Our Past and Present Life Has Been Overly Insensitive and Unsentimental

Judges 6

14 Then the Lord himself said, “Gideon, you will be strong, because I am giving you the power to rescue Israel from the Midianites.”

Matthew 1

Jesus Christ came from the family of King David and also from the family of Abraham. And this is a list of his ancestors. 2-6a  From Abraham to King David, his ancestors were:

Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Judah and his brothers (Judah’s sons were Perez and Zerah, and their mother was Tamar), Hezron;…

Longing for Eden

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
June 28, 1959

Genesis 2: 1-25

A world-famous scholar would have the sensitivity deep in his heart to harmonize with the heart of nature. Having the sensitivity which can be connected to nature, he would unexpectedly receive hints, inspirations or dreams. These phenomena would occur only when he was intoxicated in his research area.

History testifies that people of much love and emotion did great things. If there is a religious person who can call out “God!” when he looks at a patch of grass, harmonized with such an emotion, he would indeed be a great religious person.

In Buddhism today, many people pray for blessing in front of a statue of Buddha. The external difference between the subject and the object in this instance would be enormous. However, in the world of heart, there would be no difference. If they believe and connect to it as God by the feelings inspired there, then God does not abandon such minds. He fulfills their wishes. The phrase “a wish come true” originates from this.

When we consider these things, our past and present life have been overly insensitive and unsentimental. We have had a desolate cosmic view. You should feel sorrow about this. If you become a person who does feel sorrow about this situation, then you will be called “a new person” in the new world and will be able to take responsibility for the new age. I have confidence this is true.

We should become a people who can forget our own sad feelings by the joy we feel from looking at growing grass, instead of frowning and lamenting as we look at our environment and the problems of society. If there is such a person, he would remain in the new age. If there is a person who aspires to the ideal and heartistic world, he would indeed try desperately to make a certain relationship with God.

Unification Church members! Please feel astonished when you look at growing grass. The unlimited power of life and God are there. When we look at a surging mountain peak, we feel a different emotion today compared to yesterday. If I could sing of the different emotions my heart feels with the changes of the four seasons, how elegant would that be? That person would be able to harmonize with all of nature. The original human being before the fall would certainly be such a person.

If there is a person who can sing and rejoice over the flowing stream, the river which flows through a vast field, the surging mountains, the rising morning sunshine, the moonlight shed from the east, and all things, unmindful of time, then he would be the true original human being of whom God dreamed and idealized as He created all things. This is the one to whom He wanted to entrust all things. The person who visits all the beautiful places would be the same. God wanted such human beings.

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