Recognize the One Person Who Will Represent the Future Together with History

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2367
You must understand that the Family Pledge
 is the result of extracting
from the Principle all the essential con-
tents needed to establish families. You
must recite the pledge before you pray,
in order to check you and your family’s
internal situation, and you should try
to correct things accordingly. You must
actualize the Family Pledge. In the past,
we had My Pledge. Now what do we
have? We must have the national and the
world pledges in the future. Of course,
the Family Pledge includes all of these.
(260-305, 1994.5.19)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1269

Among Christians, there are a few
who believe that the Lord at his Second
Advent will literally come on the clouds.
If you think you can be saved because
you believe, even if you don’t know any-
thing, your belief cannot be considered
as true faith. There would be no need for
the Unification Church if it were that
easy to be saved. (Blessed Family- 509)

God’s Will Which We Must Untangle

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
June 14, 1959

Matthew 10

Matthew 18

Father, who moves this earth! Please forgive the sorrowful sin of history, which must be indemnified. Although countless people praised You, sad history has passed for six thousand years without fulfilling Your will. When we think who is responsible for all this, we cannot lift our heads. However, we ask You to have sympathy on our poor hearts and please preside over us personally.

We now kneel in Your presence with disheveled minds and bodies. Loving Father, please subjugate this hour, for we know You should be our sole owner. You are the only one who can see through all our situations.

Humankind has struggled to search for You in the course of history, yet none attended and lived with You on the earth. Is there anyone piece of land that belongs to You? Is there any one family that is Yours? Any one people? Any one nation? Nothing on this earth is claimed as Yours.

We dare to understand Your sorrowful heart. We know Your sorrow is that You cannot stand as the owner of this earth even though You are the actual owner, and that You cannot take the authority over this land, even though You should do so.

You worked without being able to take responsibility for humankind on the earth even though You should do so. You were in the position to directly subjugate and command us throughout our hearts, yet You could not do so. You should rejoice over us as the fruits of goodness, yet You could not find any one person, any one day. We did not know in what a sorrowful situation You were involved.

Please permit us to be Your sons and daughters who can be connected to Your sorrowful heart even if we have to lose everything on this earth at this moment. We sincerely desire to feel Your situation and difficulty from the standpoint of Your real children, to shed tears when You shed tears, and to experience hardships when You experience hardships. Father, You toiled for a long time to find and to establish such a person, yet You have not met the central figure who can represent humanity, heaven and the heavenly law.

We know that in the midst of all this, You formed the Israelites through a long historical process and sent the substantial Messiah who represents You and who works centering on Your heart to this earth. The Israelites, however, did not attend the Messiah and did not live together with him; as a result, they have wandered throughout the world. Today, as we face the last days, we are expecting the day of the Lord’s Second Coming. We know that you are searching for one who feels heartache when You feel sadness, one who fights with You, knowing Your situation; one who sings together with You representing Heaven’s joy. Father, there are countless people living on this earth, yet they have not recognized the one person who will represent the future together with history and the age. Please forgive them at this time.

Father, we pray kneeling down in front of You until today waiting for the hopeful day when we would receive that one person. Oh, Father! Please let the precious person who will bring a sincerely loving heart to come to the permitted garden at the permitted hour. Let the joyous day come quickly to heaven and earth. We earnestly hope for and ask this.

Father! We realize that our mind is inadequate, our body worldly, and that our desire moves together with Satan’s. Possessing these internal elements, we are miserable, for we are not qualified to await the one central figure representing God coming at the permitted hour, the permitted time, and in the permitted age. Father, please allow us to lament for our pitiable selves, our pitiable families and society, pitiable humanity, and pitiable heaven and earth.

It is the time for us to atone for our sins in sight of Heaven and earth with a sorrowful heart. Father, please open our minds. Oh, Father, we earnestly ask that You reshape our minds and bodies into the substance which can harmonize with Your hyung sang and Your heart, for our heart does not know how and is not in a situation to relate to Your heart.

If You abandoned us, then we would only be a feast for Satan in this world of death. Oh, Father! You have waged the dispensation for six thousand years! Please do not abandon us in these last days. We know that Your will, which wanted to set the victorious mark, build the victorious garden through us, and show it to the enemies, still remains. Therefore, we ask You to guide us so that we may bring the glorious presence in any kind of difficult position. Father, we sincerely hope that You guide us to be the loyal heavenly subjects who will leave an absolute unchanging heart toward Your will in front of Heaven and earth, even if we are shattered to pieces by the hardships.

Father! Please have compassion on us for we have gathered here today. Please make us understand Your heart now. Allow us to understand our situation. Please eliminate anything and everything that may not be acceptable to Your will. Father, please spread Your mighty hands directly upon us so that our bodies cannot help moving with You, and we cannot help repenting before You, Your heart becoming ours.

Please remove any worldly concepts, ideologies and assertions which are unacceptable to You yet which we have held until today. Please elevate the standard of original sensitivity and conscience so everything may harmonize only with what is Yours. We earnestly ask that You connect our hearts and make them unite with Your heart and Your situation in this hour, Father.

Please make us realize that we are the sinful people who cannot lift our heads, no matter how good we think we are, and that we are the fallen descendants who cannot present any excuse before You no matter how many internal conditions we may have as our excuse.

Father, please purify our surroundings by sending the numerous holy saints. Please reshape us with Your mighty hands by shattering each heart. Oh, my Father, I sincerely hope and desire that You give us the words, as well as the character of re-creation, so that we can be transformed from the substance of death into the substance of life and can welcome the joyful hour of calling You in glory, ecstasy and happiness.

Today is a sacred day, Father, a day in which all people should glorify You. The people of this nation, however, do not know You and most of humanity opposes You. The time has come to understand Your pained heart that laments over humanity. Father, please allow us to be Your sons and daughters who can kneel down and shed ceaseless tears in front of You at this time, as we feel the historical sin of not representing Your lonely heart and situation. We sincerely ask that we can be Your children who can sing and comfort Your heart until our bodies disappear, for we realize how much Your heart has been wronged.

Your sons and daughters who are gathered here are miserable people. They do not have any friends, any defenders, nor any companions on this earth. They searched and followed this path by crossing lonely hills, lonely trails, and lonely thorn bushes, being beaten time after time. Father, have compassion on them, for they understood that they have to keep to this path at any cost, even if they fall and die.

You are the only one who can take responsibility for the lives of Your children who are longing for Your heavenly ideology out of their thirst for life. You are the only one who can comfort their situation. Father, please subjugate their heart, their situation, and their environment. I truly ask that this hour be a sacred hour in which You reveal Your presence to them and sacred hour of worship.

We have arrived at the last days, the period where time rushes forward. The time has come for us to assess where we have been from the objective perspective. Please make us see clearly and criticize ourselves: where we are at, in what direction, and with what purpose we are going. Father, we know that we must desperately work to eliminate any gap that may exist between Your wishes and ours.

Father, please make our mind and body united as one. Please make us move only if You move and stop when You stop. Please establish a turning point in Your dispensation, and please make us prepare ourselves as the representatives of Your heart who can sing the glory of Heaven and move the countless holy saints in the spirit world.

Please grant the same grace to the lonely members in the countryside who are kneeling down and praying to You now. Please spread Your loving hands and bring about the motion of life to all those places where members are pleading to You with desperate situations.

Father, please guide us to the realm of Your dominion where we can sing of the glory of resurrection. Please embrace us with Your loving heart. We sincerely ask You to bless us to become offerings to You with childlike hearts, minds and bodies that admire and long for you. I pray all these things in the name of the Lord. Amen.

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