We Should Feel the Holiness in Everything of Nature

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1435

Then, what should you do next? You
must long for the day when you will be
able to register as a family of God. More-
over, you should not be the only one
longing for that. All humanity must long
for such a day. (8-114, 1959.11.22)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1250

The love between a husband and wife
is engrafted to the vertical love of God.
Once you become one with that vertical
love, there is no one on earth who can
detach it. The engrafted love is bound so
strongly to the love of God that no one
can ever separate it. That is why even
though everyone complains about their
lives and how difficult it is to go on liv-
ing, they still continue to seek the path
of love. (180-309, 1988.10.5)

Longing for Eden

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
June 28, 1959

Genesis 2: 1-25

We should confess that we are descendants of the fall before being proud of ourselves. We should reveal our sinful nature and history, which is stained with fallen nature, before we reveal anything. Although we are in this situation, we have been evading this position. As we see the enlightenment taking place more and more often, God must resolve the sin-stained history and the resentment of the sin which is transmitted through the blood-lineage.

God’s longing and our wish are to resolve this resentment of sin. If the day of enlightenment does not come, there will be no day of resolution and liberation. If there is no day of resolution and liberation, there will be no day when God’s will is fulfilled. If the day of the fulfillment of God’s will does not come, there will be no day of glory for God who has guided the dispensation or for humanity, who followed and supported the dispensation.

We should be able to feel with our mind, body and spirit, the holiness in everything of nature. Our original nature should feel the touch of God’s heart. We should be able to feel the heavenly heart and love which are experienced through our original essence, our original nature and character in our body. If such a person exists, he would be the happiest person on earth.

Before the fall, the ancestors of all humanity should have possessed minds connected to God’s heart. They should have established all things as a glorious condition before God, as the symbolic, eternal objects of happiness and beauty which can bring internal stimulation. They should have proudly shown themselves as the substantiations of glory by the internal stimulation which comes from all things. However, they did not become such people. That is the greatest sorrow.

Eden is moved by God’s heart. It is to harmonize with goodness, to practice heavenly ideology in daily life, to symbolize goodness in everything it sees, hears and feels, and to stimulate goodness in every aspect. If you can harmonize with God’s heart and gloriously call Him, “Heavenly Father” from that place of goodness, that would be your greatest happiness. If God could make a relationship with such a person, He would make no further demands. We should know this.

If we trace the process of God’s creation, He created all things in five days to create the human ancestors, Adam and Eve, the true parents of goodness who were to represent His true hyung sang. On the sixth day, God created the central figures who could dominate all things. With what kind of heart did God look forward to creating these central figures? I hope this hour can be a time when You can call “Heavenly Father” within your mind as you reflect upon this again.

We relate to all things every day; they give us visual stimulation. However, we have related to them with the same old heart. Had the fall not taken place, all things would have been related to by our original nature, centering on goodness. We should think again how our ancestors would have felt looking at nature; how God would have felt looking at nature and at human beings.

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