The Place Where the Original Human Mind Can Dwell Has Not Appeared Yet

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2050

The Unification Church must now
ready itself to bring about the unification
of North and South Korea from the posi-
tion of Abel. But the Unification Church
is not totally settled yet. What does tong
ban breakthrough mean? It means we
must overturn everything centering on
the families of the land of South Korea.
Why? Because the Fall started from the
family, we must change the thinking
of people on the family level. However,
before God can find the environmental
conditions to accomplish this, the exter-
nal world of Satan’s side uses all of its
energy to oppose God’s efforts. Until
now the political environment, start-
ing from the era of the Liberal Party,
and then moving on to the era of the
Republican Party and the Democrat-
ic and Justice Party, have opposed the
Unification Church’s efforts to organize
itself and spread out into the country-
side. They have opposed the settlement
of our church. (207-330, 1990.11.11)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1743

What is marriage? Through mar-
riage, woman who is only half-complete
is made whole by the fulfillment of love
with a man. The same is true of man, in
that he is perfected through marriage
by becoming one in love with a woman.
Thus, the male and female organs are
absolutely necessary. The male organ
was made for woman and the female
sexual organ for man. Their sexual
organs were not made for themselves.
(265-101, 1994.11.20)

My New Self and the Heaven Where My New Self Can Dwell

Sun Myung Moon
June 14, 1959

John 3: 1-15

My topic is “My New Self and the Heaven Where My New Self Can Dwell.” I will speak briefly upon this topic.

Countless people live on this earth, yet no one can confidently say that he possesses Heaven in his mind. The ideal world which humankind has admired and sought is surely heaven.

In this world, there are many who would wish to live well and be in a blessed position; however, those who can say “I lived well” and “I was blessed” are very few. When we look at this situation, we cannot deny that our life in this world is indeed not life in heaven, but it’s very opposite. I stand on such a border line; I stand in a position to search after Heaven. We cannot deny that we should seek out and live in such a place. Therefore, our mind searches for a better ideology, and our body seeks a better resting place.

However, the place we can confidently say is the best place in the whole of human history, the place where the original human mind can dwell, has not appeared yet. The lifestyle and social organization of such a life have not appeared in human history.

Therefore, although our minds yearn for a world of hope, we are living in the midst of difficulties in a situation where we cannot avoid the undesirable environment. Tomorrow will be the same. No one can deny that we live in an environment where we desire the world of hope, yet we live with lamentation and grief.

We have to think again about the problem of when we will be able to fulfill the garden of hope, the garden of ideology, and the garden of happiness by overcoming ourselves and our environment, when we will be able to live centering on for what we truly hope. That is the most difficult problem humankind has to consider and resolve.

This problem is so very troublesome, we cannot remain indifferent to it. Moreover, we know well enough through our life experience that our destiny does not allow our mind to stay cut off from the problem just because it is difficult to resolve.


2 thoughts on “The Place Where the Original Human Mind Can Dwell Has Not Appeared Yet”

  1. The burden Father carried has now become our burden in terms of establishing the ‘Settlement of the Ideal World’.

    Whilst Father was alive we probably thought that everything would be taken care of and just fall into place with Father leading the Providence.

    Now it has come to us to work out how realistically we can build the Kingdom of Heaven upon the foundation Father laid. That is our 5% portion of responsibility.

    Because Father wasn’t welcomed and received by a nation, we have that responsibility to fulfil now. How are we going to do that? Through Tribal Messiahs being centred on what Father told us to be centred on, just as God told Adam and Eve what to be centred on. God’s Word, the Commandment, and now in this Age that is the ‘Eight Great Sacred Texts’, not a person, not a leader, but God’s Word.

    As Father said in an earlier inspirational reading, “We Are Not to Follow a Certain Leader or Serve a Certain Founder of a Religion”. We perfect ourselves through keeping and practising the Word, not following someone, who will ultimately turn out to be the archangel.

    Perfection is our own individual portion of responsibility that no one else can accomplish but ourselves. Please note what Father explained:

    “The time has come for you to join the original family of Adam worldwide. All the people in the world must perfect themselves on the family level. What must be done to reach perfection? Your families must be the ones who restore the fallen families through atonement offerings. This has to be achieved by each and every family worldwide, making an effort through the Family Federation. Perfection has to be achieved by Adam and Eve. God can not do it for them. True Parents can not do it for them. The reason that the Family Federation exists is to allow you to perfect yourselves through your own efforts. This has to be a worldwide organization. You are able to go beyond the fallen world and the lineage of Adam through the Family Federation….” OCSG. P. 2362 RHS. (1995/10/30)

    This is what those who have aligned themselves with any one of the ‘three schisms’ do not realise. Following, attending or running around after some individual is not going to perfect you nor build God’s Kingdom.

    “During the exodus it is a virtue to focus on following the leader, but when you enter Canaan you live by the give and take with brothers and sisters. From today on our membership around the world shall perfect that way of life. Even if I am not here, it should not matter. You already know the secret of going to heaven-loving each other. At night you should think that you are a parent to someone; pick someone to care about the next day, and the following day pick another person. It doesn’t matter whether he is younger or older. The cardinal rule is to forget yourself.

    You will turn the three satanic elements into heavenly elements. You will give sacrificial love and talk about “our position,” not “my position.” Satan is arrogant, but you will go the lowest place to lift the people up. Satan is throwing all kinds of hooks around you, but when Satan tries to pull them in, nothing should move. Then he will cast his hooks again, but when nothing ever moves he will say good-bye to you forever.

    Have a love competition among yourselves. It doesn’t matter whom Mother or I love most, but who is the king of loving brothers and sisters. Who loves me? I know your love is real, so now pledge to me that you will love your brothers and sisters more than you love me. That will please me more than your love for me.

    Who says that they can only love me and love God? That is baloney; there is no substance to that love. Who says that they know the truth, and from now on they shall open the Kingdom of Heaven on earth? Amen”! Historical Children’s Day, 1981.

    Tribal Messiahship is our ‘world arena’, to love humanity and bring God’s children home.

    With the failure of Father’s wife and children, tribal messiahs who are centred on the ‘Eight Great Sacred Texts’, can come together as an association or federation of blessed families (tribal messiahs) and substantially build the Kingdom of Heaven.

    “Even when I am not here, when you carry out Hoondokhae and become someone who can discover yourself in it, and hold on to it and not be able to live without it, then you can become my ‘representative and my heir’. Everything has been made ready, and not one thing is wanting”. (February 28, 2010)

    “Thoroughly fulfil your duties. The key to doing so lies in these. What are they? They are the textbooks”. (March 1, 2010) ‘The Eight Great Sacred Texts’

    “Please take care of these Eight Great Textbooks, more than me at this time, because I am living in those textbooks. I am in the Word”. Meaning of the Eight Great Textbooks, given at the European Leaders’ Assembly. August 19-24, 2012 .

    “My Final Words for Humankind”:

    “True Parents have already prepared the last words I will give to humankind. These have been prepared based on my triumphs over six or seven life-or-death situations, including six periods of unjust imprisonment. I am leaving behind eight textbooks and teaching materials for humankind to use for all eternity. Altogether, these are published in almost a thousand volumes.

    These are textbooks you will have to read and study even after you go to the spirit world. They are not just teachings that come from the mind of one person; they are textbooks and teaching materials that teach the heavenly way that God has granted to His suffering children for their salvation”.
    Cosmic Assembly for the Settlement of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind and for the Proclamation of the Word by God’s Substantial Self. Sun Myung Moon. January 8 — 15, 2012. Public Rallies in Korea

    Father’s words clarify everything.

  2. Thanks, Stephen. You have summarized what we should be doing to establish God’s Kingdom here on earth!

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