Rev. Moon’s Spiritual Battle

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Cheon Seong Gyeong 2172

If you settle down and find your place
in the family, then things will change
180 degrees. That’s why, even though I
told you a few days ago, I’m telling you
again to put up pictures of True Parents.
That is the position where you become
one with True Parents directions, so you
will live, just like the people who looked
at the snake Moses held up on a stick.
This is exactly the point.
People who look at the Unification
Church flag and curse it will later devel-
op problems with their eyes and all sorts
of things will happen to them. The rea-
son it hasn’t happened yet is because you
haven’t raised your flags with true devo-
tion. Also, when you put up True Par-
ents’ picture, if you can truly devote your
heart before doing that, then if someone
points a finger at it in scorn, that finger
will be bent. All sorts of strange things
may happen. It is because you haven’t
devoted all your heart that it hasn’t hap-
pened that way. (218-72, 1991.7.2)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 944

In order to become the Lord at his
Second Advent, I had to go to the spir-
it world and return with God’s seal of
approval. By my going to the spirit
world, a battle took place there for forty-
three days. Everyone, from the bottom
of hell to the top of heaven, said, “Rev.
Moon is a heretic!” I had to deal with
this, beginning from the lowest place,
right through to the saints at the very
end. I had to argue with them in God’s
presence and go through a decisive battle
that decided who was the Lord of righ-
teousness. What was the issue at that
time? It was concerning the stained lin-
eage of all the people in the spirit world
and whether they knew that they had to
change that.

Richard:  This speaks to the struggle Rev. Moon went through to find the truth.

The Path In Search of the Original Homeland Rev. Sun Myung Moon July 5, 1959

Luke 15: 11-32


Father, You know our heart before we tell You. We realize that the Father is present in person with us this hour at least. Please allow us to feel that this is when Heaven attends to everything that concerns us.

Father, You went through the toilsome historical course. Please manifest Yourself before our eyes today. Refurbish us with new words. Relate to us with a new heart. We want to cleanse everything that is inadequate and offer everything we have with a child-like mind in the dignified presence of the Father. Please let us lay bare before You all the formalities, doctrines and concepts which influence us from this world. Allow us to have child-like, meek and humble minds. We are trying to offer ourselves to You, having equipped ourselves with humble, malleable minds. Please receive us. Triune God, please move us.

Father, please do not tolerate any elements of satanic opposition to Heaven within us. Let our victory be a shield against Satan. Please do not let Satan invade in this hour. I pray with the most sincere possible heart that You will allow this place to be an altar which conducts blessing as we respectfully bow before You with blissful hearts as heavenly soldiers watch over us. Let this altar bring our whole lives to victory.

We entrust everything to You, Father. Please let us lay bare all of our opinions and hearts before You. I pray in the name of the Lord that You will let this be the hour when everything we have is converted to the Father’s. Amen.


Please look with compassion upon Your sons and daughters who are bowing their heads in this hour. Who is going to be a leader among them? Who is going to represent Heaven and the words of truth? This congregation wants only the Father, so please manifest Yourself personally. Allow us to experience Heaven through our hearts. Allow us to experience Your circumstances, which we cannot help but feel. Please work in us so that we cannot help but have repentful hearts before You.

We know that when people gather, things may get entangled among them in spite of efforts to disentangle them. However, we also know that gathering together centered upon Heaven has a softening effect on the mind. Please arouse in us a deeply reflective mind which can repent for our past mistakes and long for a new day through the works of indemnity, repentance and inspiration. This can untangle at the deepest level all the entanglements of the sinful tribes of humanity. Please allow the miracle of re- creation to take place in this hour by our repenting from a deeply reflective mind. Father, I offer this wish from the depth of my heart.

Since I am about to deliver the words, please extend Your hands of love and protection over those gathered here in this hour. We know that the minds of the receivers and the mind of the deliverer must act as one, in unity. We do not want to be impatient for the happiness of the body; nor do we wish to live only in the mind’s intoxication. We want the garden where there is nothing but heart. We want to live there forever. Father, I pray with a most sincere heart that You will allow a connection of heart to explode within the depths of each of us even as we live to make such a condition, and that it may dwell in us more deeply.


Father, many words have been delivered to Your sons and daughters before. Our path is to carry out the responsibility and mission, unified by these words. Father, please be with us and protect us so our path will not be blocked. Please let these words help in harvesting fruits for the Father’s inner heart. If not, Father, I sincerely wish and desire that You will allow us to fear leaving behind regrets before Heaven because of the words received.

Since this is a holy day, please bestow the grace of blessing upon all. I know that there are many sons and daughters building secret altars, appealing to Heaven, clinging to Your heart for the sake of the will. Please bless them, too.

We are the throng of people who struggle hard, embracing the lonely heart of the Heavens. Even the numerous spirits in the spirit world, who look forward to the day when the payment of indemnity alleviates their resentment, are connected to us. Father, please allow their concerns to come to a good result because of us.

Please guide us not to call upon You without correcting the deficiencies which put us below the standard of heart which the triune God looks for and waits eagerly for. Please raise us in this hour to be the happy people who can call upon the Father from a position of having made up our deficiencies. Since we are not in such a state of grace, I earnestly hope and desire that You will guide us in this hour to become sons and daughters who can attract the Father’s heart of compassion and mercy by being meek and humble as children.

Please bless the members who are scattered throughout the country on this day. Since they are also appealing to You, solicitous of Heaven’s time, please grant the grace of life to them. Earnestly soliciting this, I pray all these words in the name of the Lord. Amen.

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