a New Determination

Cheon Seong Gyeong 489

What kind of people are true wives
and true husbands? When people
mature, they have a family. Taking their
spouse as an eternal partner of love,
they should form a family of love where
their initial love grows as the days go
by. When that love at the family lev-
el expands to form a tribe, these tribal
members will be eternal embodiments
of love, which can expand love eternally.
Such a husband and wife will be a true
married couple and a true husband and
true wife. Also, such a husband and wife
will be able to participate in God’s love.
(Blessed Family – 880)

Cheong Seong Gyeong 1187

The Ceremony of the Settlement of
the Eight Stages signifies that the histor-
ical course of vertical indemnity and the
course of horizontal indemnity that went
through the stages of individual, family,
people, nation, and the world. That is the
vertical and horizontal courses consist-
ing of eight stages are completed. Due
to this, the right of eldest son has been
restored, and the course of indemnity for
all humanity is abolished. That is what
I have done by holding this ceremony.
The right of the eldest son is restored; the
Parents are embracing all humankind.
Thus, an end is brought to the history
of war and struggle that was necessary
in order for the right of the eldest son to
be restored in the realm of parental love.
The time has come when indemnity is
not needed and we can reach harmony
in love. In order to achieve this, I had to
hold the Ceremony of the Settlement of
the Eight Stages. By holding this cere-
mony, the Parents forgave both the elder
and the younger son, so that next we can
enter the age of the realm of forgiveness
for the fallen parents. (193-173, 1989.10.3)

Richard:  Rev. Sun Myung Moon has victoriously paid the price for us to now build God’s Kingdom without the ceaseless struggles of unnecessary wars and conflicts.

The Grieving Father, Son and Daughter as They Try to Establish the Kingdom of Heaven

Sun Myung Moon
May 17, 1959

John 14:1-24

Who were the ones who betrayed God as if it were their duty? Who stood foremost in condemning him? They were the Jews and the people of Israel, the very ones whom God had asked to have faith and to follow. There is no way that God prepared the Israelites for four thousand years so they could kill Jesus. Jesus was not completely victorious. He could not win the complete victory. Do you not think so?

Had the fact of Jesus’ crucifixion meant his complete victory, that day of suffering would have been most joyful. The moment of his death on the cross would surely have been the moment of final victory and celebration for all humankind. We know that it was not. That is why Jesus prevented Mary Magdalene from approaching him with a joyous heart. Jesus could not be enraptured with the joy of having brought victory to Heavenly Father with his beloved disciples. He could not realize that. That is why we should understand Jesus embraced sadness; his death was sorrowful; his resurrection also took place with misery. We have to become Jesus’ companions, as he had no place for himself while experiencing the sad heart of God, forgetting his life, and being chased around breathlessly from village to village, suffering much hostility.

Jesus was mistreated by his race, by his religion, by his relatives, and even by his beloved disciples. Although Jesus experienced sorrows among sorrows, he inherited the heart of Heaven and tried to give his all to humankind, having faith in humanity. Continue reading “You Should Acquire a New Ideology, a New Resolution and a New Determination”