We Now Desire to Live the Rest of Our Lives According to Your Will

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1294

God’s ideal, which was to be achieved
through the human ancestors, was to
have a man and woman come together
in union and form an ideal family. In
this regard, the center of an ideal fam-
ily is neither man nor woman. A family
is a group formed by the union between
the husband and wife, the parents and
children. At the center is the love of
God. Therefore, we reach the conclu-
sion that the will of God is to perfect
a family, centering on the love of God.
(Blessed Family – 301)What can we conclude after clearly
understanding the term True Parents?
We can conclude that the Fall of our first
ancestors occurred through an illicit sex-
ual relationship. The Fall has resulted in
a connection of blood that has nothing
to do with God or with the True Parents
who were to be established as the ideal
of creation. In other words, we came to
inherit the wrong bloodline.

Cheon Seong Gyeong  171

What can we conclude after clearly
understanding the term True Parents?
We can conclude that the Fall of our first
ancestors occurred through an illicit sex-
ual relationship. The Fall has resulted in
a connection of blood that has nothing
to do with God or with the True Parents
who were to be established as the ideal
of creation. In other words, we came to
inherit the wrong bloodline.

My New Self and the Heaven Where My New Self Can Dwell

Sun Myung Moon
June 14, 1959

John 3: 1-15

There was a man named Nicodemus who was a Pharisee and a Jewish leader. One night he went to Jesus and said, “Sir, we know that God has sent you to teach us. You could not work these miracles, unless God were with you.”

Jesus replied, “I tell you for certain that you must be born from above[a] before you can see God’s kingdom!”

Nicodemus asked, “How can a grown man ever be born a second time?”

Jesus answered:

I tell you for certain that before you can get into God’s kingdom, you must be born not only by water, but by the Spirit. Humans give life to their children. Yet only God’s Spirit can change you into a child of God. Don’t be surprised when I say that you must be born from above. Only God’s Spirit gives new life. The Spirit is like the wind that blows wherever it wants to. You can hear the wind, but you don’t know where it comes from or where it is going.

“How can this be?” Nicodemus asked.

10 Jesus replied:

How can you be a teacher of Israel and not know these things? 11 I tell you for certain that we know what we are talking about because we have seen it ourselves. But none of you will accept what we say. 12 If you don’t believe when I talk to you about things on earth, how can you possibly believe if I talk to you about things in heaven?

13 No one has gone up to heaven except the Son of Man, who came down from there. 14 And the Son of Man must be lifted up, just as that metal snake was lifted up by Moses in the desert.[b] 15 Then everyone who has faith in the Son of Man will have eternal life.


As we persevere on the difficult path of life, we know well that we are immersed in a sorrowful situation. We know that many painful circumstances lie ahead of us. We know that we have not the heart which can sing in sheer happiness when we face Heavenly Father, this land, and humanity. Father! Please have mercy on us. We have been worn out by sorrow and hardships. We have struggled without even knowing in what direction to go. Please hold onto those of us who have wandered, not knowing on whom to lean. Father, we feel how wonderful and great is Your amazing grace, yet we are unable to return glory to You. Please forgive us.

Father, You have suggested to us the path by which to avoid sorrow in this sorrowful world. However, we ask for Your forgiveness since we were inadequate in upholding Your predestined will. We know that You have prepared a path by which we may avoid hardships, even though we deserve a suffering course. We are so grateful. However, we ask for Your forgiveness since we were unable to walk that path.

We now desire to live the rest of our lives according to Your will, for Your joy and glory only. Nevertheless, the power of death and the influence of sin in this world powerfully encircle us. You know how difficult it is to escape from them. Therefore, benevolent Father, please be present at this time.

Father, please forgive us. We have not yet become people who return glory and joy to You from a liberated position. Please subjugate the power of darkness by spreading new power and Your mighty hand. Father, we sincerely hope that You will raise the history of re-creation in order that we may sing of the glory of resurrection as victorious people.

Since the power of death is sweeping over us, we need to overcome the decision of life and death. We must gain the automatic and spontaneous power that can push this away and march forward. Loving Father, if there are children of Yours who yearn for such power, please personally grant them the ability and allow the authority of resurrection that they may become heavenly soldiers who pioneer their daily life with the hope of the future.

Father, please forgive them, even if their lives so far have been unworthy. Your will is to announce the new promise of tomorrow and to shake and move us. Loving Father, we sincerely desire that You allow us to fulfill our responsibility as pioneers today and tomorrow as we look toward Your will, Your ideology, and Your hope.

Father, now is the time to purify and check ourselves before coming into Your presence. It is the time when we cannot find any place on which to lean and when we cannot pass through the true center. Oh, Father! The last days are calling for someone who can understand and relate to Your heart, someone who can prepare the victory and bring glory to You of his own accord. You have called us to shape us into such people. However, we are ashamed in Your presence. Please forgive us.

We heard your words by which to understand and relate to Your heart as we go this path. We also saw the deeds which reveal Your grace. However, we have not become the heavenly soldiers who build a loyal altar by upholding Your will. Father, please guide us and protect us since we are afraid we may increase Your grief.

Can anyone claim to be loyal and righteous in Your presence? We are all full of shortcomings and unfaithfulness. Although we have understood Your heart which promotes goodness and that You are searching for those who will uphold Your will of goodness, we have not been able to act according to Your will, Father. Please forgive our disloyalty. Allow us to realize that Your heart is entangled in such situations and thereby compel us to give up everything we have and become reintegrated into what You can claim. Holding onto Your heart alone, Father, we yearn to follow, and move and act together with You wherever You may go.

Please recreate the thirty million people of this nation. Please lead these lives into Your garden of hope again. Make us worthy to lead the people. You have called us to Your will in front of others. Father, please allow us to fulfill our responsibility of communicating Your heart to these people. Please make us into the children who can spread Your words.

Father, even if individual hearts may differ in these sons and daughters who have gathered here today, I know the centers of their minds are the same. Their minds long to live for You, to follow You, and to inherit Your heart. Upon that condition, please work with them. Please move them and show them the glory of resurrection. Thereupon, lift them into the gracious realm of liberation. Loving Father, we sincerely hope for and ask this.

We know well that countless satans seek to invade us if there is any gap between You and us. I earnestly hope that our hearts can be connected to Your heart, our bodies connected to Your hyung sang, our situations connected to Your situation, and our wishes united with Your wishes that You may personally be present in this hour. In so doing, please allow this hour to be one of promise that we may fight off any encroaching authority of Satan and may bring victorious glory to You. Please allow this hour to be one of final decision, our loving Father.

We entrust this hour to You. Please do all according to Your will. Compassionate Father, please embrace us in this hour, for there is no one who claims to be self-righteous anymore. Please order us if You have any words of command. Please allow us to realize Your words, even through scourging if we are so ignorant.

Please, Holy Trinity, personally direct the whole hour hereafter. Through the protection of the myriad saints, allow no Satan to invade this hour. Please make this hour one that can be recognized as Yours; let our purified minds, purified bodies, and purified hearts be offered as living sacrifices to You. I earnestly hope that You will personally direct this hour of service, Father.

If there are any members who are unable to attend here, Father, please protect and bless them with the same grace. I ask You to protect Your young children with lonely hearts, who are fighting in the countryside, with the same grace. I pray all these things in the name of the Lord. Amen.



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