The Lord of the Second Advent Brings the Ideology of Heart

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1503

The family is the basic unit in build-
ing God’s Kingdom. Once you enter
God’s Kingdom, you would never
want to leave, because “the One” with
whom you want to meet tens and even
hundreds of times dwells there. If all
humankind had a common desire to
enter there, and wanted to meet and
live with Him, the world could be uni-
fied right away.
The Unification Church is heading
towards that destination. However, that
cannot be established all at once. First
the foundation of the individual must
be laid, followed by the foundation of
the family, expanded into the tribe,
nation, and world. (12-180, 1963.4.1)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 963

Shower holy wine in all the nations.
Wouldn’t everyone be revived after
drinking holy wine? The liberation of
the fallen world would be hastened.
Even give it to the whole creation. Then,
everything will return to God’s side.
Now I will shower the whole earth with
holy wine using an airplane. Even if I do
not reach everyone, I will spread it to
the major cities and pray for them. You
have to realize how fearful True Parents’
prayers are. If I pray for the destruction
of a nation it will be destroyed. It would
be unavoidable. (298-232, 1999.1.8)

God’s Will Which We Must Untangle

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
June 14, 1959

Matthew 10:34-39

Matthew 18:15-20

God initiated and drove the movement of reform and openness. After reforming and opening the periods of history, all the ideologies and world views of the world, and religions, God will unite them with one heart which never existed in the human world before. God is working to abolish the world of illicit relationships, because the humanity today is the result of the fallen relationship.

Therefore, in the last days, my parents, my children, that is, the parent-child relationship, will become my enemies just as Jesus advocated in the past. He also said, your husband and wife, your family itself will become your enemy. Look at the situation of our society today from the viewpoint of the family as the unit. The parent-child relationship is breaking down. Isn’t it so? Parents killing their children, a child killing the parent, and the fidelity of the conjugal relationship breaking down. The fundamental family relationship itself is breaking down. Ethics and morality which humanity advocated are breaking down. Religious doctrines are breaking down. Consequently, we are arriving at an age when we no longer can recognize which is which. Everything is shaken.

In this chaotic situation where most people are confused, depressed and lamenting, a people who pray “Father, please hasten the coming of that age,” should come forward among the thirty million people of this nation. Heavenly sons and daughters who pray likewise should come forward.

The declared words of Jesus are being realized automatically in its external form. Why did Jesus speak these words? Because it is the history which is bound to pass by and it is the illicit emotional foundation which is bound to fade away. For these reasons, Jesus said, “I am the son of God.” He was the son of God who came with heavenly heart and love, not with the human heart and love. He said that he is the bridegroom representing the heavenly heart and love and the believers are his bride. Representing heavenly heart and love, he called the believers “the brothers and sisters.” He said it all. What then should all of humanity feel at this age of the last days? God has reformed and opened history, the religions, and even our family foundation by waging the movement of reform. We should now look for the one standard that can unify all this.

God gave the blessing of dominating all things to the humanity. He promised that all the things He created would be in the domain of human subjugation. For that reason, the world is moving toward the global formation that humanity can dominate. This is happening externally.

We said we will restore God’s will. Restoration does not start from God, but from an individual. We then should restore our brothers and sisters and our parents in the family level restoration.

The time has come for you to long for yourself to be able to represent Jesus, to be able to connect the words of Jesus with your heart. Your self is the problem. No matter how many people are here, the one whom God loves the most cannot be two persons. Two people cannot rule the world of heart and love. The problem is the one person, who can represent God’s ideology and the world view, and the people, who can represent today’s Christianity, the changing social history, and everything of history, the age, and religion. God has been resolving everything that is scattered all over, and He needs to set one center there.

Just as Jesus came with the representative mission to resolve the scattered four-thousand-year history, the Lord of the Second Advent comes to resolve everything of the six-thousand-year history. What ideology or world view would he bring? He brings the ideology of heart. Historically, there was the age of truth before the age of ideology. It meant that society was guided by a certain philosophical foundation or standard of knowledge. Through that process, humanity has arrived at the age of ideology today. When things change upon the philosophical foundation, they are criticized in the realm of ideology.

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