We Should Believe in the Substantial Jesus Who Had the New Ideology

Cheon Seong Gyeong 271
In the final period of history, Amer-
ica has played a leading role based on
its Christian culture, which has laid a
unified foundation. Instead of judging
the other nations of the world, America
allowed the defeated nations to main-
tain their independence.
These things suggest that we have
entered the age of God’s providence
when the abandoned sons and daugh-
ters, the prodigal children, can be
brought back into the fold. This explains
why the age of democracy, as a brother-
hood ideology, came about. As the time
of the brotherhood ideology comes to
an end, the parent-centered ideology
will arrive. Unification can occur only
under such a parent-centered ideol-
ogy. This is providential history. (213-10,

Cheon Seong Gyeong 399

The family is an encapsulation of
history. It is connected to history, with
its origin in God. You inherit the fam-
ily vertically. However, inheritance must
take place in a perfectly vertical manner,
at a ninety degree angle. The grandfa-
ther and grandmother, representing
God, have already inherited this. (216-262,

My New Self and the Heaven Where My New Self Can Dwell

Sun Myung Moon
June 14, 1959

Why did Jesus come to this earth and for whom did he come? Representing God, Jesus came to this earth to make people walk the historical path with hearts that could connect to God’s heart and the heart of history. The Jewish people understood how to follow God’s history, but they were not able to follow God’s heart. They upheld God’s dispensation, yet they failed to uphold God’s heart.

For that reason, Jesus came with the historical heart and God’s heart, moving behind the dispensation. Jesus came with the heart that substantially represented the four thousand years of history. The Israelites and the leaders of Judaism, however, did not know this.

Searching for God means grasping the life that emanates from God’s heart, finding the ideology that comes through God’s heart, and searching for the love that comes from His heart. There cannot be life without going through God’s heart. There cannot be ideology without connecting to God’s heart. There cannot be love that does not come from God’s heart.

For that reason, when Jesus came to this earth, he came as the owner for the four-thousand-year history in the realm of heart. Because his heart represented God’s heart, whatever came out of his heart had the power of life. His heart was the substantiation of the historical life, of the historical hope and ideology, and the historical love.

Therefore, Jesus should have been regarded as more important than the people and nation of Israel and Judaism. The Israelites, however, killed this most significant Jesus. They were ignorant of the fact that they could have gained his heart and ideology for the nation, for God’s dispensation, and for the whole universe through this one person, Jesus. They killed Jesus, for they did not know.

Today we believe in this Jesus. We should not believe now in the dead Jesus. We should believe in the substantial Jesus who had the new ideology, the new life, and the new heart of love. However, where did Jesus go? He is no longer on this earth. Because he was killed, he is no longer on this earth.

When will he come again? When Jesus came to this earth, he had the responsibility to establish a new form of ideology and to build a new history and people intertwined with new life and a new heart. Jesus left the word that he would come again, for he had to go without fulfilling these things.

The word that he would have to come again was indescribably tragic. Today’s Christians, however, understand this as a glorious word. They do not know that they should mourn for the dead Jesus before having expectations of that word with hope, as a glorious word. Therefore, if one comes looking for my new self, we should attend and uphold that person.

We are in the last days of the six-thousand-year history, two thousand years after Jesus’ coming. What should we do at this point? The descendants of Abraham should inherit the faith and loyalty of Abraham. The sixty thousand Israelites who followed Moses should resemble the faith and loyalty of Jesus. This is the Alpha and the Omega. For this reason, we can become a friend to God and Jesus in the world of the heavenly heart only when we fight to resolve the aching heart of God as He worked throughout history.

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