Up Until the Present You Have Lived as You Please

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    Peace Kingdom Center
    Harpers Ferry, WV
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Cheon Seong Gyeong 2110

Up until the present, you have lived
as you please. Now things are serious,
however. You are responsible for whether
you are losers or winners. That responsi-
bility does not lie with me, but with you.
Will you return to your hometown with
the title of loser or with the victory of
a winner? Which one is it? You should
return with the victorious foundation
of God and True Parents. With this you
can advance to your hometown. Because
your hometown is the world condensed
and because it is a reflection of my fam-
ily, you should think of God’s and True
Parents’ history of indemnity as you
work to fulfill your responsibility, and
you should tearfully welcome the people
who come to you. When someone visits,
you should have such a heart that you
can talk with him all night without ever
tiring. (178-116, 1988.6.1)

Cheong Seong Gyeong 1367

The spiritual standard of the growth
stage has been established on the nation-
al level. In establishing the global stan-
dard, since the spiritual foundation of
Christianity works as the global founda-
tion, the substantial global standard had
to be connected to the Christian cultural
sphere. To do this, I went to the United
States and carried out revival activities
nationwide. Wherever I went, I was wel-
comed. In this manner, I connected all
this foundation in America to Korea as
the representative of the national stan-
dard. That was how I returned to Korea
victorious. (190-275, 1989.6.19)

The Path In Search of the Original Homeland Rev. Sun Myung Moon July 5, 1959

Luke 15: 11-32

11 Jesus also told them another story:

Once a man had two sons. 12 The younger son said to his father, “Give me my share of the property.” So the father divided his property between his two sons.

13 Not long after that, the younger son packed up everything he owned and left for a foreign country, where he wasted all his money in wild living. 14 He had spent everything, when a bad famine spread through that whole land. Soon he had nothing to eat.

15 He went to work for a man in that country, and the man sent him out to take care of his pigs.[a] 16 He would have been glad to eat what the pigs were eating,[b] but no one gave him a thing.

17 Finally, he came to his senses and said, “My father’s workers have plenty to eat, and here I am, starving to death! 18 I will go to my father and say to him, ‘Father, I have sinned against God in heaven and against you. 19 I am no longer good enough to be called your son. Treat me like one of your workers.’”

20 The younger son got up and started back to his father. But when he was still a long way off, his father saw him and felt sorry for him. He ran to his son and hugged and kissed him.

21 The son said, “Father, I have sinned against God in heaven and against you. I am no longer good enough to be called your son.”

22 But his father said to the servants, “Hurry and bring the best clothes and put them on him. Give him a ring for his finger and sandals[c] for his feet. 23 Get the best calf and prepare it, so we can eat and celebrate. 24 This son of mine was dead, but has now come back to life. He was lost and has now been found.” And they began to celebrate.

25 The older son had been out in the field. But when he came near the house, he heard the music and dancing. 26 So he called one of the servants over and asked, “What’s going on here?”

27 The servant answered, “Your brother has come home safe and sound, and your father ordered us to kill the best calf.” 28 The older brother got so angry that he would not even go into the house.

His father came out and begged him to go in. 29 But he said to his father, “For years I have worked for you like a slave and have always obeyed you. But you have never even given me a little goat, so that I could give a dinner for my friends. 30 This other son of yours wasted your money on prostitutes. And now that he has come home, you ordered the best calf to be killed for a feast.”

31 His father replied, “My son, you are always with me, and everything I have is yours. 32 But we should be glad and celebrate! Your brother was dead, but he is now alive. He was lost and has now been found.”


Having struggled hard in the darkness, we have gathered once again this day, longing for the Father. Please enable our minds to abide with Yours now. Please enable our minds and bodies to move as one with You.

Heedless of Your own limitless toil, You endured much to accompany our ancestors throughout the different eras and centuries. We also know that You took many pains to open up a new path for our ancestors. Nevertheless, our ancestors trampled underfoot the meritorious deeds of Heaven, which were accomplished with such toil. They became shameful by causing Your heart concern. Please forgive them.

We have learned that the sins of our ancestors are a matter of great and lasting regret. We know that the rueful deeds of the Fall have caused countless human beings to fall into misery for six thousand years. We are afraid that we might inherit the wayward minds of our ancestors, who throughout history betrayed and grieved the heart of the Father. We are in the final days, when we must go over the hill of regret due to the Fall and tread down the bitter resentment our ancestors left behind. We must rise up. Please allow our minds to be stimulated by Your mind now. Father, I ardently wish and pray that You will allow us the hour of glory when our bodies can represent Yours.

Who is to make the tearful appeal, having harmonized with the Father’s heart? Who is to fight representing the Father’s situation? Countless people are living on this earth, and each person lives in their own respective style. However, there are very few people who know that the Father has been going through the history of sorrow again and again because there has been no region or person who could reciprocate with Him in the matters of the heart He keeps within His bosom. Since we now know this sorrowful and bitter inner heart of the Father, please let this be the hour when we relieve our minds and unburden ourselves, grafting everything onto Him.

Father, let this be the hour when we allow absolutely nothing of ourselves. Let us rejoice only where we have been grafted onto the Father. We cannot help but appeal to the Father with all our hearts now.

These humble people have knelt down this day in honor of the heavenly emotion. My Father, You who understand our pitiful situation, You who have accompanied us and fought in miserable circumstances for us, please receive us. We have prostrated ourselves before You with concentrated minds. We are aware that we must belong to You and be governed by You. That is why we have come forth, heedless of the long years we have toiled along life’s journey to attend You with our hearts and souls. That is why we have come, patiently scaling even the difficult and regrettable peak of danger.

It was to leave history behind that we came forth to endure this path. We are aware that You have never ignored those who sought You; You did not reject Your enemies; You took pains to put those who asked in the position of Your friends. Father, today we wish to ask with all our minds, to seek with all our hearts, and to bind with You, offering all that we have. Therefore, please look at us with compassion. Please realize our demands; please realize the objectives we seek and our wishes as we knock at Your door. Hear our entreaties, Father. I pray this from the bottom of my heart.

The one thing we unworthy people eagerly look forward to is to have a moment in which we can rejoice with the Father’s mind. That is all we ask. That is all we have and all of our life. Father, please look with compassion at Your sons and daughters who are gathered here in this hour.

Father, please set us upon the path of life and guide our steps upon it. We appreciate that You have guided us in enduring difficulties until today, that You have helped us forbear persecution and have taken pains to work through us. You have taken us in hand that we might not leave behind bitter regrets; You did this even when we fell down. Today, many sons and daughters have gathered here to offer their hearts and devotion once again to You. Father, please be good enough to visit each mind personally. Please be present in their hearts. Please, if possible, graft heavenly life into theirs.

It is high time we fulfilled the mission of the final days, to march forward against the enemy with the bitter pain of God deeply penetrated in our hearts. Father, reveal Your authority and appear to us with the power of life.

Since we are trying to alleviate Your grievous resentment at the risk of our lives, please allow us to go forth with the principles of love. Allow us to be brave soldiers who can step forward before the Subject of love and fight the enemy. Father, I ardently pray and wish that by doing so, we may become the children who have such life that all of creation on this earth can recognize our abundance and commence life in the restored garden.

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