God Had to Raise One Person and Sanctify Him

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2314

God wants to have even sinners
become His sons and daughters. Just
because your fiancée might not have
such a pretty face or is Japanese or is a
little short, can you think, “Oh, I don’t
like her”? You men should be convinced
that you would go to the highest place
in heaven if you took the ugliest woman
and sacrificed yourself for and served
her more than anyone else. You should
understand that you would then become
the greatest husband and a saint of a
husband. Unification Church members
should be capable of having that level of
thought. (116-95, 1981.12.20)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1415

There could have been only one kind
of marriage feast held in the Garden of
Eden, one based on Principle. Human-
kind received Satan’s blessing through
the Fall. This is our greatest grief; we
should have received God’s Blessing
instead. Think for a moment how the
people on Satan’s side – his innumera-
ble descendants – rejoiced on this feast
day of fallen marriage, how much they
delighted in it, and how much they ate
and drank in celebration of it. All of
these actions have added to God’s sor-
row. Marriage became an important
means and source of expanding the
satanic world. On account of this, ascet-
ics placed much emphasis on celibacy.
All marriages performed from ancient
times to this day are a source of sorrow
to God. They have left conditions that
sadden Him, and not one of them has
left behind any point that can give joy to
Him and form a connection with Him.
(158-276, 1967.12.29)

Richard:  Although this may be somewhat bitter news, the great hope is that God wants to save all people and has made available the Blessing of Marriage to all people:  http://visionroot.org/resources/marriage/.


Sun Myung Moon
June 14, 1959

John 3: 1-15

What kind of strategy is needed to fulfill this dispensation? God had to raise one person and sanctify him. Because people on this earth cannot establish a relationship with Heavenly Father as they are, He had to choose a people as He persevered through dispensational history. We know well the history of God’s dispensation of the chosen people. God chose Noah, Abraham and Moses for this purpose.

God’s heart desired to complete the four-thousand-year history by raising Jesus and resolving all historical heartaches through him. Therefore, Jesus was essential and indispensable for God and the Israelites, whom God chose for the historical dispensational will. Not only the chosen people, all those who live in the world then, needed Jesus. Even all things which existed in heaven and earth then necessarily needed Jesus.

If we accept the existence of God, the central ideology which humankind desires, which will realize the joyful environment, must start with and from one principle standard. That would be an iron rule of the dispensation.

We cannot solve any problem without using a formula. Likewise, one principle standard must be established which will enable us to rigorously reject the historical resentment and introduce happiness into the hearts of humankind. If not, then even if there is some happiness, some ideology and life in God, they cannot make any relationship with humankind. For that reason, God toiled to educate the Israelites in heart to represent His heart. Their happiness was to represent God’s happiness. They were to uphold the ideology of God’s nation. Accordingly, God sent Jesus after four thousand years of the dispensation in order for Israel to build the garden of happiness and goodness by which they could connect with God in a real and substantial way.

One thought on “God Had to Raise One Person and Sanctify Him”

  1. The Messiah comes as the model, the prototype and example for fallen man to understand how to return to God and become one with God. The Messiah is the true teacher, parent and owner. He is God’s perfected son, that is perfected Adam. He establishes the true sinless lineage, and fallen humanity is engrafted into perfected Adam, receiving love, life and lineage through him. The Messiah also needs his spouse, his bride to establish that lineage.

    Just as Jesus could be born sinless from a fallen lineage, the LSA takes a fallen woman from this world and re-creates her under his tutelage. Through her unity with the Messiah, sinless children could be born. The condition for ‘blessing’ is unity with Perfected Adam, the Father, not the Mother, as Adam and Eve should have been united with their ‘Heavenly Father’, keeping the Commandment. Today that is keeping the ‘Eight Great Sacred Texts’ which Father alone lives in.

    John 1:1 “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was with God in the beginning. 3 Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made.4 In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind”.

    “Please take care of these Eight Great Textbooks more than me at this time because I am living in those textbooks. I am in the Word.” Meaning of the ‘Eight Great Textbooks’, given at the European Leaders’ Assembly. August 19-24, 2012

    It is unity with Jesus that allows the Holy Spirit to enter or come to a person, not unity with the Holy Spirit. Jesus could be born on the foundation of the fulfilment of the principles of re-creation, all the historical indemnity conditions established in his lineage.

    He was not born of a sinless woman nor man. He could be born sinless because of those historical conditions.

    Today, it is our unity in heart with True Father as the embodiment of the Word or Substance of the Word that we can be re-born. Just as Mary initially fulfilled her responsibility, to be the ‘womb of God’, giving birth to the sinless Messiah, later on she was not united in heart with Jesus, but this did not subsequently negate Jesus’ birth or his status as sinless Adam.

    Similarly today with the disunity of Father’s wife with him, and rejecting the Word, ‘The Eight Great Sacred Texts’ as Eve rejected the Commandment, this does not negate all the historical conditions established by God and Father in the Providence.

    As she had pledged in early 2012 to obey Father, and because Father had given her until June 16 2013 to perfect herself, this established a condition or insurance policy, that should she err at the time of the ‘Foundation Day Blessing’, she had another four months to correct herself and retrieve her position. She didn’t, but the Blessing was given, again, for all the same historical reasons I outlined, as in Jesus’ situation.

    One final point I’d like to mention to clarify this, is what I wrote in my letter ‘VICTORIOUS FOUNDATION DAY AND THE DAY OF OUR LIBERATION’ – Part 1. 29 September, 2016:

    “From the point of view of the ‘object position’, which is our position, let us remember the importance of Isaac’s faith in accomplishing the Foundation of Faith after Abraham had failed in the original offering. Meaning it is the faith and belief of us as Unificationists in Father, that we were even participating in ‘Foundation Day’, and also that there was a ‘Foundation Day’, as we too had made the necessary preparations for that day as Isaac had also by supporting his father Abraham, and then together they made a burnt offering of the ram. Without Isaac’s unconditional support, the offering would have been a failure”.

    No one can force anyone else to make an offering; the moment he resists, it ceases to be a pure offering. If Isaac had resisted when his father prepared to sacrifice him then the condition could not have been fulfilled and blessing would not have come to him. ABEL’S RIGHT PATH FROM THE PROVIDENTIAL POINT OF VIEW December 30, 1979

    The Blessing comes to us through our unity with the ‘Father’, going back to Adam and Eve, who failed to unite with their Heavenly Father, as Ham failed to unite with his father Noah, and as the chosen people repeatedly failed to unite with God’s Word, so too today, with ‘The Eight Great Sacred Texts’.

    The Word is the object of our faith, not a person. As Father said, “Please take care of these Eight Great Textbooks more than me at this time because I am living in those textbooks. I am in the Word.”

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